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@@NotSoWitty I know! I feel like if a bride is contacting you even if your swamped you should respond within 48 hours at least to serve the purpose of acknowledgement.


Try Petra if you haven't already. I'm like positive she will be your best bet!


Good luck!!!

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@@jennifernoel1 we were married in the states in February. But we wanted to exchange vows and do the real "show" in Mexico. It's important for us to have that special feeling. I'm being charged a very fair amount I believe. 250. The officiant has been emailing and talking to me about ceremony choices. Vows, special requests, our story, etc and she will put together our ceremony to last about 20 mins. It will be symbolic but no one will know better.

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I'm planning to have my Uncle perform the ceremony. I lived with my Aunt and Uncle when I was in College and they have been role models to me, having been through a lot of the same things that I have, travelling after university, starting a career late... so it means alot to me that they be involved.  He's a lawyer, so I'm hoping my family just assumes he got ordained lol!

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  • 3 weeks later...

@LisaAnthonyPoppy have you though of asking someone you know? A friend or family member? We do not want a religious ceremony and both think it would be nice if the officiant adds a personal touch and understands how important this day is to us. We are planning on asking my oldest brother. He is good at speaking in public, and will be officiating for one of his close friends at the end of the month I want to wait after that to ask him. I'm French Canadian and FI is American, I would love to incorporate a few things in French in our ceremony and my brother is perfectly bilingual.


As you said and I totally agree, the ceremony is the most important part and the more I think about it I don't want a stranger we will never see again be the one to 'bless' our union. 


Just a thought. 

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  • 1 year later...

Hi girls. I can see this topic is now live anymore, but probably anybody can help me. Getting married in April 22nd in Playa del Secreto and trying to find wedding officiant netive english speaker for us. I cheked different web sites and there is rivieramayaofficiant.com who seem very responsible and good. i have read really positive reviews bout them at wedding wire. Anybody of you here used their services? I wanna try them, but just wanted to hear any more comments. here is their web page www.rivieramayaofficiant.com
Thank you

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