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How Many Bridesmaids Do You Have?

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@@kmk2016 - LOVE this!!! I don't think I'd open it. Maybe I'll get one for my sister just as a keepsake!


@@McGee2Be - yup.  he's weird LOL.  He makes friends but is awful about keeping in touch. He was in the military so that made it worse.  Unless his friends/classmates were stationed with him, he disappears. The Best Man has been friends with him since middle school and the ONLY reason they are still in touch is because he (Best Man) makes the effort to do so.  He's the same way with family.  He struggled to list 20 people friends/family combined.   I'm like your fiance re symmetry.  I'd be ok if it was a slight mismatch (4 girls 3 guys or something like that) but since it'd be 4.5 I just opted to stick with my sister & niece. 

Edited by girlinthecity97
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I originally had 7... That turned to 9.


My sister, my 2 cousins, his 2 sisters, and 4 best friends. I plan on asking them to be bridesmaids for Christmas by sending them a care package.

Whoa! That's a lot!!

I just have a maid of honor that's it... Mind you it's a smaller wedding .. I feel that if I asked one cousin, I would have to ask alllll my cousins so I just chose my closest friend who's been very involved in my relationship as my support system.



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Cute idea with the care package!!


I have 5 and my fiance has 5. We didn't originally plan to have even numbers, as I have 2 MOHs but he ended up picking a 5th. I personally wish I had less, but I guess I am lucky to have so many close friends in my life. I have no idea what to get them for gifts when the time comes though!

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I have two bridesmaids and a "man of honor"

We wanted to keep it small and considered only doing one a piece but I'm happy with three!

Although we each have 1 who hasn't booked yet. Fingers crossed they will soon!



Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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I originally had 4, now down to 2. Two of them cxld on me couple wks ago. Have asked 2 other friends to replace them but both have said its not within their budget to come..*Sigh*

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I originally had 4, now down to 2. Two of them cxld on me couple wks ago. Have asked 2 other friends to replace them but both have said its not within their budget to come..*Sigh*

That sucks.... Well a smaller wedding party means u can funnel that money on something else
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