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People Backing Out- What Percentage Of People Did You Lose?

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I think one of the toughest thing so far is people not being able to accomidate the time and money to come


for a few of our friends, we have helped with monetary arrangements so we could ensure that they came.


One of my closest friends just told me she wouldn't be able to come, because she was put on acidemic probation, and is worried about missing the time. I know that the story is b.s- because my wedding is 6 months away! Regardless- I understand, because it's a lot of money and time to come all the way to Mexico just to hang out and watch us get married.


So far this is the only person we have lost from our guest list, but I've heard its not uncommon for people to drop like flies when it comes time to book.


How many people have you lost so far? for what reasons?

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Well I'm not a great example because we lost everyone! And ended up getting married just the two of us! But we only had about 16 people anyway. It was second time around for both of us, we're quite a bit older and have grown children with kids of their own. But everyone was on board and enthusiastic in the beginning and we were going to have the whole group, but as one went down, the rest followed and in the end even the MOH and BM backed out. Needless to say we aren't friends with them anymore since their excuse was total BS!


Having said all that, there is a lot that comes into play when trying to figure out who will and who won't. Who the people are - family or friends. Where you're going, how many you've invited, when you're going and how much it really is going to cost. Some people will move heaven and earth to be there with you (maybe the ones you don't expect), then the ones that you think you're really sure of are the ones that back out. The ones that tend to wait until the last possible moment to book are usually the ones that have had to give it serious thought either on the money front, or vacation time front or whatever.


If you want a "safe" count, I would think figure on about one quarter of who you've invited to decide no. But again.... a lot will be just wait and see.


Good luck!

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Well I'm not a great example because we lost everyone! And ended up getting married just the two of us! But we only had about 16 people anyway. It was second time around for both of us, we're quite a bit older and have grown children with kids of their own. But everyone was on board and enthusiastic in the beginning and we were going to have the whole group, but as one went down, the rest followed and in the end even the MOH and BM backed out. Needless to say we aren't friends with them anymore since their excuse was total BS!


Having said all that, there is a lot that comes into play when trying to figure out who will and who won't. Who the people are - family or friends. Where you're going, how many you've invited, when you're going and how much it really is going to cost. Some people will move heaven and earth to be there with you (maybe the ones you don't expect), then the ones that you think you're really sure of are the ones that back out. The ones that tend to wait until the last possible moment to book are usually the ones that have had to give it serious thought either on the money front, or vacation time front or whatever.


If you want a "safe" count, I would think figure on about one quarter of who you've invited to decide no. But again.... a lot will be just wait and see.


Good luck!

Thanks! I'm sorry to hear that everyone cancelled. We're inviting about 65 people. We're hoping that since we're over a year ahead, that most people will be able to book their vacation and since they can pay in instalments, it might be a little bit easier for them to come. It works out to be about $150 per month. I know some people will say no. We're thinking we'll probably end up with about 40 people, which is fine. Worst case scenario, it will be our families and us :) and as I was talking my brother the other day, the people who matter the most is the family and the closest friends, if the rest can come is a bonus :)

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So far only family has reserved. Which would work even if no one else booked :) we invited 20, and have a total of 15 now


We only have two other people who really are working hard to come up with the money to go- one friend has their flight, and one hasn't booked anything yet (she's a total procrastinator) we decided if worse comes to worse we will offer to split the bill with them as we have been friends with them for years. The whole reason we wanted the destination wedding was our small circle, mixed with our family in Mexico having a blast.


I know it's going a bit overboard helping them pay like that, but we kindof planned on it being that way- not a whole lot of our friends have the money to do something like this. my best friend is working 2 jobs while living alone, and in school- his brother is getting married a few months away from us, so their money is being dumped into that.


We said if needed we would take the extra money we would have spent on a wedding at home, and make sure all of the right people make it to Mexico


I definitely need to see someone TRY before I help them though-

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So far only family has reserved. Which would work even if no one else booked :) we invited 20, and have a total of 15 now


We only have two other people who really are working hard to come up with the money to go- one friend has their flight, and one hasn't booked anything yet (she's a total procrastinator) we decided if worse comes to worse we will offer to split the bill with them as we have been friends with them for years. The whole reason we wanted the destination wedding was our small circle, mixed with our family in Mexico having a blast.


I know it's going a bit overboard helping them pay like that, but we kindof planned on it being that way- not a whole lot of our friends have the money to do something like this. my best friend is working 2 jobs while living alone, and in school- his brother is getting married a few months away from us, so their money is being dumped into that.


We said if needed we would take the extra money we would have spent on a wedding at home, and make sure all of the right people make it to Mexico


I definitely need to see someone TRY before I help them though-

That's so sweet that you are able to help your friends out! It sounds like you will have a great group of people there supporting you :)

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That's so sweet that you are able to help your friends out! It sounds like you will have a great group of people there supporting you :)

I've been blessed with a few good friends- it has been a rough road so far though. There have been a couple of people that have just backed out, my opinion of them has changed a bit...


You would think people would want to go to Mexico, ya know?!


I think havinga small circle of family and friends would be best anyways, an intimate wedding is what we wanted after all :)

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I'm interested in this as well. Originally we wanted a small wedding but I ordered save the dates yesterday and it came out to 52 cards i.e. 140ish people!! Yikes. Interested in seeing who books. So far we will have 22 for sure (immediate family + me/fiancé).

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I've been blessed with a few good friends- it has been a rough road so far though. There have been a couple of people that have just backed out, my opinion of them has changed a bit...


You would think people would want to go to Mexico, ya know?!


I think havinga small circle of family and friends would be best anyways, an intimate wedding is what we wanted after all :)

I'm sorry to hear that! I'm trying to stay positive and keep in mind that some people will not make it and try not to take it too hard but I think sometimes that might be easier said than done. I think that yes, as long as your closest family and friends are there it's going to be good. I guess there's always the people who come back with some BS excuse last minute and it's probably hard to look over that. Oh the drama of weddings...hahah

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Well for us we had 60pple family and friends all say they coming. Deposits were due March 31 and about 40pple paid the $200 to secure the price. Final payment is due July 30 and so far pple that have already paid the non-refundable deposit had cxld about 10!

Just be expecting pple you always thought would be there on your wedding day to cxl, it's not easy to accept but it comes with us making this choice!

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