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Marriage Certificate - Post Wedding

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Hi All,


I hope everyone's wedding plans are coming along nicely and you're not too stressed out.


I had a question, mainly for past brides from UK, with regards to your wedding certificate after you are married.


obviously the marriage certificate is in spanish when you first receive it but i was wondering what you do with it when you get back home?!


do you have to "register" the marriage anywhere at all? i know that we need to get it translated into english but not really sure what to do with it after that?!


Im surprised that there is a sever lack of information around about this type of thing considering people go away to get married every day!!


any help of suggestions are more than welcome.




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@@mark82 - I'm not sure how it works in the UK, but I know that in the US, we must have it translated into English and then approved (or something like that)...

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Thanks pddcmc,


i know we will need to get it translated into English and "certified" but i was wondering if we need to send a copy to a registery office or such like to make sure our marriage is recognised here in the UK.


i'm amazed at the lack of information that can be found on this like this on the web.


i have also contacted our travel company that we booked the wedding through (Thomson) as they have a specific wedding department that should hopefully be able to shed some light on the procedure.

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Oh, I'm sorry! To avoid the hassle, we are actually going to "get married" at the courthouse right before we leave and have a "symbolic" ceremony in Mexico. Apparently, the civil and symbolic ceremonies look exactly the same and you still "sign" a wedding certificate. Just a thought...


My fiance's family won't mind that we are doing this, but my family and friends would be really upset to find out that we asked them travel to another country for a ceremony, even though we were already married. SO, it's a big secret! shh! lol

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if the UK is like the US and Canada, you don't need to "register" you wedding at home at all. you have your marriage certificate. the marriage is legal if anyone questions you. it's just registered in another country but doesn't need to be re-registered. it's like getting a quickie divorce in Las Vegas.... it's recognized anywhere as long as the requirements are met. Same with getting married elsewhere. We got married in Jamaica. We didn't do a symbolic ceremony there - we did the acutal legal wedding. For whatever we need, we have the certificate to prove we're married. That should be all you need.

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Thanks for the information guys. we're actually already married Azulbride2014, we got married on 12th April 2014 at the Riu Caribe hotel in Cancun.

We were just unsure of whether we had to register our marriage somewhere here in the UK now that we are home so that my new wife can get her name changed on all her documents i.e. passport, driving license etc 

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