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27 Days Until I Leave For Mexico

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Hi Ladies,

I leave for Mexico in 27 days!!!! I'm so excited but at the same time I am stressing over last minute details. I am going to write down what I have done so far and if anyone notices something I am missing please let me know :)


I have my dress, veil, shoes, (flip flops and heels) earrings,and necklace. Tux and shoes for groomsman, groom, and my father are ordered. I will order boutinerres when I arrive. I have bridesmaids dresses, necklace, and flipflops. My bouquet along with the bridesmaids are all ordered.  Gifts for groomsman and bridesmaids are all finished. I have robes for all the girls to wear when we get ready. Hair and make-up appointments are made for the wedding day.

As for the ceremony we have few cute signs, sand ceremony, chair bows, aisle decorations,and fans for the chairs. Programs are already made. Guest book is bought. Photographer and DJ are both booked. All my wedding songs are picked.

We have a rehearsal dinner set up, and a dinner for the night of the wedding. We made menus for dinner. We also have keepsakes for the guests along with hersheys in a little box. I bought maracas for the table to shake for the kiss. We have little seashell frames for our seating name cards. I am still up in the air about the centerpieces but I have a pretty good idea what I want to do. Groomsman gift is bought. I have a box for the ringbearer. still need  a flower girl basket.

I need to buy my garter still and gifts for my ring bearer and flower girl. Ages 8 and 6...any suggestions?

OOT bags are all finished and packed. What else am I missing!?

I would hate to arrive in Mexico and forget something. Thanks for your suggestions.


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Bring air fresheners for each hotel room.  I just got back from RIU Palace RM.  Many of the rooms have a musty smell (noted on Trip Advisor).  I went in enough rooms to notice that some were better than others.  I think some people probably never used their while other people specifically told us they were good to include.  

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Wow! You seem like you have it all covered. I'm not that in order yet...working on it though. I will be using this to help me with my last minute organizing to pack.


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@@lukose thanks for the suggestion!!! I never would of thought of that. How did your wedding turn out? Did you have a semi-private dinner? We are doing a semi-private dinner at chilli then moving to the Daquiri bar after for our reception with a DJ. Are these close by each other??

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My wedding was great - I've been writing a long review in Word to post.


We stayed at RIU but with 90 guests, had our ceremony and reception off-site.  My wedding was simply amazing, everything I wanted which is what every bride should come home and say!


Yes, Chilli's and the Daquiri bar are quite close to each other.  There are two elevated terraces of the Chilis restaurant which is where I think they do the a semiprivate reception.  I used my 'wedding package' semi private dinner to have a family only dinner and it was on one of hte terraces and felt very private.


One tip - don't pay or ask the hotel to hand out your OOT bags.  One of our guests checked in and showed the front desk with the travel form for our wedding and they handed her a welcome bag for another wedding.  The funny thing is that wedding was the exact same day and time as mine so my friend didn't realize for a couple days that she had the bag for someone else.  She kept asking me about things the other bride had scheduled like beach volleyball on Sunday and I was like "I guess we can play volleyball..."  Once she realized she returned the bag to the front desk but had already opened things.  I actually ran into that bride during my stay and told her about it.  That bride told me a number of their bags were given to the wrong people.  Too much work goes into them to not have your guests get them! 

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