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Bridal Dress Shopping?!

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I was just at David's Bridal last week and they actually provided the strapless bra and slip/crinoline for me!  I was so happy too, as I was traveling (visiting my mom) and don't even own a strapless bra that fits.  It was such a relief to use their stuff and not worry about it.  (Although, YOU KNOW they tried to sell it to me as well.)

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@@kellisbaby - DB is one of my stops for shopping tomorrow... how was your experience? I've heard more often than not that they are so busy that it's hard to get the attention that you may have been hoping for...

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I just hope someone will be there to give some assistance anyway. I hope I find something there. The first time I was at David's Bridal was this past weekend just looking around (they were too busy so I had to book an appointment for a later date). It looks like they have a lot of dresses so I am hoping I find something here.

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They have tons of dresses... Look online before you go and pick a few that you want to try... You can make a profile of their website that they can bring up on their IPad when you are in store.



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I had an appt at DB, so it was fine. I had 100% undivided attention of the consultant. But, it was weird that I came in with a website profile and dresses in my "favorites" but they still had me browse the racks (which I found very overwhelming). I'd suggest browsing online and having a list if dresses you want to try on. Stick with your list,but be a little flexible. They did not have the Melissa Sweet dress I loved. But I ended up buying something very similar. Happy shopping!!



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If you can make your appointments for the week instead of weekend, you'll probably have much better service. The sales girls told me that weekends can be a zoo (esp at David's). I made most of mine for Friday early afternoon, and I was usually the only one in the store getting undivided attention - it was great. Even at David's, I had my own sales girl and she was really awesome. Honest and helpful

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@@kellisbaby - TODAY IS THE DAY! I am going dress shopping with my mom, my faux-mom (family friend that is like my second mother), and my faux-sister (my real sister is in NC with her hubby who is training for the Special Forces). 

I made appointments with the Wedding Gallery, David's Bridal, and Clarice's Bridal! Oh, and I have a strapless bra packed! lol thanks for all of the advice ladies!

@@kcole123 - did you create a profile on their website? Once I did that and started browsing, similar dresses would pop up on the right side as suggestions

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