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Jamaica/beachy Music

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So I want to make mixed CD's for all the guests coming to our wedding and will hand them out with pre travel brochures a month or so before we leave. I need some good ideas on songs to include to get everyone in the mood and pumped up for the trip! Obviously Bob Marley, but does anyone have other suggestions? I really want a mix and not all Marley but not sure where to start. 



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Attached is our song list for our CD we just sent out as well as pics of our CD cover. some of our songs are "mexico" songs since we are getting married there but you can use some of the other ones if you wnt.

We send these out last with in a pre travel mailer and I have gotten SO many compliments and friends texting me that they were listening to the CD!! it was a BIG hit



CD Song List.docx



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