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Bambi And Kyle's Playa Del Carmen Planning Thread 01.07.2015

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Okay ladies, I've been reading through these planning threads and it inspired me to start one to keep myself more organized!! I'll try my best to keep my thoughts as organized as possible!


A little background info: 


The Groom to be:




Kyle Derby

Born 03/1975

SO handsome in his uniform!! :)


The Bride to be:

Me And deucey


Bambi Roberts

Born 01/1984

The other love in my life--my fur baby Deuce! :)


First things first--- Our love story....





Bear with me on this one... I'll make it as short as possible! :)  Kyle and I met around 2008(ish)...  When we met, we were both married to other people... Him to his ex-wife who he'd been with since 19 and me with my ex husband who I'd been with since I was 15.  We met Kyle in Pensacola Fl, as both he and my ex are in the Navy.  They became friends and so began our friendship.  Let's now fast forward to 2010... My ex and I got transferred to another duty station In Jacksonville Florida and as part of Navy life, you just kinda lose track of people (sad but true).  In 2011 my ex got sent on an 8 month deployment-- long story short-- he decided that I was no longer what he wanted and on the day after his homecoming he told me he wanted a divorce.  As many of you can imagine, this was a very difficult time in my life..  Now here comes the happily ever after!!! FFW to March of 2012   :)  Kyle and I got back into touch... We began communicating on FB quite often and I came to discover that he was in basically the same situation and was also going through the big "D".... We were able to talk and confide in each other about the difficulties and sadness... We became very close... One day Kyle asked if he could come visit--he was still stationed in Pensacola, which is about a 4 hour drive from Jacksonville... I hesitantly agreed... I was just afraid of what may come!  He came that weekend and we hung out and had so much fun together! It was the first time in a very long time that I had felt happy again!  Kyle kept coming to visit as often as he could and our friendship turned into becoming best friends... We spoke on the phone for hours and hours daily and saw each other as often as possible!!  I moved to Nebraska to be near family and Kyle got transferred to San Diego... We made the long distance thing work and we have been together ever since!! We are more in love now than we have ever been and I am so happy to me marrying the absolute LOVE of my life--my true soul mate!!!  I really am marrying my best friend!!!  I wholeheartedly believe that this was our destiny... We both needed the struggles of our first marriages to become who we both are today! Kyle would visit as often as possible and I was more than happy to fly to sunny San Diego for a visit... We made it work... It has been difficult at times, I won't lie, but we have worked through everything and are SO SO SO in love!!! We both really thought we'd never find another love.... Kyle asked me to marry him on new years eve of 2012 at "our bench" on a walking path along a lake in Omaha Nebraska. It was so sweet and romantic, and totally my style-- intimate and personal!!  We've had a long engagement due to the long distance and also Kyle deployed for an 8 month deployment in January of 2014, but that is coming to an end!!! August of 2014 my love will return and we will be able to live together for the very first time and continue planning our dream beach destination wedding!!!


Sorry that was long!! I really tried to consolidate the story without leaving out too many details as to confuse people!!! :)


TO BE CONTINUED!!! I have to get to work!  :wub: 


The engagement shoot:



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I'll keep this section pretty short and just share a few photos... WE had a blast with our local photographer... Becky Howe Photography... It was luckily one of the warmest days in December this year, so that was great! I was not looking forward to having to take photos in the freezing cold! We had the photos taken at Elmwood Park in Omaha Nebraska while Kyle was here for Christmas leave from his ship before he deployed.  


Here's a few shots.... 








There are so many great ones, but I don't want to bore you with a thousand photos! :)

Next.... Decisions, decisions-- destination wedding and resort headache! :)

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Love your thread! And such a cute story! Being a second time arounder too - don't know if that's a word or not lol - the big D really does suck. It's tougher when you have kids I think - they always get caught in the middle. But I too found the love of my life after thinking it would never happen again, so I know totally what you're talking about. We have been together almost 13 years and I love him more now than ever. We've been through a lot too. I think it makes you stronger if the relationship is good. If it isnt', then it just helps it fall apart quicker. We've had our ups and downs - don't think there is anyone that doesn.t but marriage takes work and if you know it's what you want, then you find ways to get on with it!


Definitely want to hear more!! And the pics are great!! LOVE your ring!!!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Destination wedding decision---


Kyle and I knew from the moment he asked me to marry him that we wanted a beach wedding... Having met in Florida and spending most of our time on the beach, we just knew that was us!!!  We had originally planned to have the wedding at one of our meeting places, Destin Florida... Which is absolutely gorgeous and we love it there... Then we realized how expensive a US wedding would cost for us and our guests... They'd be spending about a ton on a flight and hotel stay in Florida... So we began researching a destination wedding... I immediately knew if we were going to do it that we HAD to do it in Riveria Maya--having been there 2 years ago for a friends wedding, I already knew how beautiful it was!!


We looked at multiple resorts, but we started looking before any pricing contracts were out so we couldn't get an accurate account of the costs... But we got estimates and went from there... 


Our original choice of hotel was the Barcelo Palace Deluxe--but since my friend got married at the Barcelo I didn't want to be a copy cat and I wanted to try something new...


Next we found the Royal in PDC and we absolutely LOVED that resort but it was totally out of the price range that we wanted our guests to have to pay.... 


That led us to the Gran Porto...


I was a bit nervous since I hadn't seen a lot of recent reviews for that resort for weddings, but we decided that we loved the look and the price and the fact that it's near the "downtown" area so people could feel free to wander about the town and aren't stuck at the resort the whole time... So we went with it!!! 


I am still a bit nervous about the fact that it's a public beach but if people want to watch me get married that's okay with me!! :)


We got booked the DAY that the pricing became available! I couldn't stand to wait any longer!! It was a long 3 month wait and that was enough!!!  


We are leaving Saturday 01/03/15, have the wedding on Wednesday 01/07/15 and will leave :( 01/11/15-- OH I CAN'T WAIT!!!

Wedding colors--- NEED A BIT OF HELP LADIES!!! :)


A definite color is Fuchsia-- as you can tell I LOVE pink and could definitely not have a wedding without having the main color as pink!! I asked to have fuchsia and light pink, my Kyle said we needed a more masculine color, but if I really wanted two pinks he'd be ok with that... So I compromised!!! 


For the second color, I'm a little torn....


I'm thinking aqua so I have a complimentary color and not two dominant colors... As my other choice is teal, but I think it and fuchsia together would be too much... Thoughts??


Here is the fuchsia and aqua inspiration






Fuchsia and teal inspiration--



Let me know your thoughts ladies!! Thanks! :)

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Your story of you and your fiance is so sweet! You sound perfect for each other and very much in love. And I think I said it before, but I really LOVE your engagement pics together. Esp the one you used as your profile pic

I love these planning threads. Going to make one too once I become less lazy :)


Have you considered a hint of mint or turquoise? I've seen some pretty weddings using that. I personally wanted to stay in the  same colour family, but I think done well the contrast can look pretty. I love how pinks look against the vibrant blue of the water and sky, so I'm going with shades of pink, coral, gold and a bit of orange thrown in

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Thanks!! We are perfect for each other!!! :) I wanted to start my planning blog to help me stay on course and keep myself organized! Plus this is fun so it keeps me coming back to add more! :)


I did consider mint, but my SO wanted a blue color... That's why I thought the soft aqua would look great... He came up with the teal, although it looks more green to me and I did consider turquoise but again was afraid of having two dominate colors... 

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