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Names On Video

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We are having a REALLY small DW (about a dozen people) and I'm getting a video made to be able to show/share when we return. Since the DW is so small we are not having a bridal party and are paying for the wedding ourselves. My parents are attending but his parents are not due to health issues. What is the etiquette on listing names in the video?


My videographer is seeking a list of names for the "bridal party" to include in the video which also states father/mother of the bride/groom. Do I put my parents down? Both sets of parents even though they both won't be there? Or do I omit their names as we aren't having a traditional bridal party and are paying for this ourselves?


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Well I can probably compare with you in terms of a small destination wedding ... lol  We were 2. That's it. Just us! lol  But we had a wonderful time! So don't worry about it being small.


We had a video done. Why do you have to put the parents names or bridal party names? There's no hard and fast rule that says you have to do anything. If it's important to you, you could put your parents names, then your FI's parents names and with it something like "loved but missed" or something to that effect that indicates that they weren't there. But to be honest, it's nobody's business and I would just tell the person doing your video that you don't want the names added into the video.


Good luck and happy planning!

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