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Room Blocks And Discount Sites

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Hello! Just curious if anyone has had to deal w/ their resort offering a better deal on their site or other discount sites than they offered you in the room block and what the outcome was. I'm currently dealing w/ this and am waiting to hear back on a resolution but am just curious about anyone else's experience. The only differences in the room my resort is offering at a MUCH (talking hundreds in credits and free room nights) lower rate is that it's a partial ocean view over a full one, of course the listing states an upgrade is provided when available. I have already had a few guests book at this rate or w/ other package deals offered on discount sites, and it seems wrong that the hotel wouldn't honor that as part of my room block, but I really don't know how this will play out. Seems like this type of situation may come up more often these days w/ groupons and cheapcarribeans becoming so popular. If anyone has any advice on how to approach this if they try and tell me it's a no go, I'd really appreciate it. Thanks! 

Edited by mustlovegreg
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I have this problem right now too. The resort is offering travel agents better package prices and my guests are booking through the agents instead of the resort. But I miss out on free resort credits because of this. Hard situation to be in!

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