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@@MrandMrsBonitto2016 - LOL trust me, you will! The more time you spend on this site, the more you will find to post a comment to.  :) Besides, If I was in your shoes, I'd take my time & post my heart out.  Unfortunately, I caved because I'm impatient & am racing to knock out as much as I can as quickly as possible.  One friend was like "relax, you have time" but I really don't.  February 2015 will be here way before I know it.  I can't believe April is here & flying. :)  

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Awww it will go by fast. I initially thought I had time & now feel the pressure! :) I wish I'd been like you and done research on sites like this far in advance.  A friend of mine was like you and her planning was a breeze because she had all her ideas locked down and locked in rates 1.5 years out, which was a big saving. 

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@@MrandMrsBonitto2016 - we have our resort which is Generations Riviera Maya so my niece can be in the wedding but our guests can stay at El Dorado Royale next door, which is all adult.  The other nice thing about Generations is that adult guests staying there have full access to El Dorado.  


For save the dates, I did emails and have ordered retro styled postcards to send to those relatives & family friends who don't use email or social media. 


I'm now working on invites.


What about you? Have you decided on a resort? 

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