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Disappointed In Wedding Photos! :(


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We just got married on January 23rd in Jamaica at the Bahia. We had a group of 50 and had taken my husband's aunt as the photographer (she had done our engagement photos). We had the understanding that we had a photographer from the resort for the day as well, which turned out to be just for the ceremony as we were not willing to pay $500 extra.. We had planned on purchasing more than the included 15 photos in our package, especially if his aunts photos weren't exactly what we wanted.


The day before the wedding I started checking the weather only to find out that it was calling for thunder showers all day! Needless to say I started to panic. I did not come to Jamaica to be married inside in an ugly hall. The people on the resort had been saying that a lot of weddings had been rained out lately.


The day of the wedding 2 out of the 4 bridesmaids didn't show up to the planned breakfast we had and were no where to be found at 9am when the hair and make up girls showed up. Once we found them no one wanted to go first because they were worried their hair wouldn't last. It was 10am when they finally got started and the wedding was at 4. We had 4 bridesmaids, myself and both moms to get through. Before I knew it it was 3:30 and the wedding planner said the rain looked like it was clearing up and the wedding would be outside! My aunt even called and said there was a rainbow. I was thrilled. Only problem was I still wasn't even done my hair and makeup and didn't have my dress on. We literally had no time for pictures before the wedding. I got a few with my parents but not one of the girls and I.


As I was walking down the isle I could see people wearing bags over their heads and some with umbrellas.. The rain held off long enough to get married and get a group picture on the beach ( from the resort photographer) we then had champagne while the steel drum band played under the gazebo. Everyone left other than the wedding party and photographer so we got a ton if pictures under the gazebo while it poured. There is only one picture of the bridesmaids and I and I'm not a fan of the angle of my face :( there is one with the girls,myself and the groom and my eyes were closed. It was like she had only taken one of each shot and wasn't paying attention to detail. We decided to run back to the hotel when there was a break in the rain as dinner was supposed to be at 6:30 (outside) and it was close to 6 at this point. It started pouring again as I'm running through the resort in my wedding dress.. The wedding party agreed that we would do a beach session the next day to make up for photos. Finally made it back to our room to fix my hair and makeup and then off to the reception. We had an amazing night... The rain stopped and we were able to do our fire lanterns on the beach and stay outside for the reception,


The day after we started hearing complaints from the wedding party about having it get dressed up again so we talked to our photographer who assured us she had enough.. I looked at a few and was happy so we let it go and just my husband and I got dressed up again for photos on the beach.


We ended up getting 37 photos of the ceremony from the resort and have a ton of candid pictures from guests. We just got a disc of all the photos taken from my husbands aunt and I am so disappointed at the selection! :( the beach pictures the day after are ok but I don't feel like they compare to what some of the other brides got the same week( you obviously get what you pay for).a lot of photos are unusable because we are squinting or eyes are closed or just look awkward because there was no direction. I just kind of felt ripped off seeing other brides photos from the same resort in a FB group that I ended up having to leave because it upset me so much. I think I just went into it with expectations that were clearly too high.


Am I being unreasonable to want to ask my bridesmaids to put their dresses back on for one good photo in the summer? Will it even matter in 6 months?


Pictures to follow!

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Some of the pictures from the day..I only have 2 of the whole wedding party together.One of the pictures of myself and the bridesmaids is from a guest.. Also a couple from the beach shoot..













Am I over exaggerating? I was expecting these..




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I feel bad that you aren't happy with the results. The wedding is really about you and your husband... more so than the others. My suggestion would be to forego having the bridal party get dressed up and just do a session with you and your husband. After all those the pictures that really matter.

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Anyway to post your pics without having to download them? I'm a "noob" and don't have access to see them.

I just put a couple up on our website. They are better quality on my computer..



I posted some in my profile too.. Not sure if you can see them..

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I am really sorry as well that you are not happy with your photos. The ones you posted on the website look nice! But I'm sure you only posted the ones you are happy with.


It wouldn't hurt to throw it out there to the wedding party about maybe taking some pictures over the summer. (I'd bribe them with food an beer. I can get my friends to do anything if I promise beer lol) I don't think it's too much to ask, it's just a matter of getting everyone together again. 


If you can't get everyone, how about just you and your husband like the other suggestion or maybe you can at least get the maid of honor and best man...

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I think the photos you posted were beautiful! I really do think the wedding is more about you and your husband and the bridal party may not want to get dressed up again. Plus they aren't going to look the same as your wedding was on the beach. I also don't think that in 6 months you are going to care to be honest. And honestly I think the ones you have are really great!

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