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Jib Jab- Tons of Fun


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JibJab | Funny Jokes, Animated Videos, Cartoons, Flash Movies, Hilarious Clips, Parody, Satire


I don't know if anyone else had done the Jib Jab "Starring You" videos but we have so much fun. I orginally made this one of FI & I then sent it to a few people at work. It blew up and everyone started sending out these hilarious videos.


The "Sendables" are funny ecards too. I sent the "I f***ing love you" to FI and he laughed so hard. We have stupid humor I guess. :)


I just wanted to share because I made a group one of my wedding party and they adored it. Now I just have to figure out how to get it on our wedding website... that nobody looks at. lol!

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