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Are Engagement Pictures Really Necessary?

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@@csho I'm glad he came around for you, and the location must have been beautiful! I've always got my camera in his face and I think he's a little over it lol. The cost was a factor for us as well ... I would rather spend the extra money on great photos of the wedding day. 



I don't think there is a right or wrong way to do it - you guys do whatever you want!

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They're nice but not necessary. I've seen plenty of save the dates and invitations from just regular photos. You even have the option to not use photos for your notifications.

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We did engagement photos but with a family member so we lucked out with the fees. We wanted to go back to where it all began at a baseball stadium and was actually allowed in for some photos. We have them hanging up now until our wedding ones! I don't think we would have done them if we didn't have a family member in photography.

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I also don't necessarily like getting my picture taken, especially cheesy ones, so I doubt we will be getting engagement photos.


We also have a few friends that are amateur photographers on the side so we will probably get a few photos done to include on our wedding website and in our invitations.

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We did engagement pictures... but from a friend who did 'em for free.  I don't think they are necessary at all.  Honestly, we took ours a year ago, and I don't like them anymore b/c I've lost 50 lbs and now I think I look totally fat in the pics.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I personally always thought engagement pics were kind of silly. I'm not knocking anyone who got or really wanted them! If you want to capture that special moment and have a fun photo session I think that's fantastic! But to me the pictures always look so staged and unnatural and a little bit cheesy. My future husband and I have never gazed into each others eyes while skipping through a pasture LOL. We just used old photos from past vacations for our site. Do what you want and can afford! Don't do anything because you think you have too.

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We're doing engagement photos... They are included in the package, and our photographers and videographer arrive three days prior to the wedding. We are doing a picnic shoot two days before the wedding, and on that same night the photographers and videographer are throwing an engagement party for us (with pro pics!). We are never officially going to be engaged before our wedding, so my FI is going to give me a ring before that shoot - a ring we are going to add a diamond to every year on our wedding date.


The shoot is going to be very casual, and we are just going to enjoy ourselves with good food, swimming, and just a relaxing day with our new friends :)

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Engagement pictures are not a necessity and photographers are really expensive.  Save the money and put it towards your wedding photos and ordering additional prints from your wedding pics. 

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