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Help! Trouble Contacting Wc At Dreams Los Cabos


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Hi all,

I have recently booked my wedding at Dreams Los Cabos for 10-12-14. Unfortunately, we are having an extremely hard time getting in contact with the WC there.

Initially, we were working with Maricela who was amazing and quick at responding. Then she left, and we were redirected to Magda. When we went to Cabo to do a site visit, we stayed at Dreams and had a horrible first impression of Magda. She did not get in contact with us while we were there until our 2nd or 3rd day at the resort, even though we requested to meet with her on our first day there. We looked beyond that, and still went with Dreams - but when trying to get our contract done with her, she was very unresponsive - making up excuses and saying that her computer broke and that she is the only WC at the resort.

Now we have been reassigned to someone by the name of Angel. He/she started off great by contacting us in early jan to introduce himself - & that's as far as it goes. We haven't heard from him/her yet, and actually we made an "appointment" for a phone call with him/her for today and have been waiting for the call. Almost 2 hours later, we are still waiting...


Just wondering if anyone else is experiencing these issues and was wondering if anyone has any suggestions on how to proceed. Does anyone have any Dreams los cabos managers contact info that they can forward along? I'm beginning to get stressed that we made the wrong decision in choosing dreams.


thank you!


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Thanks Tammy. I am working with Teresa Stauring, who has already been notified and has begun to try to pacify the situation with the people at Dreams. She has been great at assisting in these situations, but I have not heard anything back from the WC at Dreams as of yet. This has truly left a sour taste in my mouth.

Thank you for your reply. I hope the situation resolves sooner than later.

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Teresa knows the WC and management so with her involved I am sure it will get resolved quickly.


I know a few of their longtime WCs (mariana, yarai, yesica) left so they are struggling to train new people.


That being said, I got married at Dreams Los Cabos and my WC quite right before my wedding and a new WC filled in and I was freaking out because I thought I would have to start new, they would not know what I wanted, etc. but the new WC (mariana) ended up doing a fantastic job.  They do know what they are doing, just slow on response.


Also, for October you have plenty of time.  are there any questions that I might be able to help with?

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Well.. I realize we have time, since our wedding isn't until October. But we had a few things to discuss with the WC. for starters, we need to set the venue for our rehearsal dinner. we also need to discuss our ceremony, which is supposed to be at the gazebo. We are expecting 80 guests and it seems the gazebo area may be too tight for 80 people. Also, I know the photographers from the past have since left and that a new group has joined Dreams. I'm trying to figure out if we need to hire a separate photographer or if we will just end up paying to keep the photographers included in the package longer. We also would like to proceed with hiring a DJ, florist, and hair and make up artists, but none of these things can be done until I get a chance to touch base with a WC.

Basically, we have a lot of unanswered questions, and it's just bad business on their end to not even address our concerns. I understand that we have time before these things need to get done and that there are weddings going on that they need to focus their time/energy on, but I think we deserve to be able to have at least one conversation with someone, being that we've been booked for 2 months and cannot get a response out of anyone.

I like to read the forum posts and have faith that my wedding will turn out just fine.. but I guess I expected more from dreams. They just seem so uninterested in having our business, which is far from what I can say about other resorts that we were considering.

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hi Tammy,

thanks for letting me know. Teresa actually spoke to them for me, and the director of sales followed through and called me. she was great to speak to, and I was able to voice my frustrations a little to her. and afterwards, my WC Angel contacted me, and I was able to speak to him about a few of the wedding details. But i still get the feeling that I'm just one bride out of many, and they could care less about how I feel or what I need to get done. Angel promised better communication, but almost a week later, I still have yet to hear back from him on some of the important details I asked him to look into.

I guess I need to learn to just let it happen in due time, but it's hard when I have things I need to get done as well and can't because I can't even get information from the WC!

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I'm getting married at Dreams May 23rd. I have had a heck of a time contacting Magda as well.  Back in November she said November was a very busy time for them.  It still takes about 3 weeks for a response.  As of Friday they switched me to Marcela.  I'm hoping the closer and closer we get we can actually start confirming décor.  Oscar, the manager of the hair salon is wonderful at responding.  Gets back within an hour or so. 

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