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@@1BeachBride I have royal blue and turquoise in my colours too... I'm going with an ocean coloured theme too :)



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@@talicea7812 I can finally see your pics!! Everything looks awesome! :)



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The night of our wedding the family took our daughter so we were able to have the night alone.  We were both very tired but when we got back to the room a Honeymoon banner had been hung on the door.  As promised the room was decorated with rose petals.  They had filled the hot tub with water and tons of bubbles.  To add to everything all our reception flowers had been brought back to the room...so it looked amazing :) We also had a bottle of champagne waiting for us... The rest, well I'm sure you know




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The morning after the wedding was a very early one...we had only gotten about 3 hours of sleep and were up again for our trash the dress session.  It was a beautiful morning but the ocean was freezing.  We did pictures only about knee deep in the water and did some shots out on the pier.  I'm definitely worried about how my hair is gonna look in the pics.  My hair is no match for the salty sea air and was definitely frizzing.  I wish I had worn it curly instead of trying to straighten it that morning.  I also wished I had pushed through the cold and got all the way in the water.  Wet hair would probably look better than frizzy hair. 


After the shoot we went back to bed.  At 9:30 our honeymooners breakfast in bed was delivered to us.  It was just an insane amount of food.  Definitely too fancy for my taste.  Out of everything I ate a bagel and drank the amaretto coffee.  If you are staying at a Karisma resort and getting the breakfast in bed...I would suggest sharing most of the meal.  There were 4 or 5 courses...most of which I would think would be good to share.  I felt bad because a lot of the food went untouched.  Some of the groomsmen even stopped by and ate some of it... still sent so much food back. 


Originally we wanted to spend the day alone together...but as soon as I woke up I missed my daughter.  We spent some of the day with her at the pool and beach then kept the evening for ourselves.





Dinner on the beach is done in the cabana's that people use during the day.  They pull the mattresses out and set up the tables inside.  If definitely was a little chilly because there was a good breeze blowing of the ocean. 


My dinner selection was called "magic night."

1. asparagus gratin with hollandaise, parmigiano and truffle

2. seafood bisque with lobster and saffron essence

3. angus beef tenderloin with peppercorn sauce, spring vegs, and mash

4. trilogy of chocolate (taken from another menu)


My husband ordered different items for the 4 menus.  He did order the same desert.


Like I said before, Im a picky eater...the only thing I really ate was the main course and desert.  Both were very good.  Whatever I didn't eat, my hubs ate a little of it just to try it out.


Dinner on the beach was a nice experience.  It was nice to get away and just be with my new husband...however, I definitely don't think it would be worth paying the extra money for had it not been included in the wedding package.  The food was delicious but no better than what we were getting in the restaurants. 

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The Japanese restaurant is beyond awesome for the sushi lover!  In the center there is a circular bar with a sushi chef in the middle.  He stands in the middle hand rolling sushi, then places the pieces on little boats that float around the circle.  Guests can sit right at the bar and help themselves as the items float by. I also had the lemon chick dish.  Amazing!!! This restaurant was definitely a great way to cap off the vacation. 


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when I booked my stay at Azul, we planned on spending 3 days in a deluxe room and 3 days in a family swim up suite.  I chose the family swim up bc my TA told me it was the most spacious out of rooms.  I wanted lots of space for the getting ready part of the wedding day. I would have my bridal party in the room, photographer, and the hair and make up duo. 


When I arrived at the hotel, I was told that I had been upgraded...which turned out to be a honeymoon suite.  Very nice and even though its smaller than the family room it cost more.  At that point I was under the assumption that we would still be switching rooms the day of the wedding.


Later when I asked about it, I was told I was in the computer as staying in the honeymoon suite the entire vacation.  At first I was like okay...that's fine.  It was definitely a nice room and worth more that both the rooms I had booked.  Well the day after the wedding I stopped at the in laws room.  They were staying in the fisher price suite.  same as the family suite I had booked just no swim up.  I was definitely impressed with the room...and mad that I never switched over.  There was so much more space...3 separate rooms- living room, bedroom, and bathroom with a Jacuzzi! I liked my room until I saw the family suite and definitely felt cheated.  I really wish I had check out the room before the wedding.  If that were the case I would have definitely switched.


So just a word of advice...be careful with the upgrades.  Even though the room costs more it may not be what you need.  The Family Suite would have been amazing...even better bc we would have had a swim up.  I will post pics later.

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Well it is very true when people say "you find out who your friends are when you plan a wedding."


I only had 2 bridesmaids.  Each only booked a 2day stay.  BM1 actually flew in the sunday b4 and spent the week at another resort with her family. 


Both girls arrived on Friday (day b4 the wedding)  BM1 showed up first and everything started off to be really fun.  We had lots of drinks, swam in the pool and did some drunken salsa dancing.  A little later in the day BM2 showed up.  At that point BM1 had too much to drink and got sick.  BM2 went off with her to take care of her...which is fine.  But that was it.  Didn't see either for the rest of the day.


That night we had rehearsal dinner & they arrived late...very late. When dinner was over I went over to talk to them and was pretty much blown off.  I said something about them coming back to my room and they were like "oh you should get some rest."  So yeah...the night b4 the wedding my hubs hung out with his friends and had a great last night as a single man...while I spent the evening alone with my daughter.


The day of the wedding.  I woke up early with my daughter bc I wanted to be able to have some beach/pool time with her b4 I got all wrapped up in getting ready.  Both BM's were no where to be found.  I was at breakfast (which there is only one place open for breakfast) then I was at the main pool.  Easy to find.  The BMs decided to finally show up right as my hair and makeup people arrived. 


I have never been the center of attention, nor do I ask to be.  My BMs are the attention grabbers while I'm usually the one who flies under the radar...but for one day I hoped to be a big deal.  Unfortunately I didn't get that.  I can't even say either one told me I looked beautiful.  I dunno... I always thought of the wedding day getting ready part as a huge bonding moment with the ladies. 


Well...its situations like this that make me all the more grateful for my husband and daughter.  I may not have the best girlfriends...but at least I have my family.  In my vows I said he is always the one that comes thru for me...and its true.  So many others have let me down.

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What ever you do...don't let them overcharge you.  I had my meeting with Omar and Paola.  There really wasn't that much to discuss bc I wouldn't pay my balance until my wedding worksheet was totally correct (which took til the day b4 I left for Mexico) I had an email from my coordinator that I would not be charged more than $250 for set up.  The day after the meeting I brought omar my decorations and he tried to charge $300 for setup.  He tried to tell me it was bc I was an outside florist? and they would have to bring the flowers in.  Really? an extra $50 to intercept the flowers from the lobby.  My hubby picked them up from the lobby the day of the wedding and took them to the wedding offices.


The only thing I ended up ordering from Lomas was the 2 small hanging corsages.  Total waste of money...even tho they didn't cost much.  I really wish I had just talked to Marvin (who did the rest of the flowers) I should have asked him to do them.  I must point out tho... Omar was able to reuse them for the reception.  He put them on the table with my place cards and stuck peacock feathers in them.  Good idea :)

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@@talicea7812 wow I am so sorry your "friends" treated you that way. You really do find out who your true friends are and that's unfortunate that they had to act that way at your wedding. If you're going to act like that, don't come?! I don't get it. You do not need people like that in your life!

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So I think I pretty much covered all the wedding stuff... If you are reading this and have any questions please don't hesitate to ask.  I'm honestly a party planner at heart...I only wish someone would pay me to do it.


So now the plan is to have a small at home reception.  We aren't doing anything major bc we feel that we spent enough money in Mexico but it should be a good time.  The plan is to have the party June 28th.  By that time we will have the pictures back from the photographer and the video back. 


This week I sent out a very informal facebook invite to all the people we invited to Mexico.  Since June 28th is also very close to my daughters birthday we are doing a dual party.  The invite was titled "Our Mexican Fiesta & Aubrey's Very Merry Happy Unbirthday."


We intend to decorate the inside of the house in Mexican fiesta type decorations & serve Mexican food- cheap, easy to make in bulk and everyone can craft their tacos to their own specifications & hopefully some Mexican beers and Margaritas!  For the 2nd half of the party we will have the outside deck and backyard area decorated for an Alice in Wonderland, Mad hatter tea party theme.  We are going to have an awesome mad hatter cake and "tea" related beverages- iced tea, twisted tea, long island iced tea :)





About a week ago I found out that I'm pregnant!!!  and we are going to announce it at the party!!!  I have a Mexican fiesta dress for my daughter to wear the 1st part of the party.  When we switch gears for the bday part I'm going to change her into a different outfit.  The shirt is going to say "BIG SIS"  I'm just going to change her and let her go...see who picks up on it first!  I seriously can't wait for the party.  We already have 30 people who responded yes.  It's going to be a great day!


I've attached some pics of the bday stuff- cake and my daughters outfit items.  I'll post more about the AHR as plans come along :)




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Congratulations on the pregnancy!!!   Thank you for your planning blog and all your advice.  This site can be overwhelming so it was nice to follow you through this process.

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