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Tina's Peacock Wedding Planning Blog


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The rest of the guests arrived on Friday.  It was just another low key day filled with drinks, friends and good times.  My favorite spot at the resort was definitely the Aquanox bar! Part of it was swim up while the other side served people on dry land.  The area was surrounded with tables and swinging beds. It was an awesome spot to hang out.


At night we had dinner at the Blue International restaurant.  We dubbed this our "rehearsal dinner" even tho we did not rehearse.  It was a semi private event so the tables were set up in a U shape.  There was a pre-set menu.  Soup and Salad were the same for everyone...2 entrée selections (chicken or fish) and the same desert.  Again...my picky eaterness (I know its not a word) came into play.  I didn't like the soup or salad.  I requested the garlic cream soup that was on the regular blue menu and it was awesome!!! im a big fan of garlic so it was perfect. Dinner as usual was really good.  I wish I could remember exactly what the dish was called.


That night my FI and I decided to sleep apart and not see each other until I was walking down the aisle. I went to bed early with my daughter and he stayed out and had a guys night at the Tequila Lounge.  The bar there is very dark...red, with an ice top bar.  Its the bar open the latest on the resort, 




I chose a child friendly resort bc several of our friends have kids.  Unfortunately, none of them came so my daughter was alone with the adults for the week. Azul has a childrens playroom called "azulitos."   The room was seriously amazing! My girl loved it and spent a lot of time in there.  The room is sponsored by Fisher Price and is filled with toys from baby on up.  There's a classroom looking area where the older kids were led with arts and crafts projects. they had a tv/video game area and a physical area with a slide, climbing area, trampoline, and balance beam.  Children 4 and up could be left with the employees.  I can't say enough nice things about this place.  It was really a great energy outlet for my very physical child.  Her favorite activity...climbing up the slide :)








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Tina - I'm so glad you enjoyed your stay, especially after all of the planning stress. I can't wait to see more about your wedding!

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I love your thread!! You've inspired me (along with the other planning threads) to start my own!!! I am anxiously anticipating more posts and pics from you!!  I'm so glad that after all the drama and stress in the beginning that you had a fantastic wedding!! And I LOVE the peacock theme!! Gorgeous colors!!

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Well the day didn't start off so pleasant. I was up early and went to breakfast with my mom and daughter. Afterwards my FI and I tried to keep in touch in order to avoid seeing each other. At 12pm I was to meet with Omar, one of the wedding coordinators.  He was to show me the weather report for the day and I had to make a decision to keep the ceremony on the beach or go indoors to the lobby. Close to noon my daughter started getting very cranky but would not go down for a nap and I was unable to get in touch with her grandpop who was supposed to be taking her...and my bridesmaids were no where to be found.  Oh wait...let me back track.  I was keeping my dress in my mom's room so that it could be taken out of the bag.  When I brought it back to the room I happened to look out the window and there was my monster in law wading around in our swim up pool looking in the window!!! Seriously!!! She had been at the resort for days and never once did I see her walk by but today here she is (when she knows I don't want anyone seeing ahead of time)  I yanked the curtain closed and texted with fury.  The groomsmen came by to drop something off at the room and there she was again stalking slowly by!!! WTF!!!  so back to my daughter being cranky... the FI sends his mother to grab her (knowing I want her no where near the room).  I was pissed.


Anyway, Omar came by and there was a chance of rain.  I actually loved the lobby and decided to just move it inside.  Getting married on the beach was not a breaking point & wasn't a big deal.  The lobby wouldn't be windy and I would have a better chance of my hair holding up longer.


My bridesmaids finally showed up just as hair and makeup arrived.  I was definitely upset with them.  One got very sick the day before (drank too much) and the other went off to care for her.  They arrived to the rehearsal dinner late and when I went to talk to them I was hoping they would come back to the room with me...nope. "oh you should get some rest."  Thanks ladies. At least the FI has awesome friends.  I know he had a great night before and day of with the guys.  They are hysterical and truly great friends.






First off...there doesn't seem to be a lot of info on this forum about these two and I really can't understand why! They were seriously awesome! They are a husband and wife duo that originally lived in Ireland and moved to Mexico.  I really can't say enough nice things about them!  Right from the moment they arrived, they made me feel at ease (I am generally awkward & uncomfortable around people I don't know) Micheal does hair while Martina does the makeup.  I have to say...I do not have an easy head of hair to deal with.  I have A LOT!!! Micheal was great. He spent a ton of time curling it, then working it and reworking it until it looked the way I wanted.  I showed him several pictures and told him I wanted something close to any of them.  He did a gorgeous half up do that looked awesome.  I wanted the girls opposite of me so they had their hair in all up do's.  Martina was great with makeup.  She does airbrush which definitely paid off... it was a very humid first half of the day.  I again showed her a picture and she worked her magic. Martina was great and so patient.  My daughter came back to the room after a nap but was very clingy and probably nervous about all the commotion in the room.  She insisted on sitting on my lap while I was pampers.  Martina patiently worked around her, making everyone happy.  I was very happy with the total package and feel like I didn't really have a chance to express that to them.  The girls chose their own make up styles and looked beautiful. 


If you are thinking about using an outside hair and makeup vendor...please consider Beso Brides.  They not only did a great job but they were fun to hang out with during those prep hours. I also thought they were very affordable in comparison to other companies I contacted. 


Please Please Please check these guys out!!! they're on facebook under Beso Brides!












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Hair and make up took a really long time.  I blame myself because I have a lot of hair and its a lot of work.  We were running late (which is normal for me) However, Paola (the other wedding coordinator) was not happy about it.  I wanted to get my daughter dressed before I got ready.  She wasn't herself that day and wouldn't let me put her down so it wasn't going to work if I asked someone else to do it.  While I'm getting Aubrey ready Paola is rushing my girls to get dressed and rushing me! We were only able to get a couple quick pics in the robes and had to get dresses.  I feel bad bc I really didn't get a chance to properly thank Micheal and Martina...I pretty much paid them and ran off. 


My daughter was clearly upset but that didn't seem to phase Paola.  Her main concern was that we were late and needed to be ready.  She had asked if there was anything she could do so I sent her to grab the grandparents...there was no way I was going to be able to finish with Aubrey so upset.  I was hurried into my dress and almost forgot my jewelry as the BMs were being nearly pushed out the door.  As I finished my hands were shaking!!! I was so stressed and upset.  I paid so much money to fly in my photographer and missed the opportunity for so many pictures I had been hoping for.  I had several mom/daughter pics in mind that I didn't get & I will never have that moment again.  hurt. crushed. disappointed.


All of this moments before I meet my future husband...

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Sorry ladies...didn't mean to leave u hanging.  Between work and Easter weekend i''ve been pretty busy...






Paola escorted me through a back way to the lobby where the ceremony was being held.  I chose the song "Marry Me" by train for the wedding party to walk to.  My FI and the groomsmen were already up front while my girls walked first.  Now here's the funny thing.  As I'm sitting here writing this I realized...I don't know if the parents were asked to process down the aisle or just remained in their seats.  Honestly its not a big deal to me...but definitely another reason Im very happy I got the video.  My mom walked me down the aisle and it was a very sweet moment...seeing my handsome guy (and his best friends,,which I think are some of the most awesome people in the world) standing there waiting for me...  All the planning and worrying went out the door at that moment.  I can't even tell you what the room looked like.  The song I walked to was Carrie Underwood's "Look at Me."  I thought it was very fitting because after waiting a lifetime for this moment you just want him to look at you. 



Anyone who knows me knows that my dogs are my life and my world.  the hardest part about going away was leaving them behind.  I work in a kennel and could have boarded them for free but spent a small fortune for someone to come out to feed, walk, and spend time with them.  I have 2 dogs.  The boy is the mama's boy while the girl is the daddy's girl.  Well at the top of the aisle my FI had printed and enlarged pictures of each dog.  Cheeto (my boy) was on my side...while Stella was on the grooms side.  Such a sweet touch.  We had a table with pictures of deceased loved ones...why not honor our first kids? Loved it!



Originally we had opted to have a symbolic ceremony.  We didn't want to pay the extra fees, have a blood test, and need everything translated.  Well only a couple weeks before the trip my FI found out that we could go to the local courthouse and get whats called a "self uniting" marriage certificate.  Instead of a minister signing we just needed two witnesses and could send the certificate in when we got home.  Only cost $80? or not much more.  While a symbolic ceremony would still have been nice we would have had to do something at home to make everything official.  I think Omar and Paola were a little surprised when we told them we brought our own official certificate (kinda like an oh shit they found another way to get around our fees kinda thing)  Anyway...it was a nice touch because we have it on video us signing our marriage certificate :)


The ceremony... When it came to discussing this with our planners they really only asked...which do you prefer the minister to talk about love or religion.  We chose love. The minister wasn't bad...I wouldn't say she was amazing either but that's not what really matters to me. the most important part was our vows.  We wrote our own and recited the traditional I do's.  The ceremony lasted 20 minutes tops. Our recessional was the Bruno Mars "marry you" song.  I was going for something fun and upbeat. 


I am writing this at work but when I get home or tomorrow I will share my vows with you.  True to form I am the ultimate procrastinator and wrote them the day of...but something like that is easy.  for me anyway. I cried writing them and cried saying them.


Also, I mentioned before that we were doing an unplugged wedding.  I wrote out a message for the officiant to read before the wedding.  She didn't read it until I had entered so people were snapping pics as I came down the aisle.  We asked that no one post on social media and I my myself haven't seen any of the pics. No it doesn't bother me...it seems to be driving people on facebook a little nuts.  Everyday I get a post asking if the pics yet.  I did get this one pic of my daughter tho...  She looks absolutely perfect.  I can't wait to see the rest.


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Can't wait to see photos! Your daughter looked gorgeous!!! So sweet! And your theme came together soo well from the photos you have posted so far!

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