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They are very shady when it comes to the set up costs. They will not tell me an exact price...yet want me to send them a list of everything I intend to bring.


I am disputing a charge...they have down on my wedding sheet that im bringing my flowers from a local florist & will give them to the hotel to arrange for a cost.  The flowers are small centerpieces that will already be assembled.  Soooo you're charging me to place a couple vases on the table? At this point I feel like its pointless to dispute these things with the FL coor. She has done nothing to benefit me.  I think I have a better chance arguing charges with the onsite person.


Also, I think I read on the Sensatori thread that the bride was charged the max $250 (which I think was about the $5 per person) and she didn't have that much... So I'm just assuming the max cost.

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Last night was my first dress fitting. My first reaction...the dress is heavier than I remember :)  Second reaction...the healthy eating paid off and its being taken in a significant amount.  I didn't diet or exercise. All I did was change my eating habits- meaning portion control and small in between meal snacking.  I lost 10lbs just doing that! Insane to think I was eating that poorly that I lost 10lbs with no exercise.  If I wasn't so lazy (aka. wake up early b4 work to exercise) imagine where I would be.


I also got my daughters dress in the mail.  Honestly, Im not thrilled with it. I thought it would be more full/puffy.  So...this will be one of my projects.  The tan sash is definitely coming off and will be replaced with a turquoise one. I will save the flower and make a little peacock feather/ flower belt embellishment.  I also want to add a little tulle underneath to get the fullness I was hoping for.  Easy changes. I ordered a headband...which I prob could have made myself but I'm getting lazy at this stage.  Hopefully it will look better with the changes.




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Oh I love your dress! Its absolutely beautiful!!! And your daughters dress is so cute and will look awesome when you have the changes made to it!

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Well the shoes have changed. They are similar to the blue peacock feather ones I originally posted...but instead they are Badgley Mischka.  I saw them a while ago but with a $225 price tag, I just couldn't justify it. I miss the days of frivolous spending...but having a daughter and the hopes of a house after wedding...things change.


Anyway, my FI's groomsmen knew I LOVED these shoes (thanks to his awesome girlfriend).  Last week at the shower he gave us a check for $250 and said that it was to be spent on the shoes!!!  Crazy generous and yes I cried :)


They are my royal blue beauties. Ever since sex and the city I've wanted blue shoes... and its so perfect bc I am the last single girl in my group.


I love them...and I also love musicals.  If you've ever seen legally blonde the musical they sing this song "oh my god you guys." Well after ordering the shoes the song came to mind.  I've only gotten that song stuck in my head one other time (no not with my wedding dress) but many years ago when I ordered a knockoff of the carrie dress from the sex in the city movie.  The white one with the oversized gold flower.   Years ago I ordered that dress, nervously anticipated its arrival...but when I tried it on it was perfect. fit perfect. looked perfect. And today, just ordering the shoe gave me that feeling again.


They are my something blue...


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We finally booked a videographer. I was on the fence about whether or not to have one.  We are already putting out so much money for the photographer and of course, everything else.  Part of me really wanted it.  This is a time that we will always want to remember.  there will never be another day like it.  Part of me wanted to save the money.  After wedding we are tying to save for a house.


I definitely didn't want to use the approved companies- Caribe and Matias Cano.  They were $525 per hour and I couldn't really find much in the way of sample work. I found Mike Cantrell of Cancun Wedding Video.  His reviews on BDW are all awesome and his highlight videos are amazing. We can only afford one of the small packages (thanks to the outside vendor fee) but at least we will have the getting ready moments, ceremony & first dance.  For me those are the most important aspects.  the family dances, cake cutting...we'll have the pictures. That's good enough for me.


So as of this morning...the deposit is paid :D

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So...Today I purchased the corsages for the parents- My mom, FI's Mom & Wife (not a typo) and FI's step mom. 


I didn't even want to get anything for FI's mom.  Now I know what ppl will say when I write this and I don't care.  This is my personal feelings on the situation.


My FI are a young STRUGGLING couple. We have made many sacrifices to make this wedding a reality. We have now been engaged for over 2years.  My FI works 6 sometimes 7 days a week and I work everyday, 3 jobs.  It has not been an easy journey to get to this point. 


My mother is not well off.  She works as a housekeeper in a hospital.  She lives alone and off that one income.  Not only is she coming to the wedding...but she has done soooo much to try and help in any way she can.  she has paid for my dress, veil, belt and alterations.  she helped out my bridesmaids with the shower and contributed $200.  She gave us an additional $200 for a shower gift. So she has probably contributed close to $3000.


My FI's father is also struggling.  He lost his job not too long ago.  He found another but is only making half of what he used to and now at the present moment is out of work for medical reasons.  FI's dad and stepmom are both coming to the wedding...in addition they have contributed $1000 toward the wedding, will be paying for everything related to FI's grooms wear...and his step mom has helped with many DIY projects and saved us lots on money with some projects.


Now...FI's mom.  She is very well off.  So much so that she is paying his sister's way to Mexico- hotel and airfare.  The sister is a 30 year old woman, living at home, with a full time job.  So its not like she is unable to save if she wanted to go.  In addition Mom and Wife will be taking a Mediterrean cruise 2 months after the wedding. Mom has contributed nothing.  I know I shouldn't expect anything and it wouldn't be such a big deal to me...if she wasn't paying the sisters way.


So needless to say I feel a certain type of way towards her.  I look at it this way.  if it were my child getting married I would contribute SOMETHING!!! Ppl say "oh well maybe she's saving it for the wedding."  Honestly I wouldn't be surprised.  she is the wait and see what everyone else does type of person.  For my daughters baby shower she told us... I want to buy the swing but I'll wait til after the shower in case someone else gets it.  Really??? who does that?


Okay...so that's my rant on the in laws.  Since my FI insists they have corsages I purchased something plain.  Now they're not bad... but I think the ones for my mom and FI's step are much prettier.


Single flower pic- Mom & Wife

Purple & blue- Step mom

Blue & white with bracelet- My mom




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Oh they are very nice! I like them! Sorry to hear shes being difficult. Unfortunately sometimes that's just how it goes. I hope that she ends up surprising you and helps put something towards the wedding :) or gets you guys a great gift.

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My photographer has included a one hour TTD session in our wedding package.  I have thought about just wearing my own dress.  So many forums have said the dress is fine after being cleaned...however, I changed my mind when I went to the fitting and realized how heavy the dress was!!! its heavy without adding water.  So I shopped around and wanted something cheap and light.  I found this chiffon dress on amazon for $60.  Pretty and should do the trick :)



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