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52 DAYS TO GO...


and im so impatient.  I sent some questions to the Azul planner (as of now they are not aware that I am looking into doing a reception off the resort) My coordinator responded saying that her supervisor has tried to contact me and that I must talk to him before proceeding.  Well, I tried to contact him and haven't heard back.  The waiting is driving me insane. I need answers. I need to make decisions.  Basically I need to know "how much."  How many extra hours do I have to work at the daycare? How many extra shifts do I have to work at the pub to make this wedding happen? and by April?  There is no sense of urgency with these people.


also...still waiting to find out how much transportation from Azul to the restaurant would be. I got a quote from cancun limo and it said $270 per hour but Azul to hacienda sisal is $374? so which is it? so again...waiting for a response :(

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So many of my posts have been negative lately...but today started off on the right foot.


I have decided to fly my photographer in from home.  I've mentioned before that I didn't like the approved photogs at Azul so I opted to fly in my girl and pay for her 3 night stay. Normally her packages start at $3000 and go from there.  We worked out a deal that I would pay $1500 for the service + hotel and air.


I check airfare everyday! Its been crazy high to fly out of Philadelphia into cancun.  The cheapest ive seen is 489 for indirect and 660 direct.  Today I found direct flights for $483! Score!!!


So all photographer details are set and paid for... finally I can say I've made some progress :)


If you want to check out who my photographer is...google Jenny Castro photography.  You can find her web page and facebook. She's amazing :wub:

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Well it looks like having the reception at Hacienda Sisal is out.  We looked into shuttling the guests from the resort to the restaurant and it would cost anywhere between $575- $650.  Oh well...we gave it a good try.


So I'm back to dealing with Azul/Karisma.  Still waiting to hear back from Fabio- 3 days now. I'm so glad there is a sense of urgency on their end of things. I think I've pretty much resigned to the fact that I will have to pay a set up fee. Doing the math...its still cheaper for me to bring my own decorations & pay the set up than pay Lomas.  I'm not trying to bring a lot of décor.  Maybe some type of table linen (table cloth, overlay, runner?) napkins and chair sashes.


Now that I've found an outside vendor that can do my flowers at a reasonable price...I can't get my mind off them.  The pics I sent in are beautiful and now I REALLY want fresh flowers. Due to the outside vendor fees ($800 per vendor) my fiancé said he is willing to take the groomsmen out to the main road to meet the vendors.  Another bride on here mentioned its a 2-3 mile drive from the resort to the main road/security booth.  We are hoping to do the same with the cake vendor.  Her price is half what Azul is charging.


I'm not going to put any down payments on anything until I hear back from Fabio. For the time being...I'm searching for table inspiration.

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I seriously spend too much time on the computer...and I just keep getting more ideas. 


Today I came across these beautiful chair sashes! I love the ruffles and it adds a little something extra to the ordinary chair decorations.  I've looked online and I've only been able to find them for chivalri chairs...so it would be a DIY project.  Lucky for me my step mother in law is amazing with a sewing machine.  I've sent her the pics and asked her how to get the fabric to ruffle... I'm sure she'll know...or at least figure it out.  She also loves DIY :)


I wouldn't do these for every chair- too much work and extra fabric to carry down to Mexico.  So if they can be made I'm thinking just adding them to the Bride and Groom chairs.  just a little something extra.  I would still do the regular chair sash then attach the ruffles in the center (I like the color fabric in the first pic but the overall styling of the second)  :rolleyes:



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That was the worst part for me. Spending too much time on pinterest and this website finding beautiful ideas and then thinking I have to have that! My DIY list kept on growing! But finally I only have a few things to finish up and have decided no more now lol! But these are super beautiful!

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Ive been reading some other brides planning forums and all of them start with how they met & their engagement stories.  I just kinda jumped into the planning. Soooo to back track a bit.  My fiancé and I met at the Cheesecake factory where we both worked.  It wasn't love at first sight...but I always thought he was good looking :P


We didn't talk for the first year.  We traveled with different groups of people- him with the cheesecake crew and me with my non-restaurant friends. He said he decided to pursue me after reading on Myspace that I was single & he liked the way I looked outta uniform. lol.


We got engaged Feb 12, 2012 in a way that was absolutely perfect for me.  I was pregnant at the time with our daughter and my 30th birthday was looming.  We were at a cheerleading competition- I coached a middle school team that just competed in the freshmen division.  I was on edge because my team of mostly 7th grader were up against the older 9th grade teams.  anyway...when im at a competition cheer is the only thing on my mind.  If you've ever been to one there's always that annoying break in between performances and awards where they play music and everyone dances.  The previous cheer season my squad (totally unprovoked my me) went up into the stands and danced around my FI doing the single ladies dance. Well at this particular comp the song was played again...and out walks my FI to propose to me in front of the huge crowd & my favorite team.  It was awesome...and moments later my team took first place!  Our daughter in my belly, a ring on my hand and a first place trophy.  A solid winning day. :wub:








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I chose Azul Beach resort for the wedding.  It was recommended by a travel agent friend.  She said the 2 nicest resorts were Azul and palace.  After doing some pricing we opted for Azul bc it seemed a bit more affordable. So I narrowed it down to Azul and let my FI chose which one.  He checked out pictures and some hotel reviews and settled on Azul Beach.  We will be staying for 6 days.  In an effort to save money...we will spend the first 3 days in a deluxe (aka. basic room) the Saturday of the wedding we will switch over to the Family Swim up Suite. We chose the family suite because it is larger than the wedding & honeymoon suite and actually a little bit cheaper. Since I will have hair and makeup coming to the room to pamper my ladies, I wanted plenty of room for getting ready & pictures.


We are getting married on the beach.  At this point we are supposed to be doing it in front of the palapa but I've seen pictures of real ceremonies in front of it and it doesn't look as nice as the stock resort photo- may change to totally on the beach.


We are having a cocktail party at the Wave Lounge and reception (unless plans change) is scheduled to be held at Chil Beach Terrace.






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