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@@Carlicardenas - i'm setting the date once we return from our scouting trip & sign the contracts, if we don't just go ahead and sign them while down there next weekend. DF moves fast once his mind is made up so if he likes the resort(s) like I am hoping/thinking he will, i think we'll be leaving with papers in hand. It's killing me because I'm ready to get going and start putting the Save-the-Dates together and out in the mail. 


Did you do engagement photos? I'm on the fence....

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@@Carlicardenas - i'm setting the date once we return from our scouting trip & sign the contracts, if we don't just go ahead and sign them while down there next weekend. DF moves fast once his mind is made up so if he likes the resort(s) like I am hoping/thinking he will, i think we'll be leaving with papers in hand. It's killing me because I'm ready to get going and start putting the Save-the-Dates together and out in the mail. 


Did you do engagement photos? I'm on the fence....

i am doing them in March when it gets warmer... i want to have pictures on my save the date :)  

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I am getting married January 2015. I started looking for quotes in July 2013 and sent out save the dates in December (at the start before Christmas shopping started) letting them know the details and that if they couldn't go we totally understood. We set up a wedding website so people could RSVP or send either of us a message and to just keep everyone in the loop


We also put in the save the dates that January 2014 we were putting down a deposit and if they wanted to come they had 90 days to put their deposit down and then had 9 months to pay it off.  We just ordered samples of formal wedding invites that we will send out in July (6 months till departure) 


A year and half may be a little too much time to get real numbers BUT letting people know yours plans so they can save is always great!

Im so confused about rsvp dates on stds and invites! Do you mean that your guests will have to decide if they are going 3 months after they get the STD? How did you word the "90 days to book deadline" on the STDs?


Also, if you are getting married in January 2015, what rsvp date will you put on your invitation? What's the point if people have already decided after receiving the STD? 

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Im so confused about rsvp dates on stds and invites! Do you mean that your guests will have to decide if they are going 3 months after they get the STD? How did you word the "90 days to book deadline" on the STDs?


Also, if you are getting married in January 2015, what rsvp date will you put on your invitation? What's the point if people have already decided after receiving the STD?



I sent out postcards in December letting them know we were doing a destination wedding and that we understood that it is timely and costly and if they couldn't come we fully understood we also gave them the location we were looking at and a rough cost budget $1,100-1,500 and that once my FI and I down our deposit theirs would have to be put down within 90 days of us putting ours down to lock in their rate and save a seat/room We also let them know that if they do want to come but money is an issue they could always try last minute or a different hotel to save on money.


I ask them to call or email my FI or I to let us know if they wanted to be included in the group rate. We pretty much sent it to people we knew that would come (family and friends) and then in June or July this year we will send out regular wedding invitations to everyone who we would have invited to a wedding in our city just so they don't feel left out but we know they won't come.


As for RSVP we aren't putting one because people can book last minute but we are including a note card that states all the details again hotel price travel agent.



I'm not at my computer but I will send out wording on our postcard once I get to it.

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Ok gotcha! If you dont mind, I'd like to see your wording.



I was able to pull up the postcards we sent but I can't seem to upload it. If you give me your email address I would be more then happy to send you it

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We are going through a travel agent. I thought it would be the easiest to put out an fires from people since its hard enough to plan a trip with just my FI! and having questions coming at me I didn't know the answer to it is just easier to give them her phone number and email address. Plus it gave our group the chance to pay off the trip over a few months.


My FI and I went to more then a dozen places and emailed more then 2 dozen places to look at prices plus looked online for a few weeks, the travel agent gave us the cheapest price and is actually the same price a few brides paid 3 years ago.


If you need a good travel agent I would be more then happy to give you her info  :)

I'm using Wright Travel Agency. I don't know how much you've seen or heard about them but I've been nothing but happy so far! The owner of this website actually is affliated with them.(not sure if she owns it or not) We are using Virgilia, who is a Jamaica specialist. She has gotten us GREAT rates compared to to others or just booking yourself. She is always there to answer questions, contacts all of my guests for information, and always answers emails in a timely fashion! If you haven't decided on anyone yet I would check them out!!! You can fill out a form giving more information on your destination and they will pair you with a certain specialist! 

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I'm using Wright Travel Agency. I don't know how much you've seen or heard about them but I've been nothing but happy so far! The owner of this website actually is affliated with them.(not sure if she owns it or not) We are using Virgilia, who is a Jamaica specialist. She has gotten us GREAT rates compared to to others or just booking yourself. She is always there to answer questions, contacts all of my guests for information, and always answers emails in a timely fashion! If you haven't decided on anyone yet I would check them out!!! You can fill out a form giving more information on your destination and they will pair you with a certain specialist! 


Thanks so much! We actually found someone after looking into over a dozen TA, the one we are using gave us the best rate $300 below the lowest rate we were quoted.


Glad you found a travel agent you love, they are hard to come by!

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