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I know it is still super early but I just enjoy doing this kind of stuff and it's one more thing to cross off my checklist!
I would like to thank many of you for giving me so much inspiration and also for some of my text which I borrowed from all your great ideas.
FYI I do not plan to mail these until about one or two months before our wedding Lol




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Looks great! You might as well get this stuff out of the way! I did the same, that way you don't have to worry about it when the time comes and you can go back and change things if need be! I don't know if you have already printed these out, but I was reading through and on the first page in the first sentence talking about soaking up the sun and sand on the beach, the beach part is written as one word "thebeach" you may be aware of it, but just in case I thought I would point out so you can fix it before you send it out! Hopefully I didn't offend you!


Also love that packing list where do you find that?

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Thanks!!! I hadn't noticed I will change that!! Good catch!


The packing list I got from pinterest, they have a lot of different ones there!!!

Awesome! I am going to check it out! I might have to add it in to my pre travel brochure as well!

I also made a pre-travel brochure. I'd like to add a clip of it, but I am not sure how! @@deedeelala can you tell me how you got yours on here?

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Vanessa, I did it on Vistaprint super fast and easy!

Csho, maybe try starting a new topic and I think you get the attachment option at the bottom. I can't see it anymore when I reply to this thread, so I think its only there when you start a new one. Sorry I am new here so I can't give you other ideas than that :(

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Ok no problem! I am used to the old version of this website and am finding it a bit difficult to get used to the new version! Anyway yours is awesome!

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csho, I think the attachment option only shows when you start a new topic because I can't see it anymore when I reply on this thread. Sorry I don't know any other ways, I am new here :(

Sorry for the double reply, I thought the first one didn't post.


Shows you how much of an expert I am on this site hahaha



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