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June 2014 Riviera Maya Brides!

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Hola future brides!


We're the Octavio Montes company, our job is to give them the best service at the best price, We work in Cancun, Playa del Carmen, Tulum, Riviera Maya, etc; we have different packages to suit your budget!


Every time is more closer the day of your wedding, is exciting to hear all that and plan what they will do!


We are photographers and we also do videography, capturing those moments that will not return ever on that special day!


Please take a look at our photography work http://www.OctavioMontes.com


Fountains and Moon



We are so happy for you, and would be a pleasure to be with you that day!!


if you have doubts or questions gladly attend you your doubts.


Happy planning! :) 

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Hello June Riviera Maya brides! Congrats on your upcoming weddings!  :) This post is for any brides interested in affordable decor for your big day.


I'm a newlywed from Vancouver, Canada that lives down here in Playa Del Carmen, Mexico. I have quite a few decor items leftover from our wedding in May, mostly in a rustic vintage style. I've decided to rent things out to brides that don't want to lug things like vases & mason jars down here to Mexico, and have priced things quite fairly compared to the resorts' prices. 


I have a lots of different types of bottles, mason jars, vases and lanterns, as well as a variety of other items like wooden signs & frames, table runners, rustic birdcages, string lighting and even a portable sound system.

So far no one has had to pay an outside vendor fee at all, as they tell their WC that they have brought the decor themselves. I'm also always interested in buying items that brides bring down and would like to sell after their weddings, please send me photos of anything you'd like to sell!


If you'd like to see some photos and a price list, please send me a PM with your email address and I'll send you all the info. Also if anyone has any questions about the area, ask away! I've lived in Playa Del Carmen for two years and know the whole coast quite well. Happy planning ladies!


Here's a couple of photos of some items we used in our wedding and that are for rent, but I have lots more:













Hi @@MrsHK,

can you please send me your pictures to squarecarre@@gmail.com?

Thank you!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hello Ladies!

Is everyone getting excited! June is just around the corner. It seems like the days are flying by and we still have a bunch to take care of!

How is everyone else feeling?


I'm nervous, but getting so excited!!  In 6 weeks I will be in Mexico, I can't wait!!


Still have a bunch of things to take care of also, but they're small tasks so it shouldn't take long.


Where's everyone else at right now?

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Hi Everyone, Yes! I am very excited!! I am putting together my OOT bags and packing up the decorations. I go for my final fitting for my dress next week and trying very hard to lose a few pounds in the next 5 weeks. We still haven't written our vows and I can't get my FI to go with me to pick out his ring. We have 44 guests confirmed and I'm sending out a pre-wedding email next week so they can pick out spa treatments and excursions ahead of time. Most of the wedding details are set with the resort and I am waiting to get the invoice for final payment. All in all, I feel pretty under control.

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Final dress fitting!!! !I go for my first one on Friday!!! You are ahead of the game.

We picked up our rings from the jeweler last weekend ( which is great because I just watned to get that done) and I haven't written my vows yet either ( Need to work on those but they are so hard to start!)

I'm in good shape though we got a lot done the past two weekends that put us a little ahead of the game at this point!

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I've got my final dress fitting this Friday (SO excited!), and I've got a few other things to take care of before I leave.  Just need to finalize my reception music, since I am not hiring a DJ.  We are just playing an iPod playlist for our reception, the resort supplies all the sound equipment with my package.  Also need to put together our placecards, menu cards, and ceremony programs.  I'm almost done with my OOT bags and I have all my jewelry and wedding dress accessories... but I do need my wedding night lingerie, just not sure yet what I'll be getting :)


June is almost here!!!!

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Wedding night lingerie??!!!  Yipes!!!  I hadn't even thought about that!!!!   :huh: I guess it would be nice to wear something special.  Looks like I'll be spending some time in lingerie departments this weekend.

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I can't believe we are almost in May and I presonally feel like there is so much to do!!  I went for my first fitting on Wednesday and the dress was big  - woohoo!  I was worried b/c I ate my way thru the long winter haha!  Now just finifshing up my OOT bags, playlists and little details. 

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