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Are Favors And/or Oot Bags Must Do?

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It depends on how much you have left for it, an OOt bag could be a small one as a welcome I can't justify paying $40 each bag (with goodies) if you have a lot of guests



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Honestly, one of two things happens... Either I don't remember to actually take the favor home with me, or sometimes sad to say they go in the trash a few days later. It's such a waste in my opinion. I love when couples make a donation to their favorite charities in lieu of favors. We aren't doing favors just OOT bags. After our reception we're continuing the party at one of the bars, so I highly doubt people will want to carry their wedding favor around.

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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

I think we are just going to do tumblers instead of an OOT bag since we will have close to 100 people! And for favours, I am leaning towards something inexpensive....I agree that they often get forgotten and/or thrown out shortly after he wedding and I would rather spend the money on something people can actually enjoy!

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I have to ask my FI and parents for their luggage space for my OOT bags.

HAHA!  Same here!  I've already warned my parents and sister that they will have to bring an extra suitcase for our wedding supplies. 

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I've been thinking the same thing too.  There are pros and cons to it.  I think the biggest factor is how many people you have coming to your wedding.  The more people you have the more it will cost.  I like the maracas idea, it seems cute and affordable and it's a little souvenir for your guests.  Also there's the issue of luggage which will cost you.  We're thinking of just having immediate family and close friends so inviting 20 people.  We really want to do favour bags.  I love DIY projects so this combines my passions and is budget friendly.   

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  • 2 weeks later...

Until I started planning my wedding I had no idea what an OOT bag was...so chances are your guests wont miss it! I think your favour idea is great! 


I'm not sure if I will do favours or OOT bags yet until I find out how many people are going. I hoping not to bring too much stuff...extra luggage cost are high these days!


I've also been thinking that maybe I'll take everyone on an excursion in lieu of OOT or Favours, you get a discount when you have a large group. It will depend on the price and if I can find one that is right for everyone... I think memories are better than stuff. Any opinions???

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I’d like to do OOT bags because I’ve received them at past destination weddings and found them super helpful.


Since we’re doing a church wedding beforehand we’ll probably give out small favours at the restaurant after, but nothing fancy. Probably just sweets or mini-cupcakes!

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