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Are Favors And/or Oot Bags Must Do?

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I'm kinda stressing on this. On traveling with all of it and the overall cost.   Our wedding guest count is at least 60 people maybe a little more.


I originally was planning on doing OOT bags for each room and maracas as favors.


I made the maraca tags already.  when I shown them to my fiance he looked at me confused on why we are giving favors.

We just went to a wedding a few months ago in Mexico and they did not do gift bags, favors or anything.   We also, went to a wedding here in the US and they did not do any favors as well.    Most weddings I have gone to in the past always had favors or used photos from photobooth as favors..


Are we expected to give these?  Or is this more common now a days not to?



I already got the tags and made 4 OOT bags with a great deal I got thru Vista print.   To save $ I was thinking of maybe just giving our wedding party OOT bags instead of all the guests and still doing the maracas as favors.  Does this sound okay?

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Since I'm going to Cuba, we're giving our guests a bottle of rum (expect for the kids, who will get something else). I'm not doing OOT bags and I honestly can't imagine anyone would care.


I'd say you are fine on just giving OOT bags to the wedding party and maracas as favors. I don't think anyone would expect more than that. :)

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I think a welcome excursion or welcome bag is appropriate--just something to show appreciation for the time and money people are spending to travel and be present for your big day

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I think a little something is a nice gesture to say thank you. I plan on doing tumblers (From the dollar store) and adding waterproof labels to personalize them.  I'm handing these out at the airport and people can stuff them in their carry on.  I may put a few things in them but I haven't fully decided yet.  The OOT bags quickly adds up and I also have close to 50 guest attending. The maracas are a great idea, I even heard of some people using them for getting the groom and bride to kiss.

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I think its totally up to you.  im thinking about wedding favors as part if the reception décor.  like candles and lil seating frames for place cards.


also, theres a mall and walmart in cancun & playa del Carmen.  u can always check for little gifts there and avoid flying stuff down.

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