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As long as you love the dress you are fine.  Remember that it is "YOUR DAY" of been a princess.  


PS I can't open the attach, but I'm sure your dress is beautiful.

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Totally agree with the other ladies!! It's a fab dress!  Just to show you you're not alone in your considerations... Here's a pic of a lady wearing a similar one on the beach... It even looks to me like she's just about to partake of a TTD session!



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Your dress is beautiful! Wear what you want it's your day... One of the first dresses I tried I loved but didn't think it was quite right for a beach wedding, After trying on tons of dresses... I went with the original.... It's my day, the hell with everyone else!!

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Wow! that dress is amazing! and its gonna sparkle on the beach!!! u should be so excited!


I too, ended up choosing a dress that is nothing like I envisioned.  Originally I was also worried that it wasn't beach appropriate.  In the end...who cares?  The dress is beautiful!


There is no such thing as being too dressed up! You are the bride u can do whatever u want!

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