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Question About Palace Resorts Free Private Events When Book 75 Rooms

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I just have a question regarding the free private events offer from Palace resorts.

I know it says unlimited events free up to 3hrs.   Cocktail & reception.


my questions are for those who have done this:


1)   can you have an event each day you are there or is this just one cocktail and one reception?

I'm wanting to have a cocktail welcome party one night.  Then the private reception.  plus a cocktail send off party


2) When they say free do they mean the fee cost for having a private event  is waived or does it also include the include food/drinks for free?


3). If you have more than 30 guests do they charge you extra for those guest over regular wedding package count during a qualified FREE Private event?


4).  how far in advance will you know you qualify for the "Free Event" or do they just wait until after all checked in and refund you later.


5) how far in advance can you book your free events?



also when you do a room block or group code for your wedding -  does all the guests need to stay the same amount of days or check in same day?

I heard some resorts require that.  Really don't want that since I know some of our guests want to stay 5 nts, 7nts and 10nts


sorry for all the questions, just little stressed.  We are having at least 40 min guests, plus 3 kids (ages 12-16) that are going and maybe more. 



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1- unlimited= everyday 3 hours

2- includes drinks and food, basic restaurant decoration only (white tablecloths, etc)

3- They say they do but I have heard of other brides say they don't so YMMV

4/5- when you have all your rooms booked you should ask your WC about the free events and you should be able to book them.


Guest can stay as long as you want but only those staying over 3 nights will count towards your group nights count

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I also wanted to add that the details, terms and conditions, etc. will be written into your group contract so even though we can give you what we have experienced, in the end, it is what is in your contract that is going to hold the most weight.




1)   Q: can you have an event each day you are there or is this just one cocktail and one reception? I'm wanting to have a cocktail welcome party one night.  Then the private reception.  plus a cocktail send off party

A: You get one 3 hours event a day complimentary.  Locations and availability vary.


2) Q: When they say free do they mean the fee cost for having a private event  is waived or does it also include the include food/drinks for free?

A: For their most basic setup and food from the menues that they give you.  If you want tiffany chairs, entertainment, lobster, etc. that will cost extra.


3).Q: If you have more than 30 guests do they charge you extra for those guest over regular wedding package count during a qualified FREE Private event?

A: if your guests have booked through the block they are free.  Guests that book outside the block or via timeshare may get charged.  


4).  Q: how far in advance will you know you qualify for the "Free Event" or do they just wait until after all checked in and refund you later.

A: usually your guests will have booked through the block and paid for the rooms so you know about 30 days out if you qualify for unlimited events or not so you can plan accordingly.  If you are really close and someone cancels a booking that changes your unlimited free events to just x-amount of free events, the resort will let you know before you have the event so you can decide if you still want to have them or not.


5) Q: how far in advance can you book your free events? 

A: You can book these events after you have been assigned a wedding coordinator.


Please let me know if you have any other questions.


We are an onyx level agency with Palace Resorts and were just there 2 weeks ago for site visits.

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