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PV high resolution photos for post card?

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does anyone have any high resolution photos of Puerto Vallarta? I'd like to make a postcard like the cheesediva did for our guests. I think it's a great idea and i give her full credit. if you do, please PM me and I'll give you my email address. thank you ahead of time. :)

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Originally Posted by starchild View Post
Okay I'm bad with resolution and am not sure how to tell if it's high, but between my guests and myself we have lots of pics without us in them.

How can I tell if they are high resolution?
I think it has to do with how many pixels your picture has, the more pixels, the higher the resolution. Anything greater than 3 megapixels, i would imagine would work for the postcards. not an expert, but somewhat familiar. Thanks!
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Originally Posted by starchild View Post
When I made my postcard I did a google image search and got some pics that printed great. Unfortunately I didn't save them :o( This is a blurry pic and the color is off, but here is basically how mine turned out:

Click the image to open in full size.
they did turn out great. so did you use vistaprint?
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  • 3 weeks later...

Hi just wanted to put in my 2c..you don't need too high of a resolution of a picture for a postcard size print. Typically a pic taken with 2.1 mp digital camera will make a nice 8x10...any larger and you'll get graininess/noise. Resolution is the number that's like 300x600. Most cameras are now 7+ mp and will def produce a nice postcard pic.


(megapixels is a count of the number of dots in a certain area...the more the pixels, the finer the print).


We used vistaprint for our STD's. We took a picture at a beach in SF, drew the date in the sand and managed to capture a wave lapping near the date. For the side with the text, we used a picture of the lounge at the Mayan Palace set with 50% opacity so you could see the pic in the background.


You can also used places like iStockPhoto for a picture of PV, but I'm sure just doing a google image search you'll come up with plenty of options for free!

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