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I AM! but also a little stressed. I think thats why my back and shoudlers are hurting so much right now! Ever since my bachlorette party last month shes just been a bit off.  ( she kinda drove me crazy on our trip and whined and complained about everything) I feel like ever since her wedding its "who cares about Danielles and lets sabatoge it" lol. Im sure thats not how it is, but she hasnt even gone to get her dress fitted, and she is leaving this week to texas until 2 weeks before the wedding! HELLOOOO when are you doing your dress?? at this point i dont care, if she looks stupid thats her own fault lol. And we havent even got her shoes yet AND shes missing my bridal shower that my mom and SIL are throwing for me.  OH WELL I need to go home and sweat some of this stress out! lol But yes! the big day is coming up, I cant believe how fast time has went. This time last year I wasnt even engaged! i was getting ready to go to Florida for xmas at my FI aunts house ! so crazy! . I am very excited tho.
I am assuming you are talking about your MOH or a BM? That's unfortunate :( Its kind of sad how that happens. Brides are super happy and excited about their own weddings (rightfully so) but its not fair if they don't return the favour or enthusiasm that you have put forth for theirs once yours comes along. I am sure she'll get everything done and it will all turn out fine! Just you'd think if she was a bride recently that she would remember the stress! Did you wear the heart rate monitor for your workout?
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omg YEAH i meant one of my bridemaids. lol SMH.  Well as far as that goes. No she is depending on us to take HER dress to get altered without her putting it on???? I am throwing my hands up at it. lol if it looks bad on her its her own problem! lol. AND you think she would be right. But NOPE My other bridesmaid is pretty helpful and asking to do things and what i need done. and my SIL (MOA) if i as k her she will do whatever puls shes doing my bridal shower. Its just this other one who is being a DIVA and i might go bridezilla lol jk

Yes I wore my Polar fit :) So  For the Total body circuit. I believe it was 214 Calories burned. And then for my Weights that day ( another 20 mins) it burned about 140 Calories

Yesterday I did Speed 1.0 it Burned about 238 Calories and the weights I did which was Lower body burned about 140 calories as well.  Tonight on my workout scheudle its just T25 but I might do a double or do a T25 and a turbo kick or something. or a HIIT

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omg YEAH i meant one of my bridemaids. lol SMH.  Well as far as that goes. No she is depending on us to take HER dress to get altered without her putting it on???? I am throwing my hands up at it. lol if it looks bad on her its her own problem! lol. AND you think she would be right. But NOPE My other bridesmaid is pretty helpful and asking to do things and what i need done. and my SIL (MOA) if i as k her she will do whatever puls shes doing my bridal shower. Its just this other one who is being a DIVA and i might go bridezilla lol jk Yes I wore my Polar fit :) So  For the Total body circuit. I believe it was 214 Calories burned. And then for my Weights that day ( another 20 mins) it burned about 140 Calories Yesterday I did Speed 1.0 it Burned about 238 Calories and the weights I did which was Lower body burned about 140 calories as well.  Tonight on my workout scheudle its just T25 but I might do a double or do a T25 and a turbo kick or something. or a HIIT
Oh awesome to hear about the calories burned! I like knowing my estimated calories are about right! And I am sorry to hear that about your bridesmaid! That's unfortunate! Oh well at least you seem to have other people who are helping out! At the end of the day I am sure it will all work out fine!
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Yep. the polar fit might be my obsession to keep me going, so I can see how many calories I burn, and how much work it takes. And then when i go to eat something ill be like. "thats 30 mins of working out" lol

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Yep. the polar fit might be my obsession to keep me going, so I can see how many calories I burn, and how much work it takes. And then when i go to eat something ill be like. "thats 30 mins of working out" lol

Love it!


Last week wasn't a very good week for me eating and exercise wise... so I am going to shape up this week! Hope everyones week went well!

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Hey Ladies,


So I am a big Beachbody Workout fan (the company that produces T25, P90x, Insanity etc). I did Insanity to lose weight prior to my engagement and after doing the program twice through (120 days, full program is 60 days)- I lost 50 pounds. Then I decided to do Asylum and lost an additional 10 (Asylum is only 30 days because it is freaking hard as hell).


I recently bought T25 and am on day three of Alpha. A week before that, I started weight training. My husband is studying to become a personal trainer/ dietician and I decided to be his guinea pig haha. We wake up at 4 am and workout at 5- an hour or hour and a half of weight training and then after work I get home and do T25 as my cardio. I love my sleep. I fought him tooth and nail about getting up to workout in the morning. I have been doing it for 10 days now and I have to say- it feels incredible. The best time to workout is in the morning because it gets the endorphins pumping and you feel energized. It also helps because during the course of the day all sorts of things arise that deflect you from working out when you get home, so if you bang it out early, you can go ahead and plan your weddings, hang with friends, work late etc after work. Any workout is better than none so if you cant accommodate a morning workout- whenever you can will do. I just recommend it because I did the evening thing and now tried the morning and in my opinion, the morning is better.


After our wedding, I gained 10 pounds. That's what inspired me to return to my healthy lifestyle. Yes- Happy weight happens lol.


Anyway- I do take Shakeology, I have been for three years. I am on the automatic home delivery. It is VERY different from a standard Protein shake. A protein shake is not considered a meal replacement. It is in addition to whatever you would eat and meant to restore/provide necessary vitamins and energy to sustain you through a workout or help you recover from one. Shakeology is a meal replacement. It supplies over 75 necessary nutrients to your body, helps regulate you, and is quite filling. It is however, expensive. The rationale behind that is if you were to buy the ingredients separately, it would cost a whole lot more. The way I rationalize cost is to consider that I used to buy a coffee, a bagel, and a fruit or yogurt everyday for breakfast. I was spending about $5 a day. Divided amongst the days of the week- Shakeology is less- although during the wedding planning when we were pinching pennies, I considered getting rid of it to save money but alas, I could not part with it. Cost aside, it is a convenient way to knock out a meal. Supposedly you lose up to 10 pounds by replacing breakfast with Shakeology but I really wouldn't know because I used it while working out.


My recommendation to all of you is to download and use the app myfitnesspal. It is a food tracker. You keep a food diary and set your weight loss goal, the amount of exercise you plan to do and it tells you how many calories you should eat for the day. Then you can barcode scan anything you consume or manually enter it and it keeps track. You would be surprised how much people overeat. I used to use a ton of salad dressing until I tracked and saw the serving was 2 tablespoons- used 1 and realized it was more than enough. Its all about the calories in, calories out. It's also cool to have friends follow you and see what they eat to get new ideas or to hold each other accountable. 


I take pics of all the healthy recipes my hubby and I cook at home. It has become an obsession of sorts- to revamp my favorite comfort foods and give them a healthy makeover. Originally I was eating around 1300 calories a day but increased to 1600 because of my workouts. If you want to request me on Instagram my used name is EVknowsitall. I have ideas for healthy meals on there and workout details. Many of my friends have asked me to write a blog for my recipes but its too time consuming lol. But I will chat with you via Instagram if you have any meal questions. I love talking about food. I'm a major foodie. HAHA. You can also request me if you use myfitnesspal. My user name is evelynvazquez52643. 


Good luck on your weight loss journies! The program definitely works if you stick to it. All of the beachbody programs work. Between my husband, friends and me- we have tried several and all have yielded the desired results. Stick through it, modify your diets, and you will be sure to get the results you want.


My biggest sacrifice is abstaining from alcohol. I enjoy wine when I am stressed, and when I am not LOL. I am dying for a glass and our bdays, christmas, and new years are all on their way. I use my wine for my cheat days lol.

Also- if I have a chance, I will take pics of the T25 recipe book and load them here. I have the food guide.

Edited by EVKnowsitall
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Love it!


Last week wasn't a very good week for me eating and exercise wise... so I am going to shape up this week! Hope everyones week went well!

Well this week will be better. I got thru all my workouts last week. Friday I did my double. Plus weights. Plus some leg presses and squats. My PF said I but be about 600 calories. Sure needed that cause yesterday I had a surprise bridal shower. I didn't enfold he too much.


Today is week 6 I think? Plus my weights. And one month today and I am a mrs! Technically I'd be married by now and just starting my pictures! Time sure flies!


Ps I don't like the sites new set up :/

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Well this week will be better. I got thru all my workouts last week. Friday I did my double. Plus weights. Plus some leg presses and squats. My PF said I but be about 600 calories. Sure needed that cause yesterday I had a surprise bridal shower. I didn't enfold he too much.


Today is week 6 I think? Plus my weights. And one month today and I am a mrs! Technically I'd be married by now and just starting my pictures! Time sure flies!


Ps I don't like the sites new set up :/

I know its so confusing! I am sure it will be fine once we figure it out... but I hate learning new things! I took a week off of my exercise program... mostly I got lazy but yesterday I started back into my routine! Glad I was able to after a week... it was a pretty tough workout, but am glad to be getting back into it... I am redoing week 8. Only three weeks left until the final phase! And then I think I will restart the whole program again! And I can't believe its only one month til you're married! So exciting!

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Well I think they fixed this site a little bit. THANKFULLY! lol  Well my eating wasnt on point this weekend so im back up. But I decided not to wait til after xmas to start my detox/cleanse. I am starting it tomorrow  and instead of chicken ill use turkey. This is going to keep me on track to stay way from the deserts. Ill take them but ill bring them home and freeze them for after the wedding! which is in 3 weeks! i cannot believe I leave in 3 weeks!


I am starting week 6 tonight for focus t25. Not sure if i am still on alpha or do i go to beta from here?. I have been doubling them up last week cause i had to miss days but i got them all in. Plus snowboarding on the weekend.  This week I think i am going to do doubles again. I need to get my calorie burn up!


So much last minute stuff to do!!! eek!

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We got back from our wedding yesterday and although I didn't gain any weight while we were away I sure feel it! I asked Santa for T25 for Christmas, so hopefully by the New Year I'll be rocking out to Sean T again. Party can't stop with the wedding, I've got a husband to look good for now! ;)

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