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Originally Posted by Ywilliams315 View Post

Thank you Hun!!

Protein shake for breakfast

Soup or ham salad for lunch

Protein & vegetables/salad

Apple & sugar free jelly for a snack.

Basically no Carbs, no sweets, no cakes, biscuits etc just protein, veg, salad, fruit, lots of green tea & water xx

that sounds pretty good! Thats basically what I am doing..


Today its Protein shake for breakfast, and 45 cal hot chocolate lol ( its cold out here)


lunch is 1 whole wheat bread folded in half and a boiled egg with some mayo ( just a dtad- egg salad sandwich) lol


Boiled eg white for snack


Dinner will prob be eggs also and a grapefruit



I missed my workout yesterday. I fell asleep at 830 and slept until 6 this morning! So if we dont go to this comedy show tonight i have about 2 hours of working out ahead of me! my workout from yesterday plus todays 25 mins and then my weighttraining.


Not down on the scale But I also have my lovely monthly friend so my weight is usually up and this month i am SUPER bloated and crampy and back hurts..




Have a good day everyone!

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I have three days left in the first phase! I am so excited to be moving on... as I always say lol! but I really am and I am just so thrilled with my fitness improvements! I have been eating really well this week so far and have actually seen the scale move yay! I can't wait to measure on Saturday! I am definitely more motivated now to start really watching what I am eating! And I am trying to incorporate more veggies into my meals! It also helped that I made slow cooker chili on Sunday and have been eating that for lunch all week... its delicious and so filling! I think this sunday I am going to make lentil soup... I usually find soup not as filling, but since lentils have so much protein I find it actually keeps me quite full. Last night I did the Ab workout and I cannot believe how much I have improved my core strength in the past 4 weeks! Its so awesome... I also did about a 15 minute run on my treadmill afterwards just to get a little extra workout. Tonight I am doing the Total Body Circuit and then playing volleyball. Also going to make quesadillas for dinner tonight yum! SO excited! I tried my wedding dress on over the weekend and it still doesn't zip at the chest... so I think that really put me into gear finally after all this time. I am really looking forward to the next 5 weeks to see where I'll be at... I also took "before" photos in a swimsuit this past week... decided it might be more motivating to take the photos and it would be nice to see the improvement!

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Originally Posted by csho View Post

I have three days left in the first phase! I am so excited to be moving on... as I always say lol! but I really am and I am just so thrilled with my fitness improvements! I have been eating really well this week so far and have actually seen the scale move yay! I can't wait to measure on Saturday! I am definitely more motivated now to start really watching what I am eating! And I am trying to incorporate more veggies into my meals! It also helped that I made slow cooker chili on Sunday and have been eating that for lunch all week... its delicious and so filling! I think this sunday I am going to make lentil soup... I usually find soup not as filling, but since lentils have so much protein I find it actually keeps me quite full.

Last night I did the Ab workout and I cannot believe how much I have improved my core strength in the past 4 weeks! Its so awesome... I also did about a 15 minute run on my treadmill afterwards just to get a little extra workout.

Tonight I am doing the Total Body Circuit and then playing volleyball. Also going to make quesadillas for dinner tonight yum! SO excited!

I tried my wedding dress on over the weekend and it still doesn't zip at the chest... so I think that really put me into gear finally after all this time. I am really looking forward to the next 5 weeks to see where I'll be at... I also took "before" photos in a swimsuit this past week... decided it might be more motivating to take the photos and it would be nice to see the improvement!

THATS AWESOME! congrats I am almost done week 1. :) As I said. I do have to do a double tonight to make up for yesterday. but not a big deal lol


I totally recommend before and after pics. Im gonna take pics again in 2 weeks and see if i notice a difference. I am not looking forward to the abs one. I hate that one.. blah


Im sure after th enext phase u will lose inches in your chest so that it zips up :) I get my dress back this weekend :)  I actually could gain weight and it onot be a problem. But who wants that lol like ive stated before im ok where my weight is. its the excess skin  if i wasnt planning to have kids id have a tummy tuck lol

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I am finished alpha phase!!! And I did my measurements this week.


Down about 5 lbs - I really focused on eating well this week and it made a huge difference, so now I am really going to focus and make the effort to eat as healthy as possible up until the wedding!(well and hopefully in the future as well!).


To get to my ideal weight for the wedding I'll need to drop about 2 lbs per week until April... I am not sure if that will be possible, I will do my best, but I think with Christmas and my birthday in the mix it may not be quite that much. Oh well as long as my dress fits that's what will matter the most!

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Originally Posted by csho View Post

I am finished alpha phase!!! And I did my measurements this week.


Down about 5 lbs - I really focused on eating well this week and it made a huge difference, so now I am really going to focus and make the effort to eat as healthy as possible up until the wedding!(well and hopefully in the future as well!).


To get to my ideal weight for the wedding I'll need to drop about 2 lbs per week until April... I am not sure if that will be possible, I will do my best, but I think with Christmas and my birthday in the mix it may not be quite that much. Oh well as long as my dress fits that's what will matter the most!

Good job girl!



I finished week 1 this weekend. I am up in weight, but its also because I weigh myself everyday ( i do not recommend, it has become a obsession. But it keeps me accountable. FYI my weight flucutates between 3-6 lbs during the week-right now on the higher end : )
This week I am focusing on food as well. I meal prepped last night. This is basically what im eating this week:

Breakfast- Strawberries and protein poweder ( shake)
Snack- Boiled Egg, no yolk
Lunch- 3 oz chicken ( baked with mrs dash) Brocolli, and Yam potato
Snack- Apple and Egg white (boiled)
Dinner- Chicken 3 oz, brocolli, Yam
Snack- 6 almonds and a green pepper.

(this is basically what im eating all week, and then off to fargo this weekend for some black friday shopping, im gonna focus on salads with chicken and one night i might hav ea steak dinner:)

My workout today is :
And my Weight lifting workout

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Good job girl! I finished week 1 this weekend. I am up in weight, but its also because I weigh myself everyday ( i do not recommend, it has become a obsession. But it keeps me accountable. FYI my weight flucutates between 3-6 lbs during the week-right now on the higher end : ) This week I am focusing on food as well. I meal prepped last night. This is basically what im eating this week: Breakfast- Strawberries and protein poweder ( shake) Snack- Boiled Egg, no yolk Lunch- 3 oz chicken ( baked with mrs dash) Brocolli, and Yam potato Snack- Apple and Egg white (boiled) Dinner- Chicken 3 oz, brocolli, Yam Snack- 6 almonds and a green pepper. (this is basically what im eating all week, and then off to fargo this weekend for some black friday shopping, im gonna focus on salads with chicken and one night i might hav ea steak dinner:) My workout today is : T25 Arms And my Weight lifting workout
Awesome! Good luck with it!!! I made carrot-lentil soup over the weekend so that's what I will be eating this week for lunches with some veggies! And I've pretty much been eating cheerios and a banana in the morning... I love carbs, so I like eating them in the morning and then for dinner doing more of a protein and veggies and a salad. We've been pretty good with having some type of meat, a salad and veggies last week, so I am going to continue that! Also my goal is to cut out chocolate everyday this week... Friday I'll be going to my friends dessert restaurant so I'll have something there, but today til Thursday I am going chocolate free!
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Originally Posted by csho View Post

Awesome! Good luck with it!!!

I made carrot-lentil soup over the weekend so that's what I will be eating this week for lunches with some veggies! And I've pretty much been eating cheerios and a banana in the morning... I love carbs, so I like eating them in the morning and then for dinner doing more of a protein and veggies and a salad. We've been pretty good with having some type of meat, a salad and veggies last week, so I am going to continue that! Also my goal is to cut out chocolate everyday this week... Friday I'll be going to my friends dessert restaurant so I'll have something there, but today til Thursday I am going chocolate free!

gOOD JOB! i love carbs too. So I am trying to have good carbs like the yams.  I love Cheerios too. Or shredded wheat, which is good also.  Im really trying to clean up my diet, with xmas coming, and then the wedding.. eek!

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Almost done my second week! I am doubling up on some T25 workouts this week since i wont be able to workout thurs or fri I feel good being back in the groove! :)
Great job! I know it feels so good when you get into a groove!
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I have been so bad...  I haven't been doing any workout or watching what I eat or anything!  I figured I will get a start after the new year.  I will have 10 months to tone and drop about 30#.  I am sure that I can do it.  I have been watching you guys progress and it is motivation.  I know with the inspiration that I can do it. 

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