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How to Hashtag your wedding?

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How to #HashTag your wedding?

Having a wedding photographer is essential for capturing the timeline of your big day. But what about all of the photos that your guests take throughout the evening? After all, they can capture some fun shots that your photographer may not have gotten. Plus, you often have to wait weeks to see the pictures that your wedding photographer took.

Instagram is an easy way to check out all of the photos that were taken throughout your wedding. But with all of the guests at your nuptials posting pictures on Instagram, how are you supposed to see them all? This is where hashtags come in.


Creating a hashtag


Hashtags - Words or phrases shared on social media sites and demarked by the pound sign - allow you to see all of the pictures that are related to that tag. For example, if you type #weddingdress into Instagram or Twitter, you will see all pictures and posts that users have put up regarding wedding dresses (so long as the user added that hastag to his or her post).

You can do the same for your big day! Create your very own hashtag, like #MJWedding13 or #JenandBenTietheKnot. It can be whatever you would like. However, if your hashtag is too generic, like #wedding, there's a chance other people could have already used that hashtag. To find out if yours is already taken, search the term on Instagram.

When creating your hashtag, make sure there are no spaces or characters. The pound sign needs to be touching the rest of the word. For example, using the hashag #m&rwedding wouldn't work because of the "&" sign.


How to find photos

When you or your guests want to search through photos from the big day, just head to Instagram and type in the appropriate hashtag. This way, all of the photos for your big day will be in one place, making them easily accessible to all.


How to spread the word

There are a few ways you can inform your guests of the hashtag you will be using. You can have it printed on your ceremony programs and offer a slight explanation. It could be something like "If you use Instagram, please take pictures throughout our big day using the hashtag (insert tag)." You could also print the hashtag on each guest's place card. A display at the entrance of your reception is another popular option. Set up a chalkboard framed in gold, like this couple did.





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- See more at: http://luxweddingflorist.com/article/how-to-hashtag-your-wedding/?


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I plan to hashtag the wedding, I also considered having a tech free ceremony, for multiple reasons. I want people to be less focused on taking pictures, and 2 I dont want my wedding to go on social media before we even get to it. But I think the hashtag wedding is a fun idea. I also wish we can print from instagram, but as long as its hashtagged, we can have people send them to us.

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