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How do you write guests names on the inner and outer envelopes

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I have a bit of dilemma, we have a small wedding - 22 guests; I don't want to be too formal in the invitation (except for family members). 


I have no clue yet how to write their names. 


For the inner envelope: Should it be:


1. If married couples - have the same family name

Wife's fine name "and" Husband's first name then their Family Name 

e.g : Judy and John Smith


2. If married couples - have different family name

Wife Full name "and" husband's full name

e.g Judy Smith and Jack Johnson


3. If single person, but invite extra guest

e.g Judy Smith and Guest


4. For more formal guest 

Mr. and Mrs. Sir Name 

e.g Mr and Mrs. Smith


For the outter envelope, I will just write in the informal way (no Mr. and Mrs.)


How's about a family with a kid, how do I address the kid's name?


What does everyone do for your invitation? Do you think what I am writing is correct?




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