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Anyone have experience with Identity Theft???


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Originally Posted by Mrs.B 2008 View Post
Lizz - that is nuts!!! he is very lucky that there hasn't been too much damage.

i used to work with this guy who had his identity stolen and there was oveer $50K in loans / credit cards and bad debt on his SS#. Also - they used his info to get health insurance and his medical records were all screwed up!!!!
OMG, I can't imagine! I hope we caught this early enough that we stop anything too bad from happening.
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Yep, I've had my identity stolen twice: once by someone who ran up memberships to sex websites, and worse- someone who opened credit cards in my name and I didn't find out about it until I started getting collection calls.


First--- call all 3 credit agencies and report the identity theft. Ask them to put a flag on your account for 30 days to buy you time. From there on, anytime credit is requested, the creditor will have to call your FI and ask him security questions before being approved.


Second, get a copy of the police report and make sure it details the issue! Send this to all 3 credit reporting agencies. This will put a 7 year flag on his account and creditors will have to call to speak with him personally before credit lines are opened. This will also require credit agencies to block any derogatory items related to this theft from appearing on his credit report.


If anything does show up on his credit report, he should immediately request validation of the debt from the creditor and send a copy of the police report to them. Despite what they may say, THEY are responsible for PROVING the debt is his- otherwise they can't pursue it with him.


Biggest thing I can say---- DETAIL EVERYTHING! Keep a log of every phone call made, the person spoken with, and a description of the call and any pertinent information. Do this even with the police department!!! It's been 5 years since I dealt with my identity theft and I still have issues because the police report didn't include any of the details I provided them (like information about the credit card that was opened without my kowledge). It has increased my insurance rates, plunged my credit rating, and I still get harassing phone calls as the credit account is passed form collection agency to collection agency. In my case--- since the police report didn't detail anything and they won't update it until the case is officially 'closed', I'm kind of screwed.

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I had one credit card delivered to an old address and it was used by someone. I found out when the credit card company called about suspicious activity on my card. I hadn't used it in a long time so I knw those wont weren't my charges. I was so taken by surprise I didn't know what to do, now I wish I had been more proactive about it and kept better track of who I spoke with. Thankfully my card company took care of it and nothing more came of it. I've checked my credit report a couple times after wards and everything is fine since then. Great advice Maria, wish I'd had that when I went through this.

Lizz- I hope your FI's credit is not affected too much, it's good you were alerted early on.

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OMG Lizz! I'm so sorry! I had my identity stolen, and Maria's advice is right on. Definitely call all 3 bureaus for a fraud alert. Track everything and get the police report. I would also recommend joining one of the online credit agencies - freecreditreport.com or something - so that you keep a close eye for any changes in your report. It honestly took me 3 years to get everything removed from my report. I had 3 credit cards opened with my information and another address about 7 years ago. It was a pain in the a$$! Hopefully this gets resolved for you quickly :)

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Originally Posted by MikkiStreak View Post
Yep, I've had my identity stolen twice: once by someone who ran up memberships to sex websites, and worse- someone who opened credit cards in my name and I didn't find out about it until I started getting collection calls.

First--- call all 3 credit agencies and report the identity theft. Ask them to put a flag on your account for 30 days to buy you time. From there on, anytime credit is requested, the creditor will have to call your FI and ask him security questions before being approved.

Second, get a copy of the police report and make sure it details the issue! Send this to all 3 credit reporting agencies. This will put a 7 year flag on his account and creditors will have to call to speak with him personally before credit lines are opened. This will also require credit agencies to block any derogatory items related to this theft from appearing on his credit report.

If anything does show up on his credit report, he should immediately request validation of the debt from the creditor and send a copy of the police report to them. Despite what they may say, THEY are responsible for PROVING the debt is his- otherwise they can't pursue it with him.

Biggest thing I can say---- DETAIL EVERYTHING! Keep a log of every phone call made, the person spoken with, and a description of the call and any pertinent information. Do this even with the police department!!! It's been 5 years since I dealt with my identity theft and I still have issues because the police report didn't include any of the details I provided them (like information about the credit card that was opened without my kowledge). It has increased my insurance rates, plunged my credit rating, and I still get harassing phone calls as the credit account is passed form collection agency to collection agency. In my case--- since the police report didn't detail anything and they won't update it until the case is officially 'closed', I'm kind of screwed.

Maria, I'm so sorry you are going through all this, I had no idea. We'll definitely follow your advice...thanks!
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Originally Posted by babycow View Post
I had one credit card delivered to an old address and it was used by someone. I found out when the credit card company called about suspicious activity on my card. I hadn't used it in a long time so I knw those wont weren't my charges. I was so taken by surprise I didn't know what to do, now I wish I had been more proactive about it and kept better track of who I spoke with. Thankfully my card company took care of it and nothing more came of it. I've checked my credit report a couple times after wards and everything is fine since then. Great advice Maria, wish I'd had that when I went through this.
Lizz- I hope your FI's credit is not affected too much, it's good you were alerted early on.
Originally Posted by Hopels View Post
OMG Lizz! I'm so sorry! I had my identity stolen, and Maria's advice is right on. Definitely call all 3 bureaus for a fraud alert. Track everything and get the police report. I would also recommend joining one of the online credit agencies - freecreditreport.com or something - so that you keep a close eye for any changes in your report. It honestly took me 3 years to get everything removed from my report. I had 3 credit cards opened with my information and another address about 7 years ago. It was a pain in the a$$! Hopefully this gets resolved for you quickly :)

Thanks girls!!!! Mike is not usually good with stuff like this. I'm completely anal and am always checking my credit cards and credit report, but he NEVER does, so I'm going to have to make sure he stays on top of it from now on.
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I just have to ask, are you absolutely certain the people who contacted you were from the police dept first of all? Did you verify this? They didn't ask you for any additional information or anything right?


I'm thinking though, considering all the Nigerian internet scams out there, it must have been something online most likely!


I hope everything works out with the house!!!!! Stuff like this always happens at the absolute worse time.

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Jessica you read my mind!


It is odd that the police would call for a matter like this (as opposed to an in-person or mail notification). Did you get his name & badge number? Did the detective ask him to verify any of his personal info over the phone (address/name/social/etc.)? I hope not because who knows if it wasn't the scam artists calling to set up the scam.


Either way, you should go in person to Atlanta PD and confirm this. Better safe than sorry.


Best wishes in sorting this out :o)

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