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Am I a crazy over protective fiancee?


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Here's the story-

2 weeks ago FI broke his nose playing flag football. Some guy accidentally elbowed him and gave him a nice bloody, crooked nose. I took a day off work to go with FI to the doc to get his nose replaced. It was the hardest thing to watch because although they numbed it, he was still in severe pain. He got his cast off last week and his nose is still slightly crooked. FI is disappointed and totally self conscious.


Now the big dummy wants to go play his football game this Saturday. The doc says he will be fine, but just don't get hit in the nose. I say he shouldn't play for awhile, but he says if he gets hit in the nose again then he'll just opt to have surgery to have it straightened since he doesn't like it now. (Surgery is still an option he can take since he has a deviated septum.)


I just don't get it. I'm like "This is your face we are talking about! We have a wedding coming up and I would like you to look normal." He thinks I'm being a little dramatic. So seriously, am I?

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Well, I totally see where you're coming from. I would feel the same way. Because really, it's not like he was hit in the nose on pupose the first time...so to say that he'll play and "just not get hit in the nose" doesn't really make sense. lol! Accidents happen. I would be paranoid about it too.


That being said, IF something were to happen and IF he had to have surgery, it would all be done and healed before the wedding for sure. AND you can always let him know that after you guys have to fork out $$ for the new nose, no way in hell is he ever doing anything again to jack it up! That's what I'd say anyway! Lol! SO yeah, if he wants to play this week, fine. But IF he has to have surgery, no more football until after the wedding....and maybe agree to no heavy hitting contact sport the month before the wedding anyway....I bruise like crazy at the drop of a hat and I definitely did everything I could to NOT bruise before my wedding. It's only sensible that he could be cautious too...nobody want a broken arm on their wedding day or anything like that! :-)

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Everton would never give up football for anything, they had a football game on the beach before the wedding, so it would be a losing battle for me. He also most likely feels a responsibility to his team, flag football is not usually to rough so he will most likely be fine. We all worry about the people we love, but we have to keep living even after we get hurt. I will send positive thoughts your way to keep him safe:)

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i wouldn't worry about it if it were me, but i also did the same thing. we joked about something like that happening to us - we played in our soccer game the night before we left for the wedding. i was saying how i could just see something happening to me that night, like a big scratch across my face or something. then one of my teammates walked up and she had the HUGEST black eye, she got it in her soccer game the night before. i was like "nnoooooooo!" every time i went for the ball i was a little more timid than usual ... everyone was giving me a hard time.

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