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People inviting guests without asking-am I wrong to be irritated?


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OMG no.. im going through a similar situation, I am not sure if i should invite some friends bf/gf since i dont even know them and they have only been dating for a couple of months... what to do?

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  • 3 weeks later...

I would be totally fine with bringing significant others/one roommate so they are not stuck booking alone. That being said, inviting a group of friends without discussing it with you beforehand is NOT okay (especially that you have to pay for all of the extras). 

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I agree. Bringing a date I understand. Even of it is a friend and not a significant other. That way they don't have to room alone. Additional people after that is plain disrespectful in my opinion.



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  • 3 weeks later...

I would definitely be upset! The point of having a DW is so that it is a small, intimate group of people that I know! I am allowing guests to bring a +1 to help with rooming costs and/or having someone else to know, but no more than a +1!

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I think I'd be upset. I agree with the others though. Talk to the guest and find out if these others are planning to attend your wedding. They may not be but it's best to know. I also agree that it's very rude not to consult with the bride first!

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Did you ever read these posts and wonder what happened with the situation?!?  :)

If it were me, I don't think I would be upset if others came, but it should def be discussed with the bride prior to booking.  Let her know the plans of the other guests.  If people are paying that much to go to your wedding, why not make a vacation out of it.

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My friend just did this to me! She recently broke up with her boyfriend and asked if she could bring one of our friends instead. I said of course she could! But when she forwarded me her booking confirmation it also had her mom and aunt on it!


I was a little thrown off that she didn't at least mention them when she asked about bringing our other friend. I contacted her right after and confirmed they are coming along for the trip and not expecting to attend the wedding. I'm ok with that!

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I am on both sides here, it's incredibly rude not to consult the bride about inviting other guests, especially if there are extra costs involved with the wedding, cake, food, chairs, etc. Some people don't realize there are extra costs but should have the decency to consult the wedding couple.


But on the flip side, people are also coming for a vacation too, and if they want to invite a group of friends along, or relatives, I say why not? I'm sure the resort/venue is big enough for everyone. The more the merrier was our motto. We had an open invitation, people could bring who they wanted, come enjoy, celebrate and have a great time! We had a few "stragglers" in our group and honestly it made the week that much more fun! My friend came with her husband and kids, and her mother also came to babysit, so they could enjoy some adult, kid free time, it worked out well! It was nice to meet these new strangers, and now they aren't strangers!


Bottom line, I guess it depends on if they plan on attending the wedding festivities or not. Find out, and go from there!

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