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Once you have a budget for your wedding *STEP ONE! then you proceed to find a great deal and a venue for your wedding in Puerto Vallarta or anywhere you like. I promise you this works anywhere. At least if you are dealing with the Owner of the company/venue such as with www.martoca.com :)



YOU set your price. I always tell my brides to tell me what they want to spend. I am a venue/wedding planner but our priority is to rent the venue. It is m famlly's business so when you rent the venue it helps us and in reality that is our priority so commissions and such are not our concern. We will accommodate our services to your budget. If you say your budget is 20,000 dollars well then guess what? You will have a 20,000 dollar package offered to you. On the other hand, if you say you want to maximum spend 10,000 then guess what? Yes, that's right, your package will cost 10,000 dollars! MAGIC!! :) Of course their is a minimum price where the venue just cannot make money on the deal so maybe they have to pass but it would have to be a very small budget.

It is not that Venues or planners will charge you 20,000 for the same they could sell for 10,000 dollars mind you, that would be inmoral and unethical and downright bad business; But if you say 20,000 then they will put a package together worth 20,000 and show you decorations, flower arrangements, Fire Dancers, Crystal top tables, 7 course dinners and so on. It is up to YOU to be clear on what you want to spend. It is logical if you think about it. If you have 30,000 to spend you would not want a 10,000 dollar wedding because it most likely will be lacking services and quality of your taste. So in reality it should all work out if your planner listens to you and works with your budget. BUt my TIP is that YOU set the tone and the base price. I promise you it will not only save you money if you offer a lower budget (I suggest about 20% than what you have in reality in total) to begin with, it will also save you time and haggling because you will be starting at a lower rice than YOUR bottom line! So anything you add to the package will essentially be "gravy" or money for extras!

OK, I hope this helps to save you money and time and by the way it helps us planners/wedding venue owners as well because we know that a happy customer who is expeditiously served and a client who obtained exactly what they wanted, or even a better offer than they thought, will recommend us; And this is what owners want: long term business and word of mouth referrals.



Thank you for reading and happy planning! 











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