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wedding drama


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It seems like a lot of us are experiencing drama from non supportive family members or friends. Even though a destination wedding is supposed to be stress free, it turns out to be just as bad with the amount of comments and opinions from everybody trying to impose.


Share your stories and how you cope with the stress, because even though we may try to be strong and stick by our decisions, people's comments can create a lot of stress


my stories:

*Mom does not take destination wedding seriously, everytime she gets a chance she makes it a point that our DW is not a real wedding and in return i tell here that our chuch ceremony which will happen here is not a real wedding to me because im doing it to please the parents and put on a show for the friends.....she thinks im crazy and that i should want to have a big wedding.... 

the way i cope with it is by just not discussing it with her and staying positive and only talking to people who are excited about my DW.


* Future sister in law acting out because she was not asked to be a bridesmaid. (she is 32 years old and trying to get pregnant and she lives 2 hours away) the way i see it, i only have to ask my closest friends or family, her and i are not close at all. i do not want to have a big bridal party . she has been acting out about the wedding since we told her she wasnt going to be in it, she constantly asking how come she wasnt told when the bridal shower will be, who is doing our decorations, then she got upset that we booked cancun and she made a big stink said she wasnt coming. (originally we were going to book punta cana and she gave us that idea, actually the whole DW was her idea) then she invited us to her house for a BBQ and we couldnt go because fiance had to work, she had a breakdown and wrote everyone an email telling us she had enough of us, and she was cutting us off, because we didnt include her in the wedding "celebrations" and we chose our jobs over her....how i dealt with her was completely not talk to her or answer "i dont know" to any of her questions, jsut basically left my fiance to talk to her directly but apparantly that pissed her off even more and now we are on her black list.... so not much we can do about that now anyway...it just seems really silly that she wants to be in the wedding party so badly, she should be thankful we are not putting more stress on her life, just come enjoy the wedding and be happy for us, why is that so much to ask from some people? she already had her wedding day to shine, now let me have mine

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I am so sorry for your drama.  Let you Future Sister in law be, she will come around eventually.  If she doesn't just think of it as less stress to deal with.  It is your wedding. But if you feel the need write her back by email and just say this is my wedding and I am sorry you feel the way you do.  But for budget reasons I am keeping my bridal party small. Maybe you can find another role for her



I am planning a Surprise Wedding just to avoid the "drama".  We are just acting as though we are planning a family/friends cruise over Thanksgiving week.  If they can come they can and those that cant will not.  Our cruise is not until November 2014

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