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Canadian Brides - List of Places to Change Your Name

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I haven't come across a list showing what documents need to be changed once your last name is changed. So I thought I will compile a list to my understanding:


1) Read up on Vital Statistics. Each province has different rules. I'm from BC so I'm posting the BC one here. http://www.vs.gov.bc.ca/name/



2) Read up on Getting Married from Service Canada: http://www.servicecanada.gc.ca/eng/lifeevents/marriage.shtml


3)      Order the marriage certificate - can be ordered online, in-person or by mail: http://www.vs.gov.bc.ca/marriage/certificate.html


4)      Once the marriage certificate is received, you can start changing your name:

  • Driverâ€s license

      ***New BC Care Card starting in Feb 2013*** - BC is introducing the new Care Card that is both driver's license and Care Card

  • Bank â€“ Take your original marriage certificate into your bank to change your name on all accounts. If you have credit cards with them, complete all changes at once.
  • Credit Cards â€“ Call the number on the back of your card.
  • Loans
  • Place of Employment
  • House or Tenants Insurance
  • Utility Companies
  • Home and Cell Phone Company
  • Doctor/Dentist
  • Club Memberships - Costco, gym, grocery store cards, community centres, etc…
  • Others - Email signatures, Facebook, Twitter, blogs, etc.


Hope this helps!

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