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My mom is driving me crazy!

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i am having a similar situation here with my mom. She also keeps saying comments that our DW is not a real wedding, (we are having a church ceremony here, but no party) . To her she is just tagging along to Mexico and doesnt see the point of it. there were many reasons why we decided to do a DW one of them was finances. Everytime she tries to hint that my DW is not a real wedding and she doesnt take it seriously it really ticks me off and i end up telling her that the church ceremony is not a real wedding to me because we are doing it to please the parents and put on a show for their friends , and she get upset at me and makes me feel like im a bad person.....

i just think it comes down to what MariDR2012 said, mom are reliving their weddings through us. in my moms case she had a very small wedding with 20 people and she didnt even invite her own family (no parents or siblings) ...and now she regrets and wishes she had a big princess wedding with church and all that jazz..... she just doesnt understand its not about her or what her dreams are...its about the couple celebrating their love with people who matter to them.... but i dont think they will understand so its better not to bring up the topic in general, hopefully when the wedding day comes they will see things is a different spectrum

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