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When Do You Give Your Guests Their OOT Bags?

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Hi everyone! I'm just trying to plan the logistics of when to give my guests their OOT bags. I'm planning on doing up a 1 pager itinerary for our guests and email that to them & have it printed so that they'll have a copy at the resort. And for the OOT bags I'm doing something quite simple - I bought a beach towel for everyone that I'll tie a ribbon to and maybe a coral top wine stopper & acrylic tumbler. Did you get help from the resort to deliver them to your guests? did you hand them out yourselves? What's the best method? Thanks!

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I've heard giving it to the front desk isn't the best idea - but I don't have personal experience with that yet. I think we plan on having a welcome cocktail party for our guests on the first night (when most of our guests arrive) and we will hand them out then, we will have about 10 people arriving the next day and we will just bring them to the pool with us and hand them out :) Hope that helps!

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We're doing something similar to ChelseaCat802. Most of our guests, including FI and I, are arriving on the Saturday. We are going to have our WC set up an informal welcome dinner in one of the buffets on the Sunday and hand them all out then. If there are some that arrive later, we'll just give them to them as we see them.

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I handed out most of them before we left since I supplied luggage tags for everyone (and I didn't want to have to pack 20 bags myself and bring an extra suitcase! Most of our guest were local but the others I brought with me (only 3 bags) and gave it to them when I saw them on the beach! :)

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