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ROR Slide Shows

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Hey Jocelyn, I canâ€t think of a cheaper way to show your slid show at your reception. But I was thinking that if you have a suite, you could have a little mixer for your guests to drop by and/or wander in & out or just chill for a while. You could just connect your camcorder, portable DVD, laptop, or whatever to the TV and have in running while you have your mixer in the suite…. I think I saw some where on here that someone had a little gathering in their room and the resort brought up drinks at no additional cost. Just an idea, Iâ€ll keep thinking about the BIG PICTURE (at the reception) :-)

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Originally Posted by Heidi View Post
Hey Jocelyn! Good to see you on here! pinkie.gif
I know that this is NOWHERE near as fun as having a projector and screen.... but you could always just use a laptop. I know, it sucks compared to your vision!

Ooh, or do you think ROR would let us BOTH rent it and just split the cost, since we're only a few days off? Probably not....just a thought though!
Hi Heidi! I have sent Chandlyn a couple of emails and did actually throw out to her the idea of maybe buying one as an investment for future weddings. If she doesn't go for that I'll ask her if we could split the rental costs....if you are really interested in it that is. I don't know if she'll go for that either because there are a few days between us and I don't know how their rental would work. I'll let you know how my conversations go with her!
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Originally Posted by md_ocr View Post
where would they set this up? At the restaurant during your receptionhuh.gif (Because I thought that both restaurants were outside?)
I think they would set it up wherever you request...pending power sources and weather of course, but there are always extension cords!

Right now we are thinking of having dinner at Mammee Bay because I think we'll have less than 50 people and then we have the disco reserved for our reception/first dance/slideshow after dinner.
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Originally Posted by DLyteful View Post
Hey Jocelyn, I canâ€t think of a cheaper way to show your slid show at your reception. But I was thinking that if you have a suite, you could have a little mixer for your guests to drop by and/or wander in & out or just chill for a while. You could just connect your camcorder, portable DVD, laptop, or whatever to the TV and have in running while you have your mixer in the suite…. I think I saw some where on here that someone had a little gathering in their room and the resort brought up drinks at no additional cost. Just an idea, Iâ€ll keep thinking about the BIG PICTURE (at the reception) :-)
That's a great idea too... if all else fails. Another option I was thinking of is if they have a tv and dvd player that can be moved to our reception. Not optimal viewing but bigger than my laptop anyways.
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Ok….how many guests are you going to have and then how many tables do you think you would havehuh.gif Another idea (if you are going to have a small guest list) is possibly having a little portable DVD player on each table (or at different sections of the table if it’s a long rectangle) and having a copy playing on each DVD player. The DVD’s are battery operated so you wouldn’t have to worry about the power supply… the battery should last for a couple of hours so your guests could watch the slid show while at the reception dinner at their leisure. Everyone has portable DVD player’s theses days, And I’m sure a lot of people plan to bring theirs on the long plane ride, so everyone who has one could just loan theirs…(and a dependable, younger cousin, niece/nephew, could be given the very special job of ensuring all the DVD players are accounted for and up and ready to play the slid show).

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That's a great idea Davina! I may use it! Chandlyn got back to me and we can also use a tv and dvd player. We may go with that...not the best but better than paying $350.


Originally Posted by DLyteful View Post
Ok….how many guests are you going to have and then how many tables do you think you would havehuh.gif Another idea (if you are going to have a small guest list) is possibly having a little portable DVD player on each table (or at different sections of the table if itâ€s a long rectangle) and having a copy playing on each DVD player. The DVDâ€s are battery operated so you wouldnâ€t have to worry about the power supply… the battery should last for a couple of hours so your guests could watch the slid show while at the reception dinner at their leisure. Everyone has portable DVD playerâ€s theses days, And Iâ€m sure a lot of people plan to bring theirs on the long plane ride, so everyone who has one could just loan theirs…(and a dependable, younger cousin, niece/nephew, could be given the very special job of ensuring all the DVD players are accounted for and up and ready to play the slid show).
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