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A little thing I like to call "Operation Wedding Dress" (aka, my dress is too small... but it won't be soon!)

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So yesterday was day two at shapes ( with the trainer-sighs- its not what i expected. But its better than what I have been doing lol Basically we did 1 minute cardio then some weights and repeat I mean I heard thats the most effective way to burn fat, but I just feel to advanced for this class. Everyone else is older or have a lot to lose. Im going to continue going since I paid for it, But i went up the to trainer and asked him what I could do on the days we arent with him. His response. " uh, legs.. uh weights .. " Im sure he didnt give me a direct answer cause he wants me to pay him some more, but Im just going to do what I have been doing which is cardio and some weights plsu the 2 days with him. HOpefully after the 8 weeks I see some results.


According to the fitnes thing they gave us I should be eating about 1300-1800 calories, and im BARELY making 1000. its not that IM starving myself its just that Im not hungry so I dont eat. So I have to try and add more calories in that are whole calories and good. Ex oatmeal, more protein, veggies etc.


I must say tho It feels good to be back in the gym and im ready to kill a workout tonight and this weekend ;)

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Originally Posted by DANIELLE03 View Post

So yesterday was day two at shapes ( with the trainer-sighs- its not what i expected. But its better than what I have been doing lol Basically we did 1 minute cardio then some weights and repeat I mean I heard thats the most effective way to burn fat, but I just feel to advanced for this class. Everyone else is older or have a lot to lose. Im going to continue going since I paid for it, But i went up the to trainer and asked him what I could do on the days we arent with him. His response. " uh, legs.. uh weights .. " Im sure he didnt give me a direct answer cause he wants me to pay him some more, but Im just going to do what I have been doing which is cardio and some weights plsu the 2 days with him. HOpefully after the 8 weeks I see some results.


According to the fitnes thing they gave us I should be eating about 1300-1800 calories, and im BARELY making 1000. its not that IM starving myself its just that Im not hungry so I dont eat. So I have to try and add more calories in that are whole calories and good. Ex oatmeal, more protein, veggies etc.


I must say tho It feels good to be back in the gym and im ready to kill a workout tonight and this weekend ;)


Try eating high calorie foods, like nuts and avocados that way your calories are higher and you're getting good fats. Also a protein shake if you're not getting enough protein. You should consume about 1g per lb of lean muscle. So I have 97lbs of lean muscle so I try to keep my protein at about 100g a day

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NICE.. Yeah its defiantely hard to train my mind that eating "MORE" is goign to thelp. I have been eating more nuts and stuff and avacados trying to up my protein, and I have been drinkin protein shakes but still around 1000 calories Im going to sit down this sunday and try and pre plan all my meals so i get at least 1300 calories. (godo ones) and see what happens. Im back in my gym mode. twice a week with a trainer(tho i doubt his stuff is going to help) and then the other 3 days on my won :) I have to go for my dress fitting by next month. I have no issue with how it fits now just want it to be more loose so i have to take it in :) heheh i will be in my 150's by my wedding

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Hi everyone my dress is a size 4 lol yes I know tiny...so my mission is not to lose weight but to tone. I too want to look sexy in beach wear and especially on my special day. ... So Im looking for ways or ideas or excetises to tone tightin up my mid selection and toning my butt lol any ideas ladies please let me know thanks.

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for stomach and abs area I would recommend like planks, ab exercises. crunches bicycle crunches basically anything core. For but. squats squtats and more squats.. lunges ( use heavy weights. I squat with about 50 lbs even tho i know i can do more) jump squats( without weights) Sumo squats( with weights)  you can do floor exercises for your butt where you put a light weight behind your knee and push your leg up the the sky If you google butt exercises there are many :) good luck.

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for stomach and abs area I would recommend like planks, ab exercises. crunches bicycle crunches basically anything core. For but. squats squtats and more squats.. lunges ( use heavy weights. I squat with about 50 lbs even tho i know i can do more) jump squats( without weights) Sumo squats( with weights)  you can do floor exercises for your butt where you put a light weight behind your knee and push your leg up the the sky If you google butt exercises there are many :) good luck.
thank you soo much.... All this helps everyone says squats lol but do they really work? Maybe I just wanna see results in a week lol even though its not gonna happen. Any advice for doing squats from your home????? Thanks
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Take the 30day squat challange and youll understand
where can I find the 30 day squat challenge? Just google it? Have you gone it? If so what were your results? In skeptical sometimes about those challenges but ill try anything that works! Thanks
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Ran 3 times this week!  Yay!  Goal for this week is the same, but to run for a half an hour vs the 25 mins that I have been.


Yesterday was the 2 month mark from our wedding day.  I can't believe it!


Keep it up ladies, you are all doing wonderfully!

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Ran 3 times this week!  Yay!  Goal for this week is the same, but to run for a half an hour vs the 25 mins that I have been. Yesterday was the 2 month mark from our wedding day.  I can't believe it! Keep it up ladies, you are all doing wonderfully! [/quote Congrats..... Just push for that little bit of extra and you will get to your goal!!! Keep screaming I CAN DO IT!!!!
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