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A little thing I like to call "Operation Wedding Dress" (aka, my dress is too small... but it won't be soon!)

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Originally Posted by DANIELLE03 View Post


OH forgot to mention in the last rant( sorry guys if im boring you ) lol that you should eat your complex carbs with every meal NEVER seperate because then the body stores it.. so you should have like a lean steak, broccoli and for example Mashed potatoes or Yams.


It also says an effective way to keep the body fueld and burning is to have 5-6 small meals a day divided between your daily calorie intake so if say your body was to have to eat 1500 CALORIES for the day that would be 300cal/meal. also says to ZIG zag your days. So 2 days lower cal, but above your total daily expenditure (TDe) so 2 days at like 1700 1 day at 2000 cal then back to 1700 (just for example purposes) that way your body gets confused and keeps burning.


Also mentions you can taper your calories for example.


meal 1-500 cal

meal 2-300

meal 3-300

meal 4-200

meal 5-200


again.. just a example. But EVERY meal needs to have a complex or fibrous carb a protein and a fat .

My damn thyroid issue screws all this up for me :( I wish I could eat like this but I can't. I do stay away from processed foods usually and I have to try and avoid gluten which is a pain in the a** lol

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Originally Posted by Tonia Bruyns View Post


My problem is I have no clue what a complex/fibrous carb is lol. I'm thinking the book you bought would be a great investment for me.. I'm pretty new to the whole trying to count calories thing.. the biggest thing I'm doing is just watching my carb intake, trying to lay off the processed foods and portion control.. This thread is definitely informative and helpful!

Its called Burn the fat feed the muscle. a girl I know did it ( i posted her before and after pic earlier) and she got those results in 49 days. You can buy it online


I was doing the whole no carb thing, But after reading this wow.. I shouldnt have been doing that! You just need to restrict your refined carbs..(processed) carbs or refined sugars. Example Oatmeal-good carb. Rice cakes(not as good but still better choice) ORANGE- good (60 cal)   Orange juice- not good (200 cal) and sugar.


Dont worry I have no clue about the complex/fibrous carb thing is. its all in the book so ill be going back and forth to it. My friend that is going to start it wtih me, is more knowledgeable in that dept! Maybe once I find out ffrom here ill post the info so we all can be knowledgeable!

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Originally Posted by Tonia Bruyns View Post


My problem is I have no clue what a complex/fibrous carb is lol. I'm thinking the book you bought would be a great investment for me.. I'm pretty new to the whole trying to count calories thing.. the biggest thing I'm doing is just watching my carb intake, trying to lay off the processed foods and portion control.. This thread is definitely informative and helpful!

There are plenty of free calorie tracking websites around and apps. I use myfitnesspal and love it

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So I bought my dress this past weekend. Bought it in a size 8. I am a petite bride. I stand "tall" at 4'10" lol. I am hoping to lose abut 10-15 pounds, which doesn't sound like much, but on a girl my stature it will mean 2 dress sizes or so.


I didn't buy the dress smaller in fear that I wouldn't actually be able to lose the weight. I have been trying for about 6 months now. I am signed up for a 5k this month, and looking to sign up for a few more...until my HALF MARATHON in october! 


My first fitting is in January, so I have time. Just telling my story.


Good luck to you all!

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Originally Posted by lorcas View Post


So I bought my dress this past weekend. Bought it in a size 8. I am a petite bride. I stand "tall" at 4'10" lol. I am hoping to lose abut 10-15 pounds, which doesn't sound like much, but on a girl my stature it will mean 2 dress sizes or so.


I didn't buy the dress smaller in fear that I wouldn't actually be able to lose the weight. I have been trying for about 6 months now. I am signed up for a 5k this month, and looking to sign up for a few more...until my HALF MARATHON in october! 


My first fitting is in January, so I have time. Just telling my story.


Good luck to you all!

I'm only 5'1 so I feel your pain....I'm going to be looking in the next few weeks *eeeek* can't wait

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Originally Posted by lorcas View Post


Originally Posted by moodyc82 View Post


Where has everyone gone?!


I'm still here! Haha. I feel like I check my subscriptions way too often ;)


Me too! I have just been away from this thread... because I have been hiding in my whole of gluttony and not caring!


But now I am emerging, much to the sad, sad, sad creeping up on the scale. May killed me... too much going on, not enough time to make healthy meals, so it was crap, after crap, after crap.....But that is changing this month! FI is getting a family gym membership through work, so we'll have that going for us..... plus, my mom bought me a gorgeous dress while she was in NY, and it's gorgeous. But it's an XL (granted, it is a TJ MAXX).... I know size shouldn't matter, but it is killing me a little that it isn't too big on me....


Also, there is NO WAY my dress will fit me being this size, sooooooo..... my bestie comes home from Calgary in a month- which means I have a month to lose about 15 pounds, to fit into the dress so she can see it!


I wish I was one of those people that didn't eat when they were stressed..... that would be just fantastic! But noooooooo I have to be a chip/cookie/ice cream monster in my sorrows haha.

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I'm here, had a CRAZY week... omg.


Like, really, crazy..... like a family member faked their own death... WHO DOES THAT?  OMG... so anyway, and then the fiance was super sick the last couple of days.


Good news, I'm still down what I was down, but haven't lost anything more.  But I haven't really done any cardio, so... that's my bad really.

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I'm still here too! My FI and I have picked a resort for sure so I've been busy looking at all their options :) I'm kind of a nut when it comes to having things organized well in advance.


WOW -- family member faking their own death... that's definitely crazy!


DANIELLE03 --I looked at the before and after pics! I am totally sold. Def going to try and find that book!


A lady in my office keeps baking treats and bringing them in for everyone... I've strategically made sure they are behind me so I don't see them.. but they are soooo good. Trying to up my cardio like you girls suggested as well as more reps with the mat workouts I do.. Slowly but surely I will get to where I want! I still have a long time before my wedding... so good or bad things could happen lol.

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