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A little thing I like to call "Operation Wedding Dress" (aka, my dress is too small... but it won't be soon!)

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Originally Posted by moodyc82 View Post


Awesome! My gym offers the class for free with the membership and we can go to any of the La Fitness's around now so I might go to another one for a boot camp class....have to see. In june I'm doing an ab challenge....ugh I have no abs so this ought to be interesting.




My FI never had kettle korn until we went to an octoberfest last year and I bought some....omg now he's in love with it!! I've hear about those wraps, a friend of mine did it and 3 days later she was a few inches slimmer but I don't think it stuck for very long. But hey if it works than why not.

I started a ab challenge too. And then forgot about it after day 7. ILl just pick it up again next week with day 8, I as well have no abs. like isee definition in my stomach but its not flat and i still have flab. Hence these wrap things. they CLAIM to take it away, so I said wth Ill give it a try for 15 bucks before i spend 100 on four of them! lol I kept hearing a lot about it to so thought id try.


Apparently it stays off if you eat healthy and exercise(which  we are doing) so ill see after toonight! She said she will measure me before, and then 45 mins after the wrap. But im going to ask if i can keep it on over night, because I hear you get good results if its left on during the night. Ill try anything lol my stomach is def my trouble area! :(

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Originally Posted by DANIELLE03 View Post


I started a ab challenge too. And then forgot about it after day 7. ILl just pick it up again next week with day 8, I as well have no abs. like isee definition in my stomach but its not flat and i still have flab. Hence these wrap things. they CLAIM to take it away, so I said wth Ill give it a try for 15 bucks before i spend 100 on four of them! lol I kept hearing a lot about it to so thought id try.


Apparently it stays off if you eat healthy and exercise(which  we are doing) so ill see after toonight! She said she will measure me before, and then 45 mins after the wrap. But im going to ask if i can keep it on over night, because I hear you get good results if its left on during the night. Ill try anything lol my stomach is def my trouble area! :(


I'm the same way with those challenges... I forget about 2 weeks in.. I go to the gym almost every day of the week at work, but I have definitely been slacking. Let us know how the wrap works! I'm tempted to give it a try!

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Originally Posted by Tonia Bruyns View Post



I'm the same way with those challenges... I forget about 2 weeks in.. I go to the gym almost every day of the week at work, but I have definitely been slacking. Let us know how the wrap works! I'm tempted to give it a try!

i DEF WILL! lol Depending on how ugly my before and after pics are I might post them. But then again I might not since my tummy is flabby and gross haha

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My tummy is def. my problem area. The rest of me has slimmed down nicely but my stomach just hasn't gotten the memo. I've been trying to kick it up a notch and see what happens. Can't wait to hear about the wraps

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Dagh, I was supposed to go for a swim at lunch today with a coworker, but she has too much work to do (she's my ride to the pool!). So no swimming for us today. Silly work always getting in the way. I've been having some pain in my feet, but I might try and go for a run after work instead.


Been having a roller-coaster of emotions lately. I'm still upset my FI's sister isn't coming and I'm having a really hard time getting over it without being a total meanie-pants (i.e. having a "fine - if she isn't coming, I don't want her there anyways" attitude. We're not close and I've only met her once, but I definitely don't want this to carry over for the rest of our lives/interactions with each other). Anyone else having these feelings? It totally sucks and makes planning way more stressful than it needs to be. I'm trying my best to focus on the guests that ARE coming, and thinking about it from that perspective helps make me feel a bit less stressed.


And I still haven't made it to Weight Watchers for my May weigh-in... If I'm not under my goal weight by the end of the month I just need to pay the fee and try again for June. *sigh*

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Originally Posted by ironman View Post


Dagh, I was supposed to go for a swim at lunch today with a coworker, but she has too much work to do (she's my ride to the pool!). So no swimming for us today. Silly work always getting in the way. I've been having some pain in my feet, but I might try and go for a run after work instead.


Been having a roller-coaster of emotions lately. I'm still upset my FI's sister isn't coming and I'm having a really hard time getting over it without being a total meanie-pants (i.e. having a "fine - if she isn't coming, I don't want her there anyways" attitude. We're not close and I've only met her once, but I definitely don't want this to carry over for the rest of our lives/interactions with each other). Anyone else having these feelings? It totally sucks and makes planning way more stressful than it needs to be. I'm trying my best to focus on the guests that ARE coming, and thinking about it from that perspective helps make me feel a bit less stressed.


And I still haven't made it to Weight Watchers for my May weigh-in... If I'm not under my goal weight by the end of the month I just need to pay the fee and try again for June. *sigh*

I guess I'm in the I don't care if you can't come phase now. My friend of 8yrs said yes to being a bridesmaid and than literally on the 17th of this month turned around and said she's not even coming to the wedding because she can't afford it (mind you she spend A LOT of money on non important things and will constantly tell me about her elaberate shopping trips). So now I just don't care anymore. If you're there you're there and if you're not than oh well. The people who really matter will show up, and if they want to be a part of our day than great if not it's their loss.


Anyways, I hope your weigh in goes well!!

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Originally Posted by ironman View Post


Dagh, I was supposed to go for a swim at lunch today with a coworker, but she has too much work to do (she's my ride to the pool!). So no swimming for us today. Silly work always getting in the way. I've been having some pain in my feet, but I might try and go for a run after work instead.


Been having a roller-coaster of emotions lately. I'm still upset my FI's sister isn't coming and I'm having a really hard time getting over it without being a total meanie-pants (i.e. having a "fine - if she isn't coming, I don't want her there anyways" attitude. We're not close and I've only met her once, but I definitely don't want this to carry over for the rest of our lives/interactions with each other). Anyone else having these feelings? It totally sucks and makes planning way more stressful than it needs to be. I'm trying my best to focus on the guests that ARE coming, and thinking about it from that perspective helps make me feel a bit less stressed.


And I still haven't made it to Weight Watchers for my May weigh-in... If I'm not under my goal weight by the end of the month I just need to pay the fee and try again for June. *sigh*

That sucks about your FI sister.

My brother and his FI werent going to come, and at first i was upset, but then realized a lot of ppl that I would want to be there cant come regardless, and i have to be ok because its a lot of money. The ppl that will be able to make it will make it a special day so just focus on that and if she doesnt come you will have the memories to show her that she wasnt a apart of unfortunatly :(

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Originally Posted by moodyc82 View Post


I guess I'm in the I don't care if you can't come phase now. My friend of 8yrs said yes to being a bridesmaid and than literally on the 17th of this month turned around and said she's not even coming to the wedding because she can't afford it (mind you she spend A LOT of money on non important things and will constantly tell me about her elaberate shopping trips). So now I just don't care anymore. If you're there you're there and if you're not than oh well. The people who really matter will show up, and if they want to be a part of our day than great if not it's their loss.


Anyways, I hope your weigh in goes well!!

Sorry about your friend. Something similar happened with my ex friend. we had been friends for YEARS like 12 suppose to be "best friends" but you know how girls are. Anyways, she asked me to be a bridesmaid for her wedding I said yes at the time, and then she decided to do a dest wedding in mexico. At the time I still had a job etc. so i said I would still be down for it in mexico. then I got laid off, had no money, had to go back to school, pay for a mortgage with no job. blah blah blah.


At this point I had still planned on figureing it out and going. But then things kept escalating, she lived in another province and barely talked to me as it was, if i called she didnt answer, text same thing. Drove back with her to where she lives when she came in for a few days and finally saw how her FI was in person, didnt like that too much and kinda put him in his place, and then ever since then it got even worse, that and for someone who says we were "sisters" she had me like 4th in her bridal party, ( not a big deal I know) but it hurt a lot because she was putting ppl before me that she hadnt had a 12 year friendship with.. Needless to say feelings were hurt, I was hurt, didnt have money blah blah blah. So I said You know what at this point i dont think i can go for sure, so if you need to ask someone else then go ahead( i said it in a nice way) and then shit hit the fan from then,


she sent me some text saying that We havent truely been friends for years since a previous incident( that she never told me about so shes been hating me for years over something I didnt recall saying ) and that she didnt want me as a Bm anyways. and that she no longer wanted my friendship.


We havent talked in almost 2 years and her wedding was the august that just past.


I hope it doesnt end up that way for you.  I told my girls that i understood from the start if something changed, but they are all coming.. yay!


Sorry for my story rant, Just dont let it get that far. Im still friends with her sister and the rest of her family, but she doesnt like that too much either, She made me realized that I WAS the one who didnt need HER friendship. I invested way too much into someone who never cared :)

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Originally Posted by DANIELLE03 View Post


Sorry about your friend. Something similar happened with my ex friend. we had been friends for YEARS like 12 suppose to be "best friends" but you know how girls are. Anyways, she asked me to be a bridesmaid for her wedding I said yes at the time, and then she decided to do a dest wedding in mexico. At the time I still had a job etc. so i said I would still be down for it in mexico. then I got laid off, had no money, had to go back to school, pay for a mortgage with no job. blah blah blah.


At this point I had still planned on figureing it out and going. But then things kept escalating, she lived in another province and barely talked to me as it was, if i called she didnt answer, text same thing. Drove back with her to where she lives when she came in for a few days and finally saw how her FI was in person, didnt like that too much and kinda put him in his place, and then ever since then it got even worse, that and for someone who says we were "sisters" she had me like 4th in her bridal party, ( not a big deal I know) but it hurt a lot because she was putting ppl before me that she hadnt had a 12 year friendship with.. Needless to say feelings were hurt, I was hurt, didnt have money blah blah blah. So I said You know what at this point i dont think i can go for sure, so if you need to ask someone else then go ahead( i said it in a nice way) and then shit hit the fan from then,


she sent me some text saying that We havent truely been friends for years since a previous incident( that she never told me about so shes been hating me for years over something I didnt recall saying ) and that she didnt want me as a Bm anyways. and that she no longer wanted my friendship.


We havent talked in almost 2 years and her wedding was the august that just past.


I hope it doesnt end up that way for you.  I told my girls that i understood from the start if something changed, but they are all coming.. yay!


Sorry for my story rant, Just dont let it get that far. Im still friends with her sister and the rest of her family, but she doesnt like that too much either, She made me realized that I WAS the one who didnt need HER friendship. I invested way too much into someone who never cared :)


I moved to NJ to live with my FI in aug 2011 (I lived in NY) and before I moved we hung out and talked ALL the time....when I moved she never came and visited me.....almost a year later she asked me and my FI (than bf) to go to a Met's game with her and we took a picture together and I put it on FB and one of my FI's friends commented on it saying she was cute and than we hooked them up. After that she came to visit all the time, I found it kind of weird.......well my 30th bday came and her and her bf didn't have money (my bday is new years eve) and we decided we'd throw a house party....my FI really wanted to take me out but she was my bf so he understood. Went out an bought $200 worth of food and liquor and some other friends and his brother came......my "best friend" and her bf came and literally stayed for an hour, brought nothing and than left to go to another one of her friend's parties.....I was so hurt and my FI thought it was a totally dick move and was pissed since....well we got engaged 3months later (which she knew our plan for a DW for over a year now) and I asked her to be a maid of honor (i was having 2) and she was happy blah blah blah....well than any time i'd try to ask her to help with anything she'd say she was busy......than it turned into she would help me in like august to now we had an all out fight about the whole thing b/c she suddenly said she couldn't afford it yet was going out and spending $200 on a coat, going to all these other ppl's weddings and baby showers etc and honestly I was hurt and she still can't see how I feel. Her excuse was that she couldn't afford to go to the wedding, throw a bridal shower, and also go to a bach. party etc like I have another maid of honor you didn't have to do it all. It was like she had every excuse in the book to not go to my wedding and obviously money was not an issue if she's constantly spending hundreds of dollars and telling me about it constantly.....like I don't understand ppl. Sorry for ranting

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Originally Posted by moodyc82 View Post



I moved to NJ to live with my FI in aug 2011 (I lived in NY) and before I moved we hung out and talked ALL the time....when I moved she never came and visited me.....almost a year later she asked me and my FI (than bf) to go to a Met's game with her and we took a picture together and I put it on FB and one of my FI's friends commented on it saying she was cute and than we hooked them up. After that she came to visit all the time, I found it kind of weird.......well my 30th bday came and her and her bf didn't have money (my bday is new years eve) and we decided we'd throw a house party....my FI really wanted to take me out but she was my bf so he understood. Went out an bought $200 worth of food and liquor and some other friends and his brother came......my "best friend" and her bf came and literally stayed for an hour, brought nothing and than left to go to another one of her friend's parties.....I was so hurt and my FI thought it was a totally dick move and was pissed since....well we got engaged 3months later (which she knew our plan for a DW for over a year now) and I asked her to be a maid of honor (i was having 2) and she was happy blah blah blah....well than any time i'd try to ask her to help with anything she'd say she was busy......than it turned into she would help me in like august to now we had an all out fight about the whole thing b/c she suddenly said she couldn't afford it yet was going out and spending $200 on a coat, going to all these other ppl's weddings and baby showers etc and honestly I was hurt and she still can't see how I feel. Her excuse was that she couldn't afford to go to the wedding, throw a bridal shower, and also go to a bach. party etc like I have another maid of honor you didn't have to do it all. It was like she had every excuse in the book to not go to my wedding and obviously money was not an issue if she's constantly spending hundreds of dollars and telling me about it constantly.....like I don't understand ppl. Sorry for ranting

OMG totally understand how you feel!


Thats exactly how my ex best friend was.  SMH. constantly complaining she ddidnt have monye, but was out to dinner all the time, and always askin her dad for money to live her "lavish" lifestyle. See in that circumstance its justifiable to be pissed! Im so sorry that is happening to you!


I feel like once we get older and have lives and priorites come into play you find out who your "true" friends are. See my ex best friends sister and i are still super close. SHES a true friend , her sister can go to hell. I always knew she was selfish and materilaistic but i looked past it. Oh well! I figure we weed out those ppl to allow better ppl into our lives!



On another note. I did that It works wrap last night. I dunno if it "actually" works. They say to allow 72 hours. so Ill see in another couple days, but right now. id say save your money :( My new plan is 5 days of turbo fire interval training for intense cardio and then add some weights in. No point in doing abs until the fat on my stomach is gone because long as there is fat you wont see the abs anyways! lol


CARDIO CARDIO CARDIO! and I hate running just for running. Give me a sport , ill run, tell me to run 5kms. not happening. lol and i heard interval training is the best which the turbo fire is. So tomorrow will be day 1 :)

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