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A little thing I like to call "Operation Wedding Dress" (aka, my dress is too small... but it won't be soon!)

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Originally Posted by DANIELLE03 View Post



@hezmshaw losing half a lb to a lb a week is goo dbecause you are losing pure fat, and not lean body mass. Sorry guys this is my new obsession so im going to be a wealth of information soon. Im almost done reading the book!


This is really good information for everyone out there.  If you are working out your body is building muscle.  Your body is also likely losing fat, which is what we all want.  Don't always be so concerned with the numbers.


Going to share some personal experience for those that are struggling:  I find it easiest to lose weight when I am watching my carbohydrate intake.  Many people don't realize how much a serving of carbs is...  One slice of bread can often have over 30g of carbohydrates.  That alone is what some diabetics are allowed for breakfast for their carbohydrate.  ONE SLICE OF BREAD.  Some brands of cereal can have 40+g of carbs for 3/4 of a cup - and we all know that we don't measure our breakfast cereal.  A serving size of pasta can be 60g of carbs.  SIXTY GRAMS.  That is a lot of carbohydrates.  My rule of thumb is to stick with carbohydrates that aren't refined, and are higher in fibre.  


Danielle, I would love to know what your book says about foods that are high in good fats, but are unprocessed - such as nuts, avocados, etc.  One reason I don't particularly like the Weightwatchers plan is that it associates  these types of foods with high points values because they are higher in fat, but give less points to highly processed, refined foods that are "diet".  Which one is healthier for our bodies?  Just because something is "diet" doesn't mean it's healthy.  Just because something is healthy doesn't mean you should eat a lot of it (I'm thinking Quinoa here - need to remember serving sizes).  I so wish I could take a nutrition course!

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Originally Posted by hezmshaw View Post



I've been drinking way less calories but I think part of my problem is I haven't really replace it with water, or at least not enough water..... Starting today, I'm gonna drink water like its nobody's business!!

I agree with MoodyC82 - tea is a great way to drink less calories.  It also acts for me, as a dessert "replacement".  I drink a nice dessert flavoured tea after dinner and it lessens my craving to have something sweet.


If you have a bit of extra money, David's Tea has a TON of amazing types of tea that all taste great.  Have you ever been?  You go in and tell them what kind of flavours you like and they get you smelling and tasting teas.  Great experience.  You can drink their teas hot or cold.

If you are budget conscious, President's Choice has an excellent line of teas with a lot of different options.  My favourite is their Ginger Peach tea Iced.  I drink it ALL the time in the summer, it is super refreshing.  I just drop a bag in my water bottle at work and can usually get 3-4 steeps out of it.  YUM!  Stash Teas are also usually very good.

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Originally Posted by moodyc82 View Post



I have big thighs bc I ran track in high school, I've learned to deal with them lol


Big thigh girl here too!  Why I was a figure skater I'll never know, totally don't have the body type for it.  LOVED it, but so not the right body type.  Should have been a speed skater or a cyclist or something!

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Originally Posted by Tonia Bruyns View Post

 I am def going to try the videos that Moodyc82 has suggested, and work harder at the gym and in the kitchen to prepare better meals that keep me full and don't make me buy junk at work!

Sorry about the multiple posts.  I haven't quite mastered the "multi" function on this site....


So I am rather lazy when it comes to preparing meals.  BUT, for lunches I usually bring a salad.  I have a massive salad spinner.  Once a week I wash as much lettuce as I can fit in the spinner (you can jam a lot in there!), and then store the rest in the fridge still in the spinner (stays crisp!).  I also will chop 2-3 peppers into salad-sized pieces and store those in a seperate container in the fridge.  Then, every morning I just throw the lettuce and peppers into a container and take for lunch.  I then have enough time in the morning to slice a tomato and cucumber and add that in too.  OR, if I am really in a hurry, I just chop a hunk off of the cucumber and throw a tomato whole into my lunch bag with a knife and prep the rest on my lunch break.  I got these awesome knives at Walmart just for this purpose.  There were two in the package for less than 3$.  They are small enough to fit in a lunch bag, sharp enough, and come with plastic sheaths over them.


Salads can get quite boring, so I try to mix it up with different dressings, and always try to have a protein of some kind - eggs, cottage cheese... etc.  Throw in a few black beans or chick peas, some nuts, or avocado, or salasa - lots of variety can be had.

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Originally Posted by DinaQtobe View Post


Sorry about the multiple posts.  I haven't quite mastered the "multi" function on this site....


So I am rather lazy when it comes to preparing meals.  BUT, for lunches I usually bring a salad.  I have a massive salad spinner.  Once a week I wash as much lettuce as I can fit in the spinner (you can jam a lot in there!), and then store the rest in the fridge still in the spinner (stays crisp!).  I also will chop 2-3 peppers into salad-sized pieces and store those in a seperate container in the fridge.  Then, every morning I just throw the lettuce and peppers into a container and take for lunch.  I then have enough time in the morning to slice a tomato and cucumber and add that in too.  OR, if I am really in a hurry, I just chop a hunk off of the cucumber and throw a tomato whole into my lunch bag with a knife and prep the rest on my lunch break.  I got these awesome knives at Walmart just for this purpose.  There were two in the package for less than 3$.  They are small enough to fit in a lunch bag, sharp enough, and come with plastic sheaths over them.


Salads can get quite boring, so I try to mix it up with different dressings, and always try to have a protein of some kind - eggs, cottage cheese... etc.  Throw in a few black beans or chick peas, some nuts, or avocado, or salasa - lots of variety can be had.

If you press the "multi" tab on all the ones you want to quote and than the "quote" tab on the last it will link them all for you. I do meal prep on sunday's if I have time and get the whole week out of the way. i'll have to do it this sunday for sure b/c I'm doing summer hours next week so I'll be working later so i can have friday off to go to the zoo for my little cousin's bday lol. I mix up my salads by making pecan chicken salad, tuna salad, or steak to put on top and just use balsamic vinager.

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thanks for the suggestions! I do love a good salad.. I may need to invest in a salad spinner! I will try to different variations, it does get kinda bland if you use the same stuff every day! An easy favourite of mine is making tuna salad using plain greek yogurt instead of mayo, adding a bit of mustard and sliced up peppers, and putting a spoon ful of that inside half of a pitted avocado. It's crazy how much it fills you up, and it cuts out the carbs! I also love quinoa but have no idea how to make it properly so I just buy the red beet and feta cheese quinoa salad from the caf at work.. It's a lot better than the pizza pops and bagel bites I used to bring to work lol.

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Originally Posted by DinaQtobe View Post



This is really good information for everyone out there.  If you are working out your body is building muscle.  Your body is also likely losing fat, which is what we all want.  Don't always be so concerned with the numbers.


Going to share some personal experience for those that are struggling:  I find it easiest to lose weight when I am watching my carbohydrate intake.  Many people don't realize how much a serving of carbs is...  One slice of bread can often have over 30g of carbohydrates.  That alone is what some diabetics are allowed for breakfast for their carbohydrate.  ONE SLICE OF BREAD.  Some brands of cereal can have 40+g of carbs for 3/4 of a cup - and we all know that we don't measure our breakfast cereal.  A serving size of pasta can be 60g of carbs.  SIXTY GRAMS.  That is a lot of carbohydrates.  My rule of thumb is to stick with carbohydrates that aren't refined, and are higher in fibre.  


Danielle, I would love to know what your book says about foods that are high in good fats, but are unprocessed - such as nuts, avocados, etc.  One reason I don't particularly like the Weightwatchers plan is that it associates  these types of foods with high points values because they are higher in fat, but give less points to highly processed, refined foods that are "diet".  Which one is healthier for our bodies?  Just because something is "diet" doesn't mean it's healthy.  Just because something is healthy doesn't mean you should eat a lot of it (I'm thinking Quinoa here - need to remember serving sizes).  I so wish I could take a nutrition course!

Well from what I have read it is basically saying that we should follow 50-30-20. 50 % of our calories should be from carbs( complex fibroous carbs, like whole wheat pasta, green veggies etc) 30 % of our daily calories should be from Lean protein (chicken turkey, fish. etc) 20 % of the calories should be from fat ( nuts walnuts peanuts etc) and of course some fruit in ther but limited.


Its actually very interesting. I would of NEVER ate that many carbs. BUT it says we have to incorperate the fat because the good fat breaks down the carbs isntead of storing the carbs or something like that.


It def says to stay away from white stuff ( white bread etc) but does say that potatoes are ok, but would steer you more towards yams. I am almost done reading the book and then me and my friend are getting together to devise our food/workout plan. The book says this is the MOST effective way to burn fat and gain lean muscle ( which we want so that we can burn fat all day)


I am going to have to put out my mind the number on the scale because if i am the same weight in 49 days( the time of the program-you can go longer) but my body fat is down and I see the difference I will be FINE with that :) lol


This book is kinda like a mini nutrition course.. its very interesting.. confusing but interesting lol

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Originally Posted by moodyc82 View Post



I have big thighs bc I ran track in high school, I've learned to deal with them lol

lol well thats a good thing they are muscular.. I have big calves from basektball and baseball in highschool Hard to get rid of those, but if I can lose whatever fat is on them that will be A OK ! lol

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OH forgot to mention in the last rant( sorry guys if im boring you ) lol that you should eat your complex carbs with every meal NEVER seperate because then the body stores it.. so you should have like a lean steak, broccoli and for example Mashed potatoes or Yams.


It also says an effective way to keep the body fueld and burning is to have 5-6 small meals a day divided between your daily calorie intake so if say your body was to have to eat 1500 CALORIES for the day that would be 300cal/meal. also says to ZIG zag your days. So 2 days lower cal, but above your total daily expenditure (TDe) so 2 days at like 1700 1 day at 2000 cal then back to 1700 (just for example purposes) that way your body gets confused and keeps burning.


Also mentions you can taper your calories for example.


meal 1-500 cal

meal 2-300

meal 3-300

meal 4-200

meal 5-200


again.. just a example. But EVERY meal needs to have a complex or fibrous carb a protein and a fat .

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Originally Posted by DANIELLE03 View Post


OH forgot to mention in the last rant( sorry guys if im boring you ) lol that you should eat your complex carbs with every meal NEVER seperate because then the body stores it.. so you should have like a lean steak, broccoli and for example Mashed potatoes or Yams.


It also says an effective way to keep the body fueld and burning is to have 5-6 small meals a day divided between your daily calorie intake so if say your body was to have to eat 1500 CALORIES for the day that would be 300cal/meal. also says to ZIG zag your days. So 2 days lower cal, but above your total daily expenditure (TDe) so 2 days at like 1700 1 day at 2000 cal then back to 1700 (just for example purposes) that way your body gets confused and keeps burning.


Also mentions you can taper your calories for example.


meal 1-500 cal

meal 2-300

meal 3-300

meal 4-200

meal 5-200


again.. just a example. But EVERY meal needs to have a complex or fibrous carb a protein and a fat .

My problem is I have no clue what a complex/fibrous carb is lol. I'm thinking the book you bought would be a great investment for me.. I'm pretty new to the whole trying to count calories thing.. the biggest thing I'm doing is just watching my carb intake, trying to lay off the processed foods and portion control.. This thread is definitely informative and helpful!

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