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A little thing I like to call "Operation Wedding Dress" (aka, my dress is too small... but it won't be soon!)

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Originally Posted by moodyc82 View Post


I've heard about this style of eating. I've lost 16lbs over the last year and most of it was body fat. I average a lb a month lately but went from a size 13 to a size 4 currently. I just have fat in my stomach and butt now to lose.....damn stuff is hard to get rid of

TELL me about it! When i started weight watchers I was losing 1-2 lbs a week.. after losing 90lbs its hard to lose any more and its just been the lean body mass. But i still have the fat around my stomach.. Im about a size 7/8/9 depending on clothes /brands and im like 5'7'' so its proportional just wanna burn that fat!~

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Originally Posted by DANIELLE03 View Post


TELL me about it! When i started weight watchers I was losing 1-2 lbs a week.. after losing 90lbs its hard to lose any more and its just been the lean body mass. But i still have the fat around my stomach.. Im about a size 7/8/9 depending on clothes /brands and im like 5'7'' so its proportional just wanna burn that fat!~

I'm small framed and only 5'1 so I still look a little chunky even at a size 4 :( so damn annoying! Now I just try and avoid the scale b/c it just makes me more mad. I do see some results from the squat challenge so that makes me happy

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So I finally bit the bullet and went to my May WW weigh-in. I probably would have put it off until the very last day of the month, but we have to leave town to attend a funeral in BC so I had to go today.


I picked my absolutely lightest clothes possible this morning and was careful to not chug too much water before going in for the weigh-in. The result: I'm down a few lbs from the beginning of April and I was under my WW goal (so I didn't have to pay). Yahoo! I still have about 6 more lbs I'd like to lose before our wedding day, so even though progress is slow for these last few pounds thankfully I'm still on the right track!


I may or may not be having a little treat now though. Whoops.

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Originally Posted by ironman View Post


So I finally bit the bullet and went to my May WW weigh-in. I probably would have put it off until the very last day of the month, but we have to leave town to attend a funeral in BC so I had to go today.


I picked my absolutely lightest clothes possible this morning and was careful to not chug too much water before going in for the weigh-in. The result: I'm down a few lbs from the beginning of April and I was under my WW goal (so I didn't have to pay). Yahoo! I still have about 6 more lbs I'd like to lose before our wedding day, so even though progress is slow for these last few pounds thankfully I'm still on the right track!


I may or may not be having a little treat now though. Whoops.

THATS so awseome! congrats! yay!


I know what you mean lightest clothes. I wear my lightest bra ( if I wear one to the weigh in lol) i wear tights and a light tank top ahaha the things we do.


I dont eat the day before or drink water after 6pm. so basically fasting until weigh in.. which isnt my true weight but it makes me feel better :) lol


A treat is ok here and there! from what Im reading in my book right now:) keep up the good work

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Originally Posted by moodyc82 View Post


I'm small framed and only 5'1 so I still look a little chunky even at a size 4 :( so damn annoying! Now I just try and avoid the scale b/c it just makes me more mad. I do see some results from the squat challenge so that makes me happy

I think I am going to hide my scale expect for the once a week weigh ins to follow this program and just go by results in pics/measurements etc.


I will start the squat challenge ( again) june 1 lol ill even try and do it while im in vegas in june hahahah


base on what you see and feel not so much by scale.. learning so much from this book lol

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I'm finding the whole exercise thing very difficult. Almost every day of the week I work 2 jobs, so I leave my place at 7am and don't get home until after 10pm. I'm able to squeeze in about a 40 minute workout during my lunch at my day job and one evening a week I play ultimate frisbee (so much running lol).  But I've been working out almost 5 days a week since January, and my measurements and weight don't seem to be budging. I am seeing some results from squats and running in my legs and butt area, but my tummy is definitely my trouble area... any ideas for quick workouts?? I want a gym membership but have no time to use it, and during the day I sit at a desk most of the time.. blah. he lady I go to the gym with has already lost 10 pounds.. I am finding it super unmotivating.. any advice or tips would be awesome! You ladies sound like you are doing great!

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Originally Posted by Tonia Bruyns View Post


I'm finding the whole exercise thing very difficult. Almost every day of the week I work 2 jobs, so I leave my place at 7am and don't get home until after 10pm. I'm able to squeeze in about a 40 minute workout during my lunch at my day job and one evening a week I play ultimate frisbee (so much running lol).  But I've been working out almost 5 days a week since January, and my measurements and weight don't seem to be budging. I am seeing some results from squats and running in my legs and butt area, but my tummy is definitely my trouble area... any ideas for quick workouts?? I want a gym membership but have no time to use it, and during the day I sit at a desk most of the time.. blah. he lady I go to the gym with has already lost 10 pounds.. I am finding it super unmotivating.. any advice or tips would be awesome! You ladies sound like you are doing great!

I understand how you feel. IM the same way. this week im working my two jobs so leave at 7 am get home at 12. no time to work out other then my soccer game last night,, and thats it.


My stomach is my problem too. Right now im reading up on a plan called Burn the fat feed the muscle. I know a girl that did great on it.. see a few posts back, i posted a pic with it.


You might need to switch up your exercise or the intensity, more cardio or more weight training. muscle burns fat faster..


But try looking up the burn the fat feed the muslce.. reading it now and it all makes sense.. :)

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Originally Posted by Tonia Bruyns View Post


I'm finding the whole exercise thing very difficult. Almost every day of the week I work 2 jobs, so I leave my place at 7am and don't get home until after 10pm. I'm able to squeeze in about a 40 minute workout during my lunch at my day job and one evening a week I play ultimate frisbee (so much running lol).  But I've been working out almost 5 days a week since January, and my measurements and weight don't seem to be budging. I am seeing some results from squats and running in my legs and butt area, but my tummy is definitely my trouble area... any ideas for quick workouts?? I want a gym membership but have no time to use it, and during the day I sit at a desk most of the time.. blah. he lady I go to the gym with has already lost 10 pounds.. I am finding it super unmotivating.. any advice or tips would be awesome! You ladies sound like you are doing great!

Hi Tonia,


I just moved away from Ottawa, and miss it so much! I've finished 3 ironman triathlons and I've found no matter how much exercise/training I'm doing it doesn't matter. For me it's all about what I put in my body that makes all the difference. I became a lifetime member at Weight Watchers back in 2007, and after a few years of not going I've started up again and it's helped me drop 9lbs in the last 3 months. Not a huge loss, but every bit helps. Personally, it's the junk food and booze that puts me over the top and seems to add belly fat. From what I've experienced, if you follow their plan, it works. You can even download free (or pretty cheap) apps that do the same thing. I've used iTrackBites and found it worked well. It calculates "bites" instead of points because I think that's trademarked, but it does it the same way (based on protein, carbs, fat, fibre). I personally enjoy the accountability that in-person weigh-in provides, but I know a few people who have had success with apps and their online program as well.

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I love this thread. I did the same thing although I ended up buying my dress from Macys...in 3 different sizes...all smaller than I am right now....since I can return them for up to a year I figure this way I have some options although maybe if I just had one dress I would be more motivated??


I've started going to the gym more but for me, it's all about the food too. I lost 30 lbs on WW a few years ago and I think I may have to start going back to meetings to keep myself on track. I use myfitnesspal.com right now to track and even though it says to eat 1200 calories per day, I think they only way I can lose the 30 lbs I want to by September would be to eat 1000 calories per day :/


Anyhow, glad I found this thread!! Love the ideas and hearing what other brides are doing!

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I love this thread! I haven't started dress shopping yet. I think i'm a little scared of what they will look like on me right now. I'm only 5 feet and need to lose 20-25lbs to get to my happy weight. I'm about 2 weeks into the Insanity program and the ab/squat challenges. I'm trying to stay motivated, but the nutrition is my downfall!

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