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quiz (only 55 ?s) ;)


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Originally Posted by TammyB View Post
Yes I just seen a preview the other night.. :-) I will definitly check him out.. I mean check the show out.. lol
i saw part of it recently, and said to Paul "he was hotter when he was quiet" - lol. part of his charm was that he was always so shy! now he just talks all the time. don't get me wrong though - he's still friggin HOT!
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1. Introduce yourself.



2. It's Thursday at noon, where are you usually?

At Walmart getting food for lunch


3. Who was the last person to send you a text message?



4. When did you last take a shower?

this morning


5. Accomplish anything fun yesterday?

Went to the gym for the first time in a while and my beautiful wife bought me dinner on the way


6. What are you listening to right now?

Operation Ivy


7. Do you watch MTV anymore?



8. How do you feel about your hair?

The shaved spot from my mini-surgery is growing back in finally


9. What time do you wake up for work?



10. What movie is in your DVD player?

FIFA 2007 soccer game for Playstation (which is my DVD player)


11. Last two numbers of your phone number?



12. What side of the bed do you sleep on?



13. Do you like roller coasters?



14. What magazine(s) do you buy regularly or subscribe to?



15. What month is your birthday in?



16. How many people are under "contacts" in your cell phone?

quite a few


17. What do you think about gay marriage?

No prob at all with it.


18. What do your pants look like?

Faded Levi's


19. Who was/is your prom/homecoming date?

I got semi-stood up for the prom


20. What is the worst part of your work day?

Getting here at 8


21. Have you ever won anything in a sweepstakes?



22. What's your favorite number(s)?



23. What are your plans for Saturday?

Nothing yet


24. What is the dumbest thing you have ever done with your cell phone?

Lost it in the ocean while trying to rescue Karen's $2 flip flops


25. Did you ever have a fake ID?



26. Are you a collector of anything?



27. Are you doing anything now?

This quiz instead of work


28. What age did you get your first boyfriend or girlfriend?

About 16


29. When was the last time you were up all night?

The night before we left for Puerto Rico. Not a wink of sleep.


30. Do you use a fake name to wait for tables at a restaurant or to order food?



31. Do you ever think about the price of gasoline?

Only when I buy it


32. Do you sleep with a fan on?

Always. I need it to drown out the ringing in my ears


33. What is the best thing about winter?

The end of it


34. Do you have an AIM screen name?



35. What is the most embarrassing thing that has ever happened to you?

Too too many to even mention


36. I've come to realize the last person who held my hand is...

very very beautiful


37. The closest blue thing to me is...

My pants


38. I am ...



39. My best friends...

Are awesome


40. My car is...

Awesome and red. Its a hyundai


41. I hate when people....

bother me


42. Love is...

Me and Karen


43. Marriage is...

Karen and I


44. Somewhere, someone is thinking...

my god....that Jason sure is handsome


45. I'm constantly...

Trying to figure out how to do less


46. I have a secret crush on ..

nobody secret


47. My cell phone..

is dying a slow death


48. When I woke up this morning...

I was angry to be awake


49. Before I went to bed last night I...

Kissed Karen.


50. Right now I am thinking about....



51. I get on BDW to... (it said ‘Myspaceâ€, so I changed it!)

avoid working, chat, give and take advice


52. Today I will...

do something cool


53. Tonight I will...

Eat dinner and watch tv with the lovely Karen


54. Tomorrow I will...

see #52 & 53


55. I really want...

To move to Puerto Rico

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1. Introduce yourself.

Hi, I'm Kelly


2. It's Thursday at noon, where are you usually?

Walking Liam to school for 12:15


3. Who was the last person to send you a text message?



4. When did you last take a shower?

Last night I had a bath, last time I had a shower was on Sunday


5. Accomplish anything fun yesterday?

I finished rearranging the furniture in my room.


6. What are you listening to right now?

The theme song for The proud family, lol


7. Do you watch MTV anymore?

Yes, with my kids, got love the Hills


8. How do you feel about your hair?

I am ready to cut it all off, it is too thick and too long


9. What time do you wake up for work?

I awake at 6:30 to get the kids up for school


10. What movie is in your DVD player?

Happy Feet


11. Last two numbers of your phone number?



12. What side of the bed do you sleep on?

The side always closest to the door


13. Do you like roller coasters?



14. What magazine(s) do you buy regularly or subscribe to?

House and Home, and Select Home I subscribe to, I like to buy US every once in a while. Other mags that are subribed to in our home,Car and Driver, Teen sports illustrated and Seventeen


15. What month is your birthday in?



16. How many people are under "contacts" in your cell phone?

Too many to count


17. What do you think about gay marriage?

I'm all for it, live and let live.


18. What do your pants look like?

I am wearing Jeans


19. Who was/is your prom/homecoming date?

My first husband


20. What is the worst part of your work day?

I don't work, but I hate cleaning the kitchen


21. Have you ever won anything in a sweepstakes?



22. What's your favorite number(s)?



23. What are your plans for Saturday?

painting Liam's room


24. What is the dumbest thing you have ever done with your cell phone?

forgot my phone number


25. Did you ever have a fake ID?



26. Are you a collector of anything?

Not really, we always pick up a piece of art work from our travels


27. Are you doing anything now?

Making dinner


28. What age did you get your first boyfriend or girlfriend?

I startyed seeing my first husband at 15


29. When was the last time you were up all night?

last night


30. Do you use a fake name to wait for tables at a restaurant or to order food?



31. Do you ever think about the price of gasoline?

Yes, everytime I fill my tank


32. Do you sleep with a fan on?

No I have air conditioning


33. What is the best thing about winter?



34. Do you have an AIM screen name?



35. What is the most embarrassing thing that has ever happened to you?

Got caught having sex in a car by the police


36. I've come to realize the last person who held my hand is...

my last little hand I will ever hold that belongs to me, they grow up way to fast and then they stop holding your hand


37. The closest blue thing to me is...

My tea cup


38. I am ...



39. My best friends...

are the funniest people I know


40. My car is...

embrrassingly dirty, the joy of living in a construction zone


41. I hate when people....

don't go home


42. Love is...



43. Marriage is...



44. Somewhere, someone is thinking...

about me


45. I'm constantly...

surrounded by noise


46. I have a secret crush on ..

No secret crushes, I am openand forthcoming about my crushes


47. My cell phone..

is usually ignored


48. When I woke up this morning...

I was confused because yesterday I moved my bed to the other side of the room


49. Before I went to bed last night I...

had a bath


50. Right now I am thinking about....

My beautiful bedroom, and soaking in my beautiful bathroom, I can't wait for bedtime, lol


51. I get on BDW to... (it said ‘Myspaceâ€, so I changed it!)

Check in and touch base with my girls


52. Today I will...

Return my mom's phone calls


53. Tonight I will...

Hopefully find a quiet moment wth Everton, oh yeah but not before I watch Americans next top model.


54. Tomorrow I will...

Clean out my fridge


55. I really want...

my daughter to be better

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1. Introduce yourself.

Hola! Me llamo Christina


2. It's Thursday at noon, where are you usually?

Waiting for 30 more minutes to pass bc I'm usually starving!


3. Who was the last person to send you a text message?

My close friend from Philly


4. When did you last take a shower?

This morning


5. Accomplish anything fun yesterday?

Fun? Hmmm, I finallly finished a website for one of my new clients!


6. What are you listening to right now?

To my all male coworkers talk about how to pick up girls!


7. Do you watch MTV anymore?

Nope, sorry


8. How do you feel about your hair?

I want to cut it!


9. What time do you wake up for work?

Depends on how many times I hit the snooze button, but usually by 6am


10. What movie is in your DVD player?

Transformers or Shrek. I cant recall


11. Last two numbers of your phone number?



12. What side of the bed do you sleep on?

Left, I think


13. Do you like roller coasters?

Love them!


14. What magazine(s) do you buy regularly or subscribe to?

Hmmm, I dont buy magazines


15. What month is your birthday in?



16. How many people are under "contacts" in your cell phone?

way too many to count


17. What do you think about gay marriage?

Hey, everyone is entitled to live their life the way they want. I dont like to be judged, so I dont judge!


18. What do your pants look like?



19. Who was/is your prom/homecoming date?

I went with a large group of friends


20. What is the worst part of your work day?

When I get an IT request at 3:55 asking me to do something, knowing I leave at 4!


21. Have you ever won anything in a sweepstakes?

Sure, only in my dreams


22. What's your favorite number(s)?

7 & 21


23. What are your plans for Saturday?

Volunteering at a silent auction at the Ritz downtown


24. What is the dumbest thing you have ever done with your cell phone?

forgot my phone number


25. Did you ever have a fake ID?



26. Are you a collector of anything?

I collect masks and elephants


27. Are you doing anything now?

Eating dinner


28. What age did you get your first boyfriend or girlfriend?

16 I think


29. When was the last time you were up all night?



30. Do you use a fake name to wait for tables at a restaurant or to order food?



31. Do you ever think about the price of gasoline?

I cant help but think about it, I drive an SUV!


32. Do you sleep with a fan on?



33. What is the best thing about winter?

I usually have 2 weeks off at the end of the year!


34. Do you have an AIM screen name?

yes, but i havent used it in forever, so i dont even remember what it is


35. What is the most embarrassing thing that has ever happened to you?

In highschool, playing during a basketball game. I invited my crush to a game, and he came...I was running too darn fast and ran right into the wall past the goal. Good thing the school had just installed mats on the wall!


36. I've come to realize the last person who held my hand is...

is defitenly the love of my life


37. The closest blue thing to me is...

a blanket


38. I am ...

a little fatigued


39. My best friends...

are one of my biggest support systems, even though they live far far away


40. My car is...

extremely in need of a car wash!


41. I hate when people....

lie, especially for no reason


42. Love is...



43. Marriage is...

what i'm looking forward to the most


44. Somewhere, someone is thinking...

I wish I was on the beach


45. I'm constantly...

bending over backwards for people


46. I have a secret crush on ..

No secret crushes -- everyone knows I think Matthew Mc is a hottie


47. My cell phone..

rings too damn much


48. When I woke up this morning...

I hit the snooze button and stayed in bed another 20 mins,lol


49. Before I went to bed last night I...

made whoopie


50. Right now I am thinking about....

how my AIDS Bingo benefit lunch on Friday that i'm hosting will turn out & what i'm going to do for the holidays


51. I get on BDW to... (it said ‘Myspace’, so I changed it!)

Get plenty of ideas and vent


52. Today I will...

sit down and make myself a nice pina colada


53. Tonight I will...

Sit on my behind!


54. Tomorrow I will...

Work on my business plan


55. I really want...

to travel more often and see my friends and family more

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1. Introduce yourself.



2. It's Thursday at noon, where are you usually?

Depends on what shift I'm working....sometimes I'm working, sometimes I'm sleeping, sometimes I'm shopping....all depends


3. Who was the last person to send you a text message?



4. When did you last take a shower?

Last night (I'm working nightshift...so I haven't showered yet today)


5. Accomplish anything fun yesterday?

Nope...I worked all night and slept all day


6. What are you listening to right now?

John talking to his stupid cousin on the phone


7. Do you watch MTV anymore?

I don't think I ever did...


8. How do you feel about your hair?

It really needs a cut!!


9. What time do you wake up for work?

Today? 6pm


10. What movie is in your DVD player?

1408 I think...


11. Last two numbers of your phone number?



12. What side of the bed do you sleep on?



13. Do you like roller coasters?

Love 'em!!


14. What magazine(s) do you buy regularly or subscribe to?

Chatelaine, Everyday With Rachael Ray (ya, ya I know you all hate her...)


15. What month is your birthday in?



16. How many people are under "contacts" in your cell phone?

Not many...maybe 30-40....I hate talking on the phone


17. What do you think about gay marriage?

It's fine with me!


18. What do your pants look like?

I'm in bed still, so I'm not wearing any


19. Who was/is your prom/homecoming date?

Kenny C.....who told me he was 19 and turned out to be 26...ouch


20. What is the worst part of your work day?

Shift change when there aren't enough desks for all of us


21. Have you ever won anything in a sweepstakes?

Nope but I won a pair of shoes from Sears in a colouring contest when I was a kid...


22. What's your favorite number(s)?

11 and 23


23. What are your plans for Saturday?

Shopping in the States with the girls!! Can't wait!!


24. What is the dumbest thing you have ever done with your cell phone?

Lost it for like a week and a half....


25. Did you ever have a fake ID?

Yup and I'm not sure how it ever worked LOL


26. Are you a collector of anything?

Swarovski crystal!


27. Are you doing anything now?

Besides this quiz, nope


28. What age did you get your first boyfriend or girlfriend?

14 I think


29. When was the last time you were up all night?

Last night...and the night before that...and the night before that...


30. Do you use a fake name to wait for tables at a restaurant or to order food?

Am I running from the law?? Who does that?


31. Do you ever think about the price of gasoline?

Ugh all the friggin time...it's so brutal being a commuter and having to gas up every 2nd or 3rd day!


32. Do you sleep with a fan on?

Usually, ya


33. What is the best thing about winter?

Warm sweaters, snuggling on the couch with a mug of hot chocolate and sitting by the fireplace at the Marina with the girls and some yummy drinks!!


34. Do you have an AIM screen name?

Yea but I don't ever use it.


35. What is the most embarrassing thing that has ever happened to you?

I was on the phone with another police force at work and I had been put on hold...I was on hold for a REALLY long time and I was getting bored so I started singing a song a la Will Ferrell in Elf (i'm on the phooooone and i'm singing a soooong...you better pick up the phone sooooon....etc etc).

My partner was laughing at me and asked if I was still on hold...I said "ya I've been on hold FOREVER!"...then the guy came back on the line and said "actually...I just had the phone on mute...you have a lovely singing voice by the way"....I wanted to die!!


36. I've come to realize the last person who held my hand is...

John!! Who else? :)


37. The closest blue thing to me is...

My underwear :)


38. I am ...



39. My best friends...

are more retarded than I am, and that makes me feel good!


40. My car is...

slowly falling apart.


41. I hate when people....



42. Love is...

me + John :)


43. Marriage is...

awesome!! Loving every minute of it!!


44. Somewhere, someone is thinking...

When is this quiz going to be over?


45. I'm constantly...



46. I have a secret crush on ..

Colin Farrell!


47. My cell phone..

needs to be charged.


48. When I woke up this morning...

I wanted to throw the phone across the room.


49. Before I went to bed last night I...

I didn't go to bed last night...but before I went to bed this morning I ate a chicken and bean burrito and it was a really, really bad idea.


50. Right now I am thinking about....

how badly I want to stay home instead of going to work....


51. I get on BDW to... (it said ‘Myspace’, so I changed it!)

relax, vent, laugh, smile, cry, you name it!


52. Today I will...

do nothing.


53. Tonight I will...

be working sad.gif


54. Tomorrow I will...

sleep until noon, get up and clean the house....and then do something nice for myself like get a manicure or something....i deserve it!


55. I really want...

to feel better about myself.





**i just remembered that the phone thing wasn't the most embarassing thing that happened to me...it was when john passed out at the sex show....

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1. Introduce yourself.



2. It's Thursday at noon, where are you usually?

IWorking or eating lunch or both!


3. Who was the last person to send you a text message?

I have no patience for text messaging


4. When did you last take a shower?

This morning


5. Accomplish anything fun yesterday?

Finished our STDs - Yay!!!


6. What are you listening to right now?



7. Do you watch MTV anymore?

I watch the Hills


8. How do you feel about your hair?

I need to make an appointment ASAP!


9. What time do you wake up for work?

Depends ont he day usually around 6:30


10. What movie is in your DVD player?

My Taebo workout DVD


11. Last two numbers of your phone number?



12. What side of the bed do you sleep on?

the side by the alarm clock otherwise I would never get up.


13. Do you like roller coasters?



14. What magazine(s) do you buy regularly or subscribe to?

Self, Shape, Glamour


15. What month is your birthday in?



16. How many people are under "contacts" in your cell phone?

I have no idea


17. What do you think about gay marriage?

Whatever floats your boat


18. What do your pants look like?

grey, capri


19. Who was/is your prom/homecoming date?

I went with a friend


20. What is the worst part of your work day?

Dealing with difficult people.


21. Have you ever won anything in a sweepstakes?

I have never won anything.


22. What's your favorite number(s)?

5 and 12


23. What are your plans for Saturday?

Bachelorette party


24. What is the dumbest thing you have ever done with your cell phone?

It along with my whole purse fell into the toilet at Lalo's Mexican Restaurant. Luckily, I hadn't gone to the bathroom yet, but it still absolutely disgusting!


25. Did you ever have a fake ID?

Yes, and I don't know how I got in anywhere!


26. Are you a collector of anything?

No, I throw everything away.


27. Are you doing anything now?

This quiz.


28. What age did you get your first boyfriend or girlfriend?



29. When was the last time you were up all night?



30. Do you use a fake name to wait for tables at a restaurant or to order food?

Um, no.


31. Do you ever think about the price of gasoline?

I try not to.


32. Do you sleep with a fan on?

Sometimes, but the noise annoys me.


33. What is the best thing about winter?

I hate winter, but I do like to ski.


34. Do you have an AIM screen name?



35. What is the most embarrassing thing that has ever happened to you?

I am pretty good about making a complete smile117.gif out of myself so there are way too many to list here.


36. I've come to realize the last person who held my hand is...



37. The closest blue thing to me is...

my eyes


38. I am ...



39. My best friends...

are awesome!


40. My car is...

a piece of crap and am in the process of looking for a new one, but can't decide what I want.


41. I hate when people....



42. Love is...

the best


43. Marriage is...

something I am looking forward to


44. Somewhere, someone is thinking...

they love me


45. I'm constantly...



46. I have a secret crush on ..

Hmmm, Paul Walker is pretty hot for a blonde guy.


47. My cell phone..

is pink


48. When I woke up this morning...

I wanted to go back to sleep


49. Before I went to bed last night I...

watched TV


50. Right now I am thinking about....

all the work I have to do tomorrow


51. I get on BDW to... (it said ‘Myspaceâ€, so I changed it!)

take a break


52. Today I will...

try to go to sleep early


53. Tonight I will...

try not to stay online all night


54. Tomorrow I will...

meet my aunt for lunch


55. I really want...

to win the lottery!

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1. Introduce yourself.



2. It's Thursday at noon, where are you usually?

at home


3. Who was the last person to send you a text message?



4. When did you last take a shower?



5. Accomplish anything fun yesterday?

not really


6. What are you listening to right now?

Black Crowes on XM


7. Do you watch MTV anymore?



8. How do you feel about your hair?

I need a trim


9. What time do you wake up for work?

whenever my eyes open...lol (it varies)


10. What movie is in your DVD player?



11. Last two numbers of your phone number?



12. What side of the bed do you sleep on?



13. Do you like roller coasters?

once and awhile


14. What magazine(s) do you buy regularly or subscribe to?

Sedona Journal


15. What month is your birthday in?



16. How many people are under "contacts" in your cell phone?

like 5, I just got a new phone


17. What do you think about gay marriage?

I equate it with heterosexual marriage, anyone who doesn't is ugly inside


18. What do your pants look like?

blue jeans


19. Who was/is your prom/homecoming date?

ugggh....rather not go there


20. What is the worst part of your work day?

waiting to get off


21. Have you ever won anything in a sweepstakes?



22. What's your favorite number(s)?



23. What are your plans for Saturday?

volunteering at a church carnival


24. What is the dumbest thing you have ever done with your cell phone?

lost it


25. Did you ever have a fake ID?



26. Are you a collector of anything?

lotion...I have way too many barely used bottles!


27. Are you doing anything now?



28. What age did you get your first boyfriend or girlfriend?



29. When was the last time you were up all night?

every night....I sleep days


30. Do you use a fake name to wait for tables at a restaurant or to order food?

Once, when the Starbuck's dude was slimy and flirting, I used my standard fake name for people like him "Sandy" When he said the drink was ready for Sandy I stood there like an idiot - lying is hard to keep up with!


31. Do you ever think about the price of gasoline?

No, I just get it because I have no choice


32. Do you sleep with a fan on?

GOD, hubby does so I do


33. What is the best thing about winter?

Cold, sometimes


34. Do you have an AIM screen name?



35. What is the most embarrassing thing that has ever happened to you?

hmmm.....good question


36. I've come to realize the last person who held my hand is...



37. The closest blue thing to me is...

can of full throttle


38. I am ...



39. My best friends...

are far away :o(


40. My car is...



41. I hate when people....

talk about themselves and don't ask about you


42. Love is...



43. Marriage is...

better than they say


44. Somewhere, someone is thinking...

life is unfair


45. I'm constantly...

singing in my head


46. I have a secret crush on ..

Leland from Dog the Bounty Hunter


47. My cell phone..

is brand new


48. When I woke up this morning...

I was thirsty


49. Before I went to bed last night I...

talked to my mamma


50. Right now I am thinking about....



51. I get on BDW to... (it said ‘Myspaceâ€, so I changed it!)

keep up with my virtual friends...lol


52. Today I will...

read a book


53. Tonight I will...



54. Tomorrow I will...

get another book


55. I really want...

a home where nobody lives on the other side of the wall!

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