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Random Uninvited Guest


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We have one of those as well. FH was talking about the wedding to other guys who are coming and one guy said that sounds like fun and FH said he should come (feeling like he had to) and the guy booked the next day. lol We have talked to him a few times since then and he came to his stag and it turns out he is a pretty nice guy, so we are okay with it now, but it was really weird when our TA told us he booked and I did not even know who he was.

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Originally Posted by MoBride View Post
I can see that, but then I think what sane person would want to spend their vacation time at a wedding of people they don't really know. Wouldn't you just rather go on vacation minus the wedding? Just strange, but whatever!

maybe she is someone who doesn't have a lot of friends so she is excited to have the opportunity to go on a vacation with people. I know some people don't want to travel alone & can't find anyone to go places with them. It's pretty weird. I would treat her like any other guest though. She would probably be really upset to know the verbal invite wasn't a real invite. So I'd give her an OOT bag, etc. Who knows, she might become your new BFF. OK, not likely. What if she found out what your bridesmaids were wearing and bought herself a matching dress :)

I hand delivered some of my STDs because a lot of my friends work in a building next to me. I set one on the wrong desk. I moved it before the guy saw it, but we joked that this stranger who sits in a desk near my friend would show up at the wedding. Then we'd never want to let him know he wasn't really invited so we'd just fake that we are excited he is there.

Anyway, if this girl really annoys you at the wedding, I can photoshop her out of your group picture.
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As long as you are both cool with her coming, I would include her as any other guest. Regardless of whether she's coming b/c she "needs a vacation" or that she just might think highly of the two of you ... I think it ould be very awkward NOT to include her just like anyone else. If she chooses to forego some of the formal activities, then everyone wins, though, right? As long as you aren't paying the per-person fee for her at the reception, etc and she doesn't bother to come. Maybe ask her if she plans on this being simply a vacation or if she plans to partake in the events. It's a valid question, for sure!

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Weird Mo! Very weird! I can't imagine a drunk invite being taken seriously like that... though I think half of the Philadelphia girls under the age of 30 have been invited to my wedding by my FFIL! That's another story though. Hopefully Tim can get in touch with her and find out what the deal is :)

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Originally Posted by MoBride View Post
Yeah that's kinda where I'm coming from too. I want to include her in everything because it is the right thing to do but if we pay for her and she doesn't show up I will be pissed. I told Tim to get a hold of her. He's making some phone calls. He doesn't even have her number nor do we know her last name (I don't care who you are if you don't know a person's last name they shoudn't be coming to your wedding but I'm getting over it). I told him to tell her all the details, she doesn't have them because she didn't get an invitation or travel packet. And I told him to see if she's coming to the reception. Oh and hopefully he finds out her last name so i can write it on the place card. I wonder if Tim didn't talk to the TA today if we would have even found out that she was coming. Everything is finalized, responses were due in Aug. , payment in full was due Sept. 19th, and everybody got their tickets in the mail from TA already, reception head count was due the begining of this month.
Man, that is crazy.

I would get her full name and address from your TA and mail her the travel packet ... but still have Tim ask her what her intentions are for participating. Explaining the way it works (per person fee) should do the trick I would think to know for sure.

Good Luck!!!
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Originally Posted by foxytv View Post
Man, that is crazy.

I would get her full name and address from your TA and mail her the travel packet ... but still have Tim ask her what her intentions are for participating. Explaining the way it works (per person fee) should do the trick I would think to know for sure.

Good Luck!!!
that's what i am thinking - at least the TA should be able to get you her full name. or do you have that already, because it was on teh list of who was coming? maybe she doesn't intend to go to any wedding related functions ... since my hunch is that she doesn't realize there are any! i really would love to find out what she's expecting from this week. you'll have to keep us updated!
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