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Hello Ladies,


I am new to this forum. I am a BBBP Bride for Aug 2013 and to be honest I wish I would of known about the beach gazeebo before hand. Now I am worried about all the people who are going to be around. UGGGGHHH.  All the post that I have read about it are not that great and I really don't want to pay an additional $500 for the pier that I am not to thrilled about.  Any advice.

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Bibi there is a BBPD thread and it really does answer every single question you may have. As I am sure you have figured out communication to the WC at the resort is quite time consuming. The pier is an additional $500 and from what I hear well worth it. The gazebo is indeed smack dab in the middle of the resort and in between the beach and the resort.  I found when we did our site visit there was a bit more traffic in this area than if we did a beach ceremony, which we ultimately decided to do. Depending on you package it may or not be included for no additional fee. I would dedicate a few hours and go through the thread though. Good luck and congrats!

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