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Dealing with difficult relatives


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Originally Posted by LuluC View Post


Hey Brides!


I'm getting married July 30th at GP Lady Hamilton and sad to say my Finace's family have been trouble since day one. 


One piece of advise is that do NOT under any circumstance lower your standards/change your plans for a bunch of whiners.  Close family and friends should support your dreams especially regarding the biggest day of your lives.


We have carried on with our plans, and when the whiner and complainers see you are not paying them any attention they will book and show up at your wedding.  I'm only a month away and still have people booking. (The same complainers and the lovely Fiance's mother who started a WWIII lol)


What I have learned from this whole experience is some relatives/friends are very difficult people to begin with and are looking for reasons to complain and ruin people's moods.


KEEP SMILING...  Don't let anyone dim your light or squash your wedding dreams.

Hi LuluC


I'm getting Married at GPLH on July 23rd.  What day are you arriving?

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So, I am less than 2 weeks away from my wedding and my family is driving me mental!

The aunt I originally posted about has gone way off the deep end.  Over the past few months I have tried numerous times to sit down and talk to her. She has ignored me, hung up on me, invited me to her house for a bbq and when I told her I could only come for the afternoon because I had another party to attend....she called me 2 days before and told me not to bother coming and hung up on me.

She then wrote me an e-mail telling me saying "as you know from past family history we have cut people off for years and went on to lives our lives very nicely" she also said "you have turned in to someone I dont even know...and don't even like". 


I told her that she is not cutting me off but cutting herself off...my life will continue whether she is a part of it or not....

I heard nothing since...that was in May.


This past weekend we had our jack and jill.  Since we had to legally get married here (in Ontario) before we leave, we decided it would be fun to have a civil ceremony to surprise our guests.  It was very informal (hubby wore a t shirt with a tuxedo print on it lol) and I wore a fun novelty veil for the ceremony.  We had a great dinner, played some games and then surprised our guests (120 ppl) with the ceremony! then we went on with the jack and jill.  in no way, shape or form was this a wedding.  Our guests loved it and it really made the party awesome!


until the next morning......


I get a txt from the aunt saying "THANKS!!!!!" (twice)


another from another relative saying "people are very upset with you...."


let me say that EVERYONE in my family knew about the jack and jill and not a single person replied.....


whats that saying "you snooze, you lose"


I'm getting awful msg's from family members.  One is even insisting that the jack and jill was my wedding and that i'm being selfish by having people spend money to go to Jamaica (which they claim is now my honeymoon)

I hate when people base their story of assumptions....use the facts, 

There was no ring exchange, no wedding gown, no first dance....nothing but a few words and signing of the legal documents.

Its not my fault that they decided to "cut me off".


rant done!

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So, I am less than 2 weeks away from my wedding and my family is driving me mental!

The aunt I originally posted about has gone way off the deep end.  Over the past few months I have tried numerous times to sit down and talk to her. She has ignored me, hung up on me, invited me to her house for a bbq and when I told her I could only come for the afternoon because I had another party to attend....she called me 2 days before and told me not to bother coming and hung up on me.

She then wrote me an e-mail telling me saying "as you know from past family history we have cut people off for years and went on to lives our lives very nicely" she also said "you have turned in to someone I dont even know...and don't even like". 


I told her that she is not cutting me off but cutting herself off...my life will continue whether she is a part of it or not....

I heard nothing since...that was in May.


This past weekend we had our jack and jill.  Since we had to legally get married here (in Ontario) before we leave, we decided it would be fun to have a civil ceremony to surprise our guests.  It was very informal (hubby wore a t shirt with a tuxedo print on it lol) and I wore a fun novelty veil for the ceremony.  We had a great dinner, played some games and then surprised our guests (120 ppl) with the ceremony! then we went on with the jack and jill.  in no way, shape or form was this a wedding.  Our guests loved it and it really made the party awesome!


until the next morning......


I get a txt from the aunt saying "THANKS!!!!!" (twice)


another from another relative saying "people are very upset with you...."


let me say that EVERYONE in my family knew about the jack and jill and not a single person replied.....


whats that saying "you snooze, you lose"


I'm getting awful msg's from family members.  One is even insisting that the jack and jill was my wedding and that i'm being selfish by having people spend money to go to Jamaica (which they claim is now my honeymoon)

I hate when people base their story of assumptions....use the facts, 

There was no ring exchange, no wedding gown, no first dance....nothing but a few words and signing of the legal documents.

Its not my fault that they decided to "cut me off".


rant done!

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Originally Posted by mrs p 2 be View Post


oh my god i thought i was having a rough time at least u seem to be staying strong with it all good on u!!!!!!!!!!


some people can be really horrible and its even worse when its supposed to be family


hope everything goes well for your wedding 




Your aunt is being a pain. What I think is that she needed an excuse to not go to the destination wedding. Now it doesn't look like she couldn't go but because she doesn't WANT TO. People need to save the time and effort and flat out say that they can't go or do not want to. People..... hissyfit.gif

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WOW! so sorry that happened to you.


I have a aunt like that. (shes not invited to the wedding nor do I talk to her) Me and her had a falling out a few years ago( i never really liked her then either, but I was raised to respect my elders until she pulled the BS she did, and from that day on no respect is shown to her from me)


ANYWAYS, ppl like that dont deserve to share in your special day, If she was invited to your legal ceremony and she didnt come, thats her own damn fault. Just because someone is "family" doesnt mean they are entitled to treat/speak to someon the way your aunt treated you, and thats the same motto I go for my bitch of aunt.  some ppl are just not nice ppl at all :(


You are going to have a beautiful wedding with the ppl that want to spend it with you.


Put your miserable aunt out of your mind and enjoy the next few weeks before your wedding.


All the best!

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Thanks for all the support ladies!


I'm leaving this Saturday to Jamaica for my dream wedding with 63 people who love and support us!!


The week will be amazing and my wedding day will be nothing short of perfection!!


As much as I wished that the situation never happenned....it made me realize who is really there for us and I appreciate those people so much more!


I hope you all have a beautiful wedding and marriage!



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Thanks for all the support ladies!


I'm leaving this Saturday to Jamaica for my dream wedding with 63 people who love and support us!!


The week will be amazing and my wedding day will be nothing short of perfection!!


As much as I wished that the situation never happenned....it made me realize who is really there for us and I appreciate those people so much more!


I hope you all have a beautiful wedding and marriage!



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Originally Posted by Sherlohnes View Post


Thanks for all the support ladies!


I'm leaving this Saturday to Jamaica for my dream wedding with 63 people who love and support us!!


The week will be amazing and my wedding day will be nothing short of perfection!!


As much as I wished that the situation never happenned....it made me realize who is really there for us and I appreciate those people so much more!


I hope you all have a beautiful wedding and marriage!




Ah congrats! I am sure your day is going to be amazing. Can't wait to see the pictures! 

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  • 1 year later...

Thanks for all the support ladies!


I'm leaving this Saturday to Jamaica for my dream wedding with 63 people who love and support us!!


The week will be amazing and my wedding day will be nothing short of perfection!!


As much as I wished that the situation never happenned....it made me realize who is really there for us and I appreciate those people so much more!


I hope you all have a beautiful wedding and marriage!





I am super interested in how your wedding went.. Did your family try to reach out after you arrived back home?

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