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Couch to 5k


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Hello Ladies!


I recently started doing the Couch to 5k running program and was wondering if any of you are doing it too? Have you completed it? Did you like it? There is a great app you can get (not the free ones, tried those and they weren't any good) and I will be on day 2 tomorrow! I used to run when I was in the military and was in the best shape, but I was injured while I was in and basically got lazy after that.


50 lb weight gain later, I need to make a change. I am on the lookout for my first 5k to sign up for to help give me a solid goal :)

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I've done the couch to 5k program twice, and I loved it.

The first time I literally went from the couch to running a 5k.  I didn't exercise at all and the 30 seconds of running during day 1 was seriously leaving me winded!  But, I completed my first 5k just 12 weeks after I started.  It was awesome!

The second time I did the program was to get myself to run faster.  I wasn't sure how to train my body to do so otherwise.  So instead of running at a speed of 5, I ran at a 6, etc.  It helped and was pretty awesome.


Good luck!!

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Well, I completed day two last night and was in love! I felt so great afterward, and just happy with myself for making the commitment to do this. I have a couple of 5k's that I am considering signing up for, and then there is a Color Run in the fall that I have already managed to put a team together for! I am so excited about the color run, and was really surprised by my friends enthusiasm to want to do it with me. Even my husband said he would do it with me, he is one of those who can not run for years and then one day just knock out a 5k like it was nothing, lol.

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  • 2 weeks later...

way to go Mae! I love that you are having fun with it. I have some friends who do a ton of those fun runs and have a blast. Go for it!! 

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Originally Posted by AllieH View Post


way to go Mae! I love that you are having fun with it. I have some friends who do a ton of those fun runs and have a blast. Go for it!! 



Thanks! I wasn't able to run too much this last week, we had a freak storm that dropped another foot of snow :( But yesterday it warmed up, the sun was shining and so hubby and I commenced the running :) It is supposed to be gorgeous weather all week so I am looking forward to getting back into the routine.


On an even happier note, my team for the Color Run is getting bigger every day! Friends of my friends have joined us, people I don't even know! I started out just looking for one person to run with me so I wouldn't be all alone and now I have a team bigger than I could have ever imagined! Now we just have to figure out a team name..... any suggestions are welcome :)

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Okay, I kind of feel like I'm talking to myself here but I guess I will post an update anyways :)


I started week 3 yesterday and I was pretty impressed at the amount of progress made in just 3 short weeks. The Couch to 5K program has me running at 3 minutes now, which turns out to be just over a 1/4 mile. I couldn't believe that I was running that far without stopping (albeit I felt like I was dying) but non the less, I was running without stopping. My left shin is throbbing today, and my back kind of hurts, but I'm still pretty proud of myself. If anyone else out there is kicking around the idea of wanting to run, this program has been amazing for me.


My husband on the other hand, has officially lost 20 lbs, and is lapping me on the run, lol (jerk!) He is also following C25k, and it's nice to have someone on the same page with me (even if he does lap me by the end of the 30 minutes) :)

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Great job making it to week 3!  Isn't it amazing how long you can run in such a short amount of time??  Week 4 and 5 are the quitting weeks.  They get tough and most people quit then.  PUSH THROUGH IT!  You can do this!!!

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Originally Posted by Tlseege View Post


Great job making it to week 3!  Isn't it amazing how long you can run in such a short amount of time??  Week 4 and 5 are the quitting weeks.  They get tough and most people quit then.  PUSH THROUGH IT!  You can do this!!!

Thanks! Luckily for me, my husband is doing this all with me, and quitting is NOT an option when he is around. Also, we already registered for our first 5k and paid for it, so theres really no quitting now!


Thanks for all the kind words and support!

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